疗愈故事(9)- 蔬菜水果和叶草彻底改变了我的健康 Healing Stories (9)



Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-11-27原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3536.html

English Text is further down
























Repost from @angelichealth I did what no Dr, specialist, or nutritionist said I could do. I naturally healed myself from a number of chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases, & mystery symptoms... WITH fruits, veggies, & herbs!!!?????????⁣⁣I spent the majority of my life sick & answerless. I was told that my body was attacking itself & there was no cure. I was told that my conditions were hereditary. I was told that the only way to feel better would be to take a pharmaceutical to cope with the symptoms. ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ NO NO NO. I didn’t believe any of that sh*t. ⁣⁣Every other week another dr was slapping a label on my symptoms — celiac disease, IBS, colitis, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, GERD, etc. I was so sick of being sick. ⁣⁣I knew deep down that my body loves me, & I truly believed with all of my heart that anything is possible. I believed that the power that made this body, has the power to heal this body. ⁣⁣I truly couldn’t imagine living the rest of my life this way. I was so young yet I was already missing out on so much because I was constantly ill. Chronic fatigue to the point where I could barely get out of bed some days, crippling anxiety where I couldn’t socialize or go out, debilitating digestive disorders where I was nauseated 24/7... such severe pains I would have to go to the emergency room... a “non-existent” immune system where I would get every strand of the flu, bug, or cold...kidney infections that would almost spread to my heart...⁣⁣There wasn’t a day where I felt like myself. I can remember crying to my mom & wishing there was a way to snap my fingers & make it all go away. ⁣⁣One day I woke up & decided I was going to heal. AND I DID!!!!✨ I prayed that God would pave the way & send me all of the right information, people, books, etc?? ⁣⁣For the past 2.5 years I’ve made it a priority to fuel & nourish my body with organic juices, smoothies, salads, & believe in its ability to heal ✨ 32 oz of CJ daily, along w a mostly raw food diet has completely turned my life around⁣Today I am full of energy, & almost 100% free from all of my chronic illness symptoms!! I am SO grateful for @medicalmedium






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