西芹汁如何帮助疗愈焦虑、烦躁、抑郁和各种情绪问题 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Depression

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-06-17原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3664.html

celery juice anxiety.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3664.html


西芹汁非常有助于带来我们一直在追求的美好、幸福、清晰和平和的状态,因为西芹汁可以直接解决各种情绪困扰背后的真正原因 - 毒素。的确艰难的生活境遇和环境本身会造成烦躁、焦虑和悲伤,其原因和结果通常非常显而易见。西芹汁在这些情况中也可以提供帮助,因为西芹汁可以帮助大脑组织恢复活力,包括修复大脑中帮助我们承受情感伤害的情绪中心。但如果当生活看似一切正常,然而一个人有长期存在的情绪问题时,我们无法找到明显的境遇触发这些情绪波动,那其背后的原因就是毒素。每个人体内都有独特的毒素组合。有些人携带的毒素对大脑内的神经递质和神经元的破坏性更大,造成了现在各种心理健康问题。








Nobody wants to be irritable or down or worried or chronically guilty or experience frequent mood swings. Everybody wants to live their life feeling good,happy,clear,and at peace. When we’re talking about mental health,we always need to start with this knowledge. Far too often we tell people struggling with their emotions that it’s all a matter of mind-set and that they just need to shift their perspective. When it’s women who are dealing with emotional challenges,far too often they hear that it’s hormones,too. That’s a sign that medical research and science don’t have a full handle on mental health.

Celery juice helps bring the goodness,happiness,clarity,and peace we’re all seeking because it directly addresses the true cause behind mood struggles: toxins. Now,difficult life events and circumstances can create some irritability,anxiousness,and sadness on their own. Understanding cause and effect there is usually clear. Celery juice can help then,because it rejuvenates brain tissue,including in the emotional centers of the brain,where we can sustain emotional injuries. When we’re talking about chronic emotional troubles that surface when life seems to be going along at its normal pace,with “no discernible triggering event,that’s when we’re talking about toxins. Everyone has a unique brew of toxins inside their body. The toxic load that some people carry is more disruptive to neurotransmitters and neurons inside the brain,and that’s part of what accounts for the variability in mental health.

One thing that most people have in common is a toxic buildup of heavy metals,viral toxins,or both,usually inside the liver. What do I mean by “viral toxins”? When certain viruses—which love to hide out in the liver—consume their favorite foods,such as toxic heavy metals,eggs,and synthetic chemicals that they find there in the liver,they tend to release neurotoxins. (This is too bad,since so many people are told that eating eggs is healthy.)These neurotoxins then float around the body and can find their way to the brain,where they hinder neurotransmitter chemicals and weaken electrical impulses throughout the brain. This can cause irritability,anxiousness,anxiety,mood swings,and even fluctuations in behavior and mood that could be diagnosed as bipolar. The severity of the symptom will often vary with the severity of the toxic heavy metals and the degree of the viral load,and what type of viral mutation is residing in the liver.

A common virus that releases these neurotoxins is Epstein-Barr,and there are over 60 strains of EBV alone. Different viral strains have different appetites for different foods. And again,since everyone has a different toxic brew—different toxic heavy metals as well as different pesticides,herbicides,and other substances—add that to the viral variability and it accounts for the varying degrees of anxiousness,depression,and more that people can experience. Some people have a higher viral load in the liver,where a virus is gobbling down its favorite pesticides,herbicides,gluten,eggs,and dairy products and releasing an abundance of neurotoxins that make their way to the brain through the bloodstream,resulting in milder forms of depression,bipolar behavior,and anxiety.

Everyone is their own unique “soul and individual,and no one’s levels of viral toxins or heavy metals will be the same. This means that how each person experiences their emotional struggles is going to be entirely unique. How neurotoxins end up saturating the brain,diminishing or weakening neurotransmitter chemicals,and impeding electrical activity is going to affect one person one way,another person another way,and so on and so on and so on. The same goes for toxic heavy metals that end up inside the brain. How mercury,aluminum,copper,or other heavy metals land and in what quantity will affect how they ignite bouts of depression,bipolar behavior,looming sadness,or unexplained guilt and what those feel like to someone. From person to person,these emotional states could feel completely different. In the case of more pronounced bipolar disorder and depression,there are often more toxic heavy metals residing in the brain itself,short-circuiting electrical impulses and neurotransmitters. General moodiness usually results from an all-around overload of toxins in the body,both a cause and a result of a stagnant,sluggish liver. Emotional wounds can combine with toxic heavy metals or a viral load inside the liver to create “more pronounced irritability,anxiousness,or full-blown anxiety.

Celery juice has different timing for helping alleviate emotional struggles for each person. Someone with irritability could improve after one week of drinking celery juice daily. Someone with severe anxiety or depression or any other pronounced emotional struggle could take longer,although the condition can start getting more livable and bearable early on and keep getting better and better.

Drinking celery juice is like allowing a breath of fresh air to enter your consciousness. It’s a cleaning agent that enters the brain,rounding up and flushing toxins to free up brain tissue that’s been saturated for years and years by neurotoxin and toxic heavy metal buildup. Celery juice’s power in restoring mental health comes from its sodium cluster salts,which revitalize and provide neurotransmitter chemicals,cleaning and renewing tattered ones and also offering complete neurotransmitter chemicals so that neurons can function as they’re meant to inside the brain. These cluster salts also gather toxins inside the brain—including toxic heavy metals such as mercury,aluminum,and copper—helping to disarm,neutralize,and disperse them. They remove neurotoxins from neurotransmitters and neurons by binding onto them and forcing them to disperse while “revitalizing brain cells at the same time.

Most everyone’s brain is undernourished from poor diet (because we’re not taught what truly healthy diets are),an overabundance of stress,and toxic exposure. Over time,this exhausts our brains. Celery juice is like a multivitamin for the brain—one of the best overall brain cell rejuvenators and enhancers. Cell by cell,celery juice reestablishes your brain’s health so that it can heal naturally on its own. At the same time,celery juice addresses the specific troublemakers that interfere with our emotions.

Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts also lower the pathogen levels responsible for neurotoxins in the first place. They strip away and break down viruses’outer cell membranes,weakening them to allow your immune system to destroy the pathogens. Further,celery juice cleans up the liver and even supports the adrenal glands. Trace mineral salts are the ultimate fuel for the adrenals—and anyone with anxiousness,anxiety,mood swings,guilt,sadness,irritability,bipolar disorder,or depression is dealing with adrenal complications,whether adrenal weakness or even adrenal fatigue. That’s because the uneasy feelings that accompany these conditions put the adrenals on constant fight-or-flight alert. It’s very difficult to deal with fatigue on top of emotional struggles. When celery juice revitalizes and strengthens the adrenals, it allows you to have more energy, which is a key part of recovery.



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