西芹汁如何帮助疗愈心悸、异位心律和心率不齐 How Celery Juice Helps Heart Palpitations

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-11-25原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3937.html

heart 3.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3937.html




How Celery Juice Helps Heal Heart Palpitations, Ectopic Heartbeats and Arrhythmia If you’re experiencing heart palpitations, ectopic heartbeats, or an arrhythmia where there isn’t an obvious heart condition, clogged artery, or other explanation that a cardiologist can hang their hat on, you might have heard that your issue is hormonal or genetic. Those aren’t true answers. What those labels mean is that your skipped beats, heart flutters,or abnormal heartbeats are a mystery to your physician. What’s really responsible is a jelly-like substance released from the liver that gathers in the mitral valve, aortic valve, or tricuspid valve and makes the heart valve (or valves) sticky. When you drink celery juice, it goes to the root cause of this sticky jelly: pathogens such as the Epstein-Barr virus. EBV lives in most everyone’s liver, and its waste matter—in the form of byproduct and viral corpses—is what creates this jelly-like substance. The jelly tends to accumulate in the liver over years, and then one day may build up to the point that some of it starts to escape. When this happens, the heart draws up the substance from the liver through the hepatic veins,at which point it can begin slightly gumming up heart valves. This can cause them to get slightly stuck, which can give you the sense of a missed heartbeat, a jump in the chest, a heartbeat that goes up to your throat, and so on. The jelly isn’t as serious as plaque; it’s not dangerous. It is still worth addressing, since it signals liver issues that could turn more urgent. Celery juice combats mystery heart flutters by breaking apart this sludge when it enters the liver. The juice also improves the liver’s ability to release undiscovered chemical compounds that act as degreasing agents (which I mentioned in Liver Rescue) to help disperse the jelly. Further, celery juice weakens the virus (such as EBV) that’s responsible so that it ends up producing less viral waste and therefore minimizing buildup in the first place. Celery juice also helps with the jelly-like sludge that’s already reached the heart. Its mineral salts travel through the bloodstream and enter the heart valves, where it can loosen and break down the substance and send it on its way.



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