西芹汁如何帮助疗愈纤维肌痛 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Fibromyalgia

 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-04-27 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/8872.html





每个患有自体免疫性疾病的人也都有病毒感染。有些是由EB病毒等引起的慢性低度感染,有些是由 HHV6 等病毒引起的更严重感染。有些人正在与带状疱疹病毒引起的三叉神经痛作斗争。有些人有EB病毒引起的多发性硬化症。过去只有少数几种疾病被认为是自体免疫性的。然而现在却有几十种疾病在名单列表上。这种情况将继续下去,因为几乎所有医学无法理解的疾病都会被标记为自体免疫性疾病和遗传疾病,虽然并没有证据支持这一点。不管是什么疾病,西芹汁所含的钠簇盐是最终的病毒破坏者。





纤维肌痛是EB病毒导致的病症。西芹汁对纤维肌痛非常有帮助,因为可以去除导致纤维肌痛的毒素,即EB病毒的神经毒素。神经上的神经毒素是导致外周和中枢神经炎症的原因,也是纤维肌痛痛苦背后的原因。当西芹汁进入身体时,钠簇盐会附着在神经毒素上并将其安全带出体外,从而减少神经暴露于 EB病毒神经毒素的风险。通常患有纤维肌痛的人肝脏毒性很高,却不会被诊断出来。西芹汁可以净化肝脏,去除病毒在器官中产生的神经毒素,甚至在这些毒素有机会到达全身神经之前将其排出体外。随着时间的推移,坚持空腹西芹汁可以减缓全身疼痛,纤维肌痛患者经历的某些特定痛苦部位也会得到巨大的改善。


健康迷思(45)- 自体免疫性疾病理论


各类慢性疾病背后的真凶(一)- EB病毒(上)(下)





In cases where researchers think they’ve identified autoantibodies, meaning antibodies created by your immune system to go after your own body, they’re mistaken. They are real antibodies produced by your immune system. They are not produced to attack you, though. They’re produced to attack a virus. Usually, it’s a virus buried too deep in your system for current medical testing to detect.

In truth, it’s those undetected pathogens creating inflammation. It’s not a misfire of the immune system. Nor is it caused by foods that are considered inflammatory. The reason that certain foods lead to inflammation is that they feed the pathogens, and it’s the prospering pathogens themselves that create inflammation. Our immune system’s job is to look out for viruses and bacteria and destroy them. When we have a lowered immune system, that’s a difficult task. Even a lowered immune system doesn’t mean it turns on the body and starts attacking itself, though. There’s always a hidden pathogen.

Anyone suffering with any sort of condition labeled autoimmune is struggling with endocrine system issues as a result. The plant hormones that only celery juice possesses are critical for helping remedy this. These plant hormones enter into every endocrine gland to help support, strengthen, and balance them so they can come out of a hypo or hyper state. This leveling of the endocrine glands, from the adrenals to the pancreas, allows them to produce the proper levels of hormones.

As we established, everyone suffering with an autoimmune condition is also suffering with a viral infection. Some are chronic, low-grade infections from a virus such as Epstein-Barr, and some are more severe infections from a virus such as HHV-6. Some people are struggling with trigeminal neuralgia caused by the shingles virus. Some are suffering with multiple sclerosis caused by EBV. (There used to be just a handful of illnesses deemed to be autoimmune. Now dozens are on the list. This will keep going, so that at some point nearly every condition that’s not understood by medical research and science will be tagged as autoimmune and genetic, without proof to back that up.) “In all of these situations and more, celery juice’s sodium cluster salts are the ultimate virus destroyers.

This is why people see their inflammation reduce when they’re on celery juice. Since inflammation is caused by viruses, when cluster salts destroy viral cells’ outer membranes, weakening the cells and driving down their numbers, mysterious inflammation goes down, too. On top of this, cluster salts bind onto the waste matter such as neurotoxins that viruses produce when they feed on toxins such as toxic heavy metals. Viral neurotoxins are another aspect of autoimmune illnesses of which medical research and science are unaware. In reality, they inflame the nervous systems of everyone dealing with autoimmune symptoms. Celery juice’s cluster salts kill off their cause—a viral load—while defusing neurotoxin waste frees up the nervous system so that people can get their lives back.

It’s this potent combination of celery juice’s plant hormones and sodium cluster salts that we can thank for helping people recover from the symptoms that medicine calls autoimmune disease. We’re also going to look more specifically at what medical research and science don’t realize really causes some of the most common autoimmune issues, along with how celery juice can help. Keep in mind that depending on how pronounced your situation is, you may need to incorporate other healing information from the Medical Medium series along with your celery juice.


Celery juice is very helpful for fibromyalgia because it defuses the toxins responsible for the condition: Epstein-Barr viral neurotoxins. These neurotoxins landing on nerves are responsible for the peripheral and central nerve inflammation that fibro sufferers experience. When celery juice comes into the system, its sodium cluster salts attach themselves to the neurotoxins and carry them out of the body safely so that nerves are less exposed to the EBV neurotoxins. It goes beyond that, too. Often people with fibro have highly toxic livers that go undiagnosed. Celery juice cleanses and purifies the liver, removing many of the neurotoxin poisons that the virus produces in the organ before they even get a chance to reach nerves throughout the body. With use of celery juice over time, overall body pain can reduce and particular “hot spots” that fibro sufferers deal with can improve substantially.


第三本书 关于甲状腺

第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源

第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。




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