​西芹汁如何帮助疗愈手脚冰冷、对冷热湿度的敏感 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Sensitivity

Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-07-21原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4762.html







How Celery juice helps cold hands and feet, sensitivity to cold, heat, sun exposure or humidity People who struggle with temperature sensitivities are normally dealing with a sensitive nervous system. Nerves and nerve endings in various parts of the body, from the trigeminal nerve to other facial nerves to the sciatic nerve, become sensitive because they are inflamed. Celery juice goes to the source of that inflammation. Those who can handle extreme cold or extreme heat don’t know what it’s like to experience a 50-degree day as nearly painful. Wind, too, can feel biting to someone with sensitive facial nerves. People with these sensitivities often get headaches or migraines easily or feel their sense of balance affected, becoming dizzy or even developing mild vertigo periodically. Cold weather can wipe them out, or hot weather can make them feel just as bad. Some people are very sensitive to standing in the sun too long, or they can’t cope with heavy humidity. No matter what name you put on someone’s experience or what condition a doctor diagnoses this as, it’s happening because of a sensitive nervous system. When nerve sensitivities are not due to physical injury, nerves are inflamed due to an elevated viral load in the body. Viruses such as Epstein-Barr are responsible for so many different neurological conditions and symptoms. These viruses release their form of waste matter called neurotoxins, which float through the bloodstream, attaching themselves to nerves and causing the nerves to become anywhere from slightly to extremely inflamed, depending on the person and the viral load. That’s what leads to a heightened reaction to temperature. When someone is experiencing cold extremities, it’s due to these viral neurotoxins plus circulation issues from a sluggish liver. Celery juice’s unique sodium cluster salts are so grounding that they get to work right away neutralizing and binding onto neurotoxins, rendering them less aggressive and helping them leave the body more quickly through urination, elimination,or even perspiration. This allows nerves to relax and heal, which lowers nerve inflammation throughout the body. Then,when the body naturally swells in a time of high humidity, there isn’t as much pressure on the nerves, so someone doesn’t have to suffer. Fewer neurotoxins impeding nerves throughout the body also means that when someone is exposed to cold,the nerves bounce back more quickly, resulting in less pain and exhaustion.




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