



答:有!!我花了 2 年的时间才逐渐减少抗抑郁药物的摄入,但我做到了。我非常严格执行安东尼威廉饮食原则。当我真正执行安东尼威廉方法时,我觉得抑郁症是我所有问题中最快看到改善的。




答:是的!我的饮食是100% 水果和蔬菜。过去两年我一直非常严格遵守无油脂无谷物的饮食,这确实帮助将疗愈提升到了崭新的水平


答:我疗愈了95%的慢性疲劳综合症。我也有纤维肌痛和过度活动综合症。我每天仍然有明显的疼痛,但我有这些症状已经有15 年了,而且我在错误的道路上走了很久,需要4 年多的时间才能疗愈。我从心底感觉到我走在正确的道路上。我仍然感到疼痛,但这没关系,因为我不再极度抑郁,不再因为如此疲倦而卧床不起。我还有很长的路要走,但我现在能够有一份全职工作养活自己,并独立生活,这是我从未想过有可能的事情。



我服用抗抑郁药有 10 年了,而且摄入的是最高剂量,类似于225 毫克之类的。戒掉这些药物是一个非常漫长而艰难的过程。请不要着急,否则真的会扰乱你的精神状态。在开始安东尼威廉方法之前,我开始降低剂量。



我仍然在与抑郁症作斗争。但我已经改善了80%,即我感到抑郁的天数减少了 80%。但当我感到抑郁时,我依然感觉很糟糕,而不是抑郁程度减少了 80%。我花了很长时间才走到今天。对我来说,除了水果和蔬菜之外,去除油脂和脂肪以及其他所有我做的都是必须的。我还摄入许多vimergy补充剂。



- 1升柠檬水

- 1升西芹汁

- 1升黄瓜汁

- 羽衣甘蓝汁

- 2 根香蕉和红皮藻(非常好的组合,让我想起香蕉和花生酱?)

- 苹果和胡萝卜

- 菠菜汤(我加入了整个黄瓜)

- 芦荟水

- 重金属排毒果昔

- 晚餐我准备吃烤南瓜、洋葱,然后用长叶生菜包裹西红柿吃。






1. 疗愈和你做出的努力程度直接相关
2. 坚持和耐心是关键、放下期待,否则一路容易很煎熬
3. 疗愈之路是一路起伏的、每个人都不一样。别人的仅供参考。
4. 信心是前进的引路灯

基本上实践过几年的人都会告诉你这条路不是一帆风顺的。国外群友的话说,it’s definitely not a walk in the park.


西芹汁如何帮助疗愈焦虑、烦躁、抑郁和各种情绪问题 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Depression

躁郁症(躁狂抑郁症、情绪两极症)Bipolar Disorder



健康的隐形杀手 – 重金属

重金属排毒果昔 Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

darling2361:Anyone long term users able to get of their antidepressants?-原文

I’ve been on zoloft for 8 years and started a slow taper a few years ago. Got down to 5mg from 50mg and had an Endosocpy, and got the worst depression/ autoimmune flare of my life. I am non functional. All my doctors are recommending more antidepressants, but the moment I try to take them I get terrible side effects (insomnia, restlessness, worsening muscle pain). I’d like to deal with this naturally and get off once and for all. Any success stories? I’ve followed MM loosely for years but wondering if this is the path I need to heal once and for all.


level 1

I was on zoloft for several years and before MM had tried several times unsuccessfully to get off of it. With MM I’ve been off for over a year now, there are times that I miss the zoloft because I still feel the depression and anxiety but I can handle it better now with the CJ and MM tools. I’ve noticed mineral salts really help. I’m also considering doing CJ twice daily to see if that would help more. It’s definitely not a walk in the park though.

level 1

I was on Prozac and then lexapro prior to this for about 7 years on and off, always going back to it because of adverse withdrawal symptoms. But I was able to completely come off them after a couple weeks of MM—granted I was on a pretty low dose, and I still have a bunch of other symptoms I’m trying to heal a year later but I believe it was MM that made that withdrawal window mild enough to get through for me. I think the celery juice was the main thing that helped along with not holding back on healthy glucose. I still feel depression and anxiety from time to time but it’s nowhere near what it used to be and a lot of it is situational due to being sad about the state of my health. Not the level where I feel the need for medical intervention. So hopefully this gives you hope!

Also, just a wanted to mention that as important as the heavy metal detox smoothie is for getting to the root of depression and anxiety, it can cause those very things to flare a little if you’re sensitive to it. So for me, I need to take that particular healing tool very slowly and use low quantities of ingredients or I get super depressed and anxious. So if you find that you’re more depressed when consuming that, definitely cut back! Good luck friend!

level 1

Yes, I've had success with MM for my major depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

Gosh, I have rewritten my comment to this post several times. lmao. Every time I try to respond, I go on an endless rant and type way too much.

I'm sure you don't need my whole life story, so I'll try to keep it short. I've been on psychiatric drugs for depression for 9 years. (From age 14-23). I'm 25 now. I didn't have any negative views on anti-depressants. Especially since the scientific and medical communities espouse how safe and effective they are. What really changed my view on antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs was the book "Anatomy of an Epidemic". I stopped taking psychiatric drugs since then. I changed my focus more to diet because intuitively I knew that diet had something to do with my physical and mental health symptoms. I struggled with that some more for 2 years. (I was doing Keto, Carnivore, Blood-type diets, you name it, LOL.)

I started following MM late 2020. In Summer of 2021 I decided to go full-MM for 3 months, as a trial, kind of like an experiment. To see if my health conditions would improve. Fast forward, they did. The results were better than expected. But to my surprise my depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts were basically non-existent. This is something that I struggled with for SO long, so severely. Didn't expect that at all.

Well after my "experiment" I started re-introducing no-foods. Long-story short: no bueno. I mean, I could have done it more gradually and been smarter about it, but essentially, I am back on MM right now. My depression came back during that period too. I almost forgot what it felt like to be depressed. I know now that with MM info, I can get back to that place where I can be free of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts. I know it because I've experienced it. Otherwise, I would be very, very, very skeptical of someone claiming that MM cured their depression. Especially a case as bad as mine. I can relate to you saying you are non-functional, because that was the same for me too.

I would recommend that you try going on full-MM protocols for 3 months to see if things get better. Morning cleanse everyday, no no-foods, supplements if you can afford them. And eating lots of healing foods. And maybe keep a journal, to track your progress. I know the first week or so of removing no-foods was hard for me emotionally, but after that things got better and better. It really helped my depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts in ways that I cannot describe fully in words. I finally felt normal and hopeful and motivated, inspired, to live my life again. I mean, the worst of my negative emotions was being slightly irritated that I had to wash the celery every morning, and make that part of my routine. And feeling like I was missing out on family dinners and other celebrations, but that is nothing compared to how awful and debilitating really bad depression can be. I really did start feeling so much happier and uplifted and positive about all other aspects of my life.

If you want to rid your depression completely, without the aid of drugs, I honestly believe the MM protocols to be the only way. But that's just me. I've tried nearly everything, had debilitating depression, been on nearly every brand and category of anti-depressant, this is the only thing that has turned things around for me.

When it comes to coming off anti-depressants, that is something you should consider with your own judgement or with the help of doctors. You could taper while doing MM as an option. I won't give you any medical advice there because you have your own circumstances and medical history that I could be unaware of. I'm not sure how certain things will effect you, or even if MM will be as effective for you as it was for me. I can only tell you my experience. But I think there is a lot of hope to be had with MM info. I wish you the best of luck.

level 2

OP·7 days ago·edited 6 days ago

Wow your story brought tears to me eyes!!! That is so incredible! Thank you so much for giving me hope!!! I’m drinking my CJ as I read this ?

level 1

Yes!! It took me literally 2 years to taper off but I did it. I am extremely strict with the MM protocol. I feel like my depression responded the fastest out of all my issues when I really got serious with MM. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions ?

level 2

What helped the most ? Celery juice or heavy metal smoothie or something else?

level 3

I did literally everything at the same time so I can’t say what helped the most. Cutting out all grains and going no fat was really helpful.

level 4

Even millet and quinoa?

level 5

Yep! I do 100% fruits and vegetables with no overt fat. I messed around with some grains and avocado and coconut oil for a few years but the last two years I’ve been super strict and it really helped me take my healing to the next level

level 6

What else did you heal from ?

level 7

Chronic fatigue syndrome I’ve healed about 95%. I also have fibromyalgia and hyper mobility syndrome. I still have significant pain everyday but I’d been dealing with this for 15 years and I was on the wrong path for so long that this is going to take more than 4 years to heal from. I feel it in my bones that I’m taking the right steps. And it’s ok that I’m still in pain because I’m no longer extremely depressed and dealing with so much fatigue that I can’t get out of bed. I’ve got a longgggg way to go. But I am now able to support myself with a full time job and live on my own. Which I never thought possible.

level 8

This is so great. And yes I don’t even have a full time job at the moment and also CFS so that’s great news to look forward to. You should be proud of yourself and 4 years will fly by , enjoy every minute of it :)

level 8

Omg this brings tears to my eyes!! How compliant are you with everything? Are you completely vegan or just following no foods? How long were you on antidepressants?

level 9

Yeah I have to be extremely strict! I do 100% veggies and fruits. I forget the levels but I’m at the highest maybe level 5 with no salt or fat or anything. I was on anti depressants for maybe 10 years. I was in the highest dose they make. Like 225 milligrams or something like that. It was a very long and hard process getting off those drugs. But you can’t speed it up or it will really mess with your mental state. I started lowering my dose before I started MM.

You can do this!! Do it very slowly and give yourself as much compassion as humanly possible. It’s really hard doing it without a professionals help. It’s so exhausting fighting the doctors while also fighting your depression. I would suggest slowly getting stricter with MM and giving your body time to adjust to that change before lowering the antidepressants anymore. You are worthy of healing but you need to do this safely.

The suffering depression causes is all encompassing. But you can do this. It’s easy to be hard on yourself with the MM protocols. Just focus on improvement, not perfection.

level 10

absolutely incredible! I’ve been tapering for 3.5 years but have abused my body terribly during this period, was still drinking, working a stressful job, etc. I hit rock bottom this past July after a procedure, and I’m at a point where I know in my heart I have to try MM with every ounce of my being. Thanks for giving me so much hope!

level 6

Thanks for your post. I suffer from migraines, fibromyalgia that causes constant fatigue, anxiety and lately bad depression. I cut out dairy, soy, gluten, processed foods from my diet a couple years ago and then in the last 6 months went completely vegan because meat started to be a migraine trigger for me. I have been doing MM for about 6 months (celery juice and HMDS) and have noticed that my depression has gotten worse. Not necessarily blaming MM it could be just the trajectory or maybe it's from detoxing. Anyhow, it sounds like you've gotten over depression by eating just fruits and vegetables and I was wondering specifically what you eat? Can you provide some examples? Do you feel hungry eating this way? I'm desperate and your post provided some hope Thanks in advance!

level 7

So I still struggle with depression. But I would say it is 80% better (there are 80% fewer days I feel depressed. When I feel depressed, it still feels like shit, not 80% less. Does that make sense lol). It took a long time to get here. For me, cutting out fat and everything besides fruit and vegetables is what it took. And I’m probably vimergy’s best customer lol. So many supplements.

Additionally, when depression pulls me down, I KNOW HOW TO GET BETTER. Medical medium has given me that power. If I’m not super strict then the depression creeps back. But I know that if I do everything right, I will feel happy again. When I was on anti-depressants I didn’t feel in control of things.

As far as diet goes, let me tell you what I ate today (and what I’ll eat for dinner later)

-32 oz lemon water -32 oz celery juice -32 oz cucumber/kale juice -2 bananas with dulse (really good combo that reminds me of banana with peanut butter ?) -Apple -Carrot sticks -MM spinach soup (I blend a whole cucumber in it) -Aloe water -HMDS for dinner I’m going to have roasted squash, onion and then make little tacos with romaine lettuce and tomatoes.

I eat so much. I eat every 1.5-2 hours. I don’t feel hungry. It does take a while to transition. It’s a different kind of full. Fruits and veggies have so much volume, but your stomach is never going to feel the same fullness as when you eat a sandwich. Give yourself time to adjust.

I do want to say that if your depression continues to get worse or you start having scary thoughts, please seek additional help. There have been times in my journey (before I got everything dialed in) where I was very close to going back on anti-depressants. I know this is a no-no with MM, but I was having suicidal ideations. If that is ever the case and you feel like you’re losing control, a band-aid solution is ok. Anthony talks about how western medicine has its place in the world, and I believe this is one of them. If it’s a life or death situation it’s worth doing.

I guess I don’t want to paint an overly rosy picture because depression is awful and all consuming. I’m not completely cured. But I am SO much better and I’m continuing to heal. And I believe that you can too ♥️

Please let me know if you have any more questions!!!

I was on lexapro for about 5 years and ended up with a bad case of gastritis from it. So I had to stop taking it, even though I had some bad days. It took about 3 months for my brain to rebalance and the anxiety days to wind down. I also had to quit alcohol and start walking every day. The thing that really improved my issues though was a 4 day health retreat / juice cleanse, and getting onto a methylated folate due to ny MTHfR mutation. It’s been a long journey, and not many people understand or empathise. Good luck!

level 1

Have you tried other antidepressants? There are many options if you get too many side effects from certain ones. Also, I don’t know all your symptoms or your life, but I’ll just mention from my experience… other disorders can cause depression and antidepressants won’t help if you aren’t treating the root of the problem. For me that was untreated ADHD, which is vastly undiagnosed in adults (especially woman) and leads to anxiety and depression untreated. There are other comorbid conditions of course besides adhd.

Natural eating and healing is great, but if you have something chemically wrong with your brain or neurologically wrong, meds can really be amazing. It’s always risk for reward though. Nothing will ever be perfect but whatever yields you the best/most functional life despite some other more minor symptoms/side effects. But I also believe you should never put up with horrible side effects because there are so many options out there to try.

level 2

Thanks. I was first put on zoloft at 19 after a death in the family, I had situational anxiety/ depression. I am now 34. The original issues pale in comparison to the withdrawals I am suffering after being medicated for so long. I have recently tried other meds cause I’m so desperate but my nervous system is extremely sensitive due to withdrawal. Only 5mg of Prozac almost gave me seizure like episodes. I am attempting a very slow cross taper from 6mg of zoloft to 2.5mg of Prozac, which may be a mistake but again desperate. I am hopeful MM may help.

level 3

I definitely believe MM can help you! Try and dive deep into the books to truly learn why you are struggling with what you are and then learn how to heal from it. The other user is right about something being chemically amiss in your brain causing depression. And other meds could possibly help with this masking of the symptoms. But at the end of the day they aren’t going to kill off the EBV that is saturating your brain with the neurotoxins or remove heavy metals from your brain.

level 3

I think long term depression is one of the hardest one of deciding between diet only or doing pills because depression has an affect on anything we do wether it’s relationships or work and so it’s not as easy as some other symptoms because they don’t just affect our body but our mind and others. And i think there’s a difference between people who have had short term depression or people who are just sad sometimes and call it depression than people who have taken meds for a very long time or the ones that have been diagnosed with MDD and/or suicidal ideation. So I’m glad that some people with MDD answered on this post. Concerning myself I was on effexor for over 10 years and stopped last year and it was horrible to get out of and the withdrawal created a lot of suicide ideation. And I def felt what you said about more nervous system activity. Now I don’t have those big effects after almost a year but i still feel depressed a little bit dead so Im following this post because I have the same question and reading what others have to say about it because I’ve only done MM for a few months and can’t attest if it works well for depression yet and but depression is a toughie because it can situational so I think it’s a bit weird when people all say it’s just nutrition because nutrition can help but it’s not going to make you like a job you don’t like . It’s a cofactor and maybe an important one and maybe for some people it is the main one but depression isn’t the same for everyone and some are situational so it can be complicated.

level 4

Thanks for sharing, I agree. I have trouble separating what is truly “depression” or what is rebound issues from being medicated for so long. I developed CFS/ fibromyalgia in 2015, 5 years into taking zoloft. While I don’t think it was the cause per-see, I think excess serotonin caused me to push myself beyond my limits for so long I was burning myself out and didn’t realize it. I don’t think there’s one path for everyone. I’m close to rock bottom, had to leave my in person career, hanging onto a remote job but scared for the future. But I know innately I have to try to heal naturally, something is pulling me to diet, MM, meditation etc. I hope you have continued healing.


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