野生蓝莓煎饼 Wild blueberry Pancakes


Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-02-19原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/2921.html

The recipe in English is further down.文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/2921.html





生蜂蜜(raw honey即未经巴士杀菌的蜂蜜):身体最佳的补充燃料,帮助恢复甲状腺活力。生蜂蜜中的葡萄糖和其他营养成分滋养甲状腺。医学尚未了解生蜂蜜与甲状腺之间的共生关系。由于成分含锌,生蜂蜜也是一种抗病毒药物。





3) 请避免使用玉米淀粉替代,玉米淀粉对于健康有很大的损伤。













1. 将香蕉、生蜂蜜、发酵粉、盐与水在搅拌机中混合至光滑,加入杏仁粉和土豆淀粉,继续混合直到形成浓稠、均匀的面糊。

2. 如果选择使用煎锅:在中低火的大型不粘锅中加入半茶勺椰子油,将准备好的面糊倒入煎锅中,这款面糊虽然非常美味,但与传统的煎饼面糊完全不同,会稍微厚一些,这意味着可能需要用汤勺在锅中将其压制成型,制成小煎饼。或者可以使用勺的背面将面糊均匀地摊成小煎饼。煎2至3分钟,然后用铲子将其很快地翻转,在另一边煎4分钟直至熟。由于香蕉成分在内,煎饼即使煎制完成内部也会有湿润感。





Who doesn’t love pancakes—especially when they are packed with only the very best ingredients? These delicious pancakes featured in my book Thyroid Healing may well become a weekend staple for you to enjoy with family and friends.

Thyroid Healing is like nothing you have read or heard, and it will bring you true comprehension of the undiscovered inner mechanics of your thyroid for the first time ever. If you’ve struggled with any chronic health issue, you’re not alone—you are one among millions confronting the mysterious symptoms that medical communities have begun to connect with thyroid illness. Like so many, you want the greater truth about the thyroid.

We’ve already waited 100-plus years for real insights from medical communities into thyroid problems, and they haven’t come. Even the most recent expert opinions don’t yet have a handle on what’s really behind your suffering. Hashimoto’s is not the body attacking itself. There’s more to thyroid cancer than we’re being told. You’re not hopeless if you don’t have a thyroid anymore. Thyroid illness should not be blamed on your genes. Today’s thyroid diagnoses do not explain your years of suffering with mystery symptoms.

You shouldn’t have to wait another 10, 20, 30, or more years for scientific research to find the real answers. If you’re stuck in bed, dragging through your days, or feeling lost about your health, you shouldn’t have to go through one more day of it, let alone another decade. You shouldn’t have to watch your children go through it, either. The answers are now here for you in the book Thyroid Healing. (see cover below)

Wild Blueberry Banana Pancakes

The star ingredients of these delicious pancakes are the wild blueberries, banana, raw honey, and maple syrup. Each ingredient not only tastes wonderful but also offers incredible healing properties. Let's take a look at them.

Wild blueberries help restore the central nervous system and flush viral neurotoxins out of the liver. They contain exceptionally powerful antioxidants that help repair your thyroid’s tissue and reduce the growth of nodules. They also help remove toxic heavy metals from the brain and liver. Ultimately, this all means that wild blueberries stop a shrinking brain and a shrinking thyroid. Not to be confused with their larger, cultivated cousins, wild blueberries can be found in the freezer section of many grocery stores.

Bananas provide amino acids and the right kind of potassium to rebuild neurotransmitters after they’ve been burnt out by viral neurotoxins. They're also powerful for their antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Bananas are a wonderful calcium source because the trees grow in calcium-rich soil and they’re also a great tool for hypoglycemia, as they help balance blood sugar. Don’t worry about the fad that says bananas have too much sugar. Their fruit sugar is actually critical brain food, plus it’s bonded to the amino acids and minerals that give bananas their life-changing nutrition.

Raw honey is the best replenishing fuel there is to feed and revitalize the thyroid. The glucose and other nutrients in raw honey practically get mainlined into the thyroid to feed the gland. Medical science doesn’t yet have its finger on the pulse of the symbiotic relationship between honey and the thyroid. Honey is an antiviral, too, that helps fight viruses with its zinc content.

Maple syrup holds dozens of trace minerals that fortify the brain and the rest of the nervous system, protecting them from oxidation due to heavy metal damage and viral neurotoxins. Maple syrup helps to build glycogen storage banks in the liver and brain to help balance blood sugar, which keeps the adrenals strong and stable so they can support the thyroid.

Learn more about the foods that support healing of thyroid problems and many other symptoms and conditions in Thyroid Healing.

When making this recipe, it's important to note that this batter behaves a little differently than traditional pancake batter, so make sure to follow the directions closely. If you run into trouble using a skillet, try baking them instead for great results.


2 ripe bananas

4 tablespoons raw honey

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon sea salt

½ cup water

2 cups almond flour

¼ cup potato starch

1 cup wild blueberries

1 tablespoon coconut oil, divided

½ cup maple syrup


1. For the batter, blend the bananas, honey, baking powder, and sea salt together with the water until smooth. Add the almond flour and potato starch and continue to blend until a thick, even batter forms.

2. To cook on the skillet: Heat ½ teaspoon of coconut oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Pour the batter into the skillet by heaping tablespoons of it to create small pancakes. If needed, use the back of the spoon to smooth the batter evenly into a circle. Cook the pancakes for 2½ to 3 minutes, then flip and cook for 4 minutes on the other side until cooked through. Because of the banana, the inside of the pancake will remain moist even when they are done.

3. To bake in the oven: Preheat the oven to 325°F. Line two baking trays with parchment paper and lightly grease the parchment paper with coconut oil. Spoon the batter onto the baking trays in 3-inch circles. If needed, use the back of a spoon to smooth the batter evenly. Bake the pancakes in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes until the edges turn golden, then flip and bake for 2 minutes more.

4. For the wild blueberry maple syrup, combine ½ cup of maple syrup and 1 cup of wild blueberries in a small saucepan over medium heat. Heat the syrup for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently until it is hot and well combined.

5. Stack the pancakes on a plate and serve topped with wild blueberry maple syrup.


* This batter, while completely delicious, does not behave exactly like traditional pancake batter. It will be slightly thicker, which means you may need to use a spoon to smooth it into shape.

* Additionally, the pancakes need to be flipped before they seem ready. The batter should hold together well, though, so slip the spatula underneath quickly and give them a good flip.



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