西芹汁如何帮助改善体重过轻问题 How Celery Juice Helps Weight Loss Issues

Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-08-04原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4790.html


由于西芹汁可帮助减轻体重,许多人有时会担心,如果他们有体重过轻的问题,且不想再减肥,是否意味着不应该摄入西芹汁。事实是,无论是要增加体重还是减轻体重(或想要保持体重稳定),西芹汁都有帮助,因为这是体重的平衡器。 最关键的一点是要知道:西芹汁是一种草药,几乎没有热量,不能代替早餐。




西芹汁所含化合物也会流行血液,收集并去除漂浮其中的的病毒毒素,这些毒素是造成看不见的肾上腺素持续分泌的过敏反应的原因。 体重过轻的人通常在睡眠和醒着的时候都有相对更高的心率。这是因为心跳速度是肾上腺素控制的(大家都能感受到紧张的时候心跳加速的状态),同样的道理,病毒毒素的过敏反应所引起的肾上腺素在体内迅速流动时也会造成心跳加快。

坚持西芹汁可以帮助逆转这一切,从而稳定体重。 请记住,西芹汁不是热量来源。请不要指望只喝西芹汁,不吃其他食物,而能增重。请在早晨空腹西芹汁之后,确保自己在早晨和一天中其余时间内都摄入足够的健康热量(诸如水果)。这样的话,西芹汁可以帮助我们保持体重平衡。




早晨净化法和执行细节(附音频 + 视频内容)


实践者关于体重问题的分享:疗愈故事(32)- 体重问题


How Celery Juice Helps with WEIGHT LOSS Because celery juice is such a godsend to help shed unwanted pounds, people are sometimes concerned that they shouldn’t try celery juice if they have the opposite problem—if they are underweight and don’t want to lose any more weight. The truth is that you can still drink celery juice. It will actually help you, because celery juice assists in either circumstance, whether you’re trying to gain or lose weight (or hold steady). It’s a balancer. Here’s what’s critical to know: Celery juice is not a meal replacement. It’s a medicine. Especially if you are underweight, you can’t rely on celery juice as a calorie source. Don’t skip a morning meal like a fruit smoothie that can provide healthy calories and replace it with a glass of celery juice. Have both: first, drink celery juice and then, after a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes and ideally a good 30 minutes, enjoy breakfast. The reason celery juice helps with both weight gain and weight loss is that they both stem from a struggling liver. Unwanted, mystery weight loss is “usually the result of a chronic, low-grade viral infection, such as EBV, inside the liver, setting off the body’s alarm system, essentially creating an allergic reaction that prompts the adrenals to release consistently high levels of adrenaline. Basically, the adrenaline acts as an amphetamine. Often, mystery weight loss doesn’t last forever, because eventually the liver becomes so tired, sluggish, and exhausted from fielding mass amounts of adrenaline that the situation flips, and people start gaining weight instead, even if it’s ten years later. Celery juice helps out with the viral situation that creates unwanted weight loss because its chemical compounds enter the liver’s hepatic portal vein and break down viral cell membranes, which weakens and reduces the viral load, while celery juice’s compounds also grab on to viral toxins—and such toxins as toxic heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and solvents that feed viruses—and pull them out of the liver. Celery juice’s chemical compounds flow through the rest of the bloodstream, too, collecting and disengaging viral toxins floating throughout the body that are constantly setting off the mild, unseen allergic reactions that trigger the adrenals. Often people with mystery weight loss have a higher heart rate, both when sleeping and awake. This is from leftover adrenaline surging through the body due to the allergic reaction to the viral load. Celery juice allows this to reverse over time so that weight can stabilize. Remember: celery juice is not a calorie source. Do not expect to drink celery juice, not eat other foods, and start to gain weight. After you’ve given your morning celery juice 15 to 30 minutes to work through your system, you’ll need to make sure you’re getting healthy calories in your morning and the rest of your day. If they’re part of the equation, celery juice can help you balance out. For insights on eating in a healthy manner, turn to Chapter 8, “More Healing Guidance.





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