西芹汁如何帮助疗愈纤维肌痛和多发性硬化症 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Fibromyalgia&MS

 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2023-02-01 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/17604.html

















Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Celery juice can be a great source of healing when you’re dealing with multiple sclerosis. You can receive powerful healing benefits from it for a number of reasons. The true cause of MS is EBV releasing neurotoxins and inflaming the central nervous system. The sodium cluster salts in celery juice hinder and deter the virus, weakening it and breaking it down by dissolving the outer membranes of the viral cells. Once the viral load has been reduced, MS patients can find reprieve and relief as their symptoms start to disappear.

Celery juice also detoxifies the toxins that someone with MS is harboring. People with MS struggle with stagnant, sluggish livers that are filled with viral toxins and debris as well as toxic heavy metals and other liver troublemakers. Celery juice helps cleanse the liver, neutralizing and binding onto these toxins and neurotoxins and then escorting them out of the body.

All of this viral and toxin cleansing reduces inflammation, one of the main symptoms that MS sufferers encounter. That could be short-term or long-term inflammation of the myelin nerve sheaths or joints. Celery juice provides relief from both.

People with MS have imbalanced endocrine systems, too, and the plant hormones that celery juice offers to help re-strengthen the endocrine glands are invaluable. Also, celery juice’s unique variety of bioavailable, assimilable vitamin C is instantly usable for the body. With most any nutrient, the liver must convert it. The vitamin C in celery juice needs no conversion. It’s already ready to give the immune system a boost. That means everything for someone living with MS—someone who’s up against the Epstein-Barr virus and needs this powerful immune support.

Celery juice alone is one of the most powerful tools for coping with MS. When combined with other truths about MS and how to work on healing it, truths found in the Medical Medium series, people living with MS can truly be on their way to freeing themselves from the various symptoms associated with the disease.


Celery juice is very helpful for fibromyalgia because it defuses the toxins responsible for the condition: Epstein-Barr viral neurotoxins. These neurotoxins landing on nerves are responsible for the peripheral and central nerve inflammation that fibro sufferers experience. When celery juice comes into the system, its sodium cluster salts attach themselves to the neurotoxins and carry them out of the body safely so that nerves are less exposed to the EBV neurotoxins. It goes beyond that, too. Often people with fibro have highly toxic livers that go undiagnosed. Celery juice cleanses and purifies the liver, removing many of the neurotoxin poisons that the virus produces in the organ “before they even get a chance to reach nerves throughout the body. With use of celery juice over time, overall body pain can reduce and particular “hot spots” that fibro sufferers deal with can improve substantially.








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