西芹汁如何帮助疗愈眩晕、头晕、美尼尔综合征等平衡问题 Celery Juice Helps Heal Balance Issue

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-09-16原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3778.html









更多疗愈信息,请见:各类慢性疾病背后的真凶(一)- EB病毒(上)(下)




How Celery Juice Helps Heal Balance Issues: Vertigo,Ménière’s Disease,and Dizziness

People suffer with so many different varieties of balance issues. Some people experience severe symptoms,where they feel the room spin,and for others it’s a little milder,with more of a sense that they’re on a rocking boat,with the floor beneath them moving. If there’s no obvious cause such as an injury,concussion,or brain tumor,this is all a mystery to medical research and science. In truth,the vagus nerve has everything to do with unexplained balance struggles.

The vagus nerve,which is actually a pair of cranial nerves,runs from the brain stem down through the neck and chest and into the abdomen. It’s a very sensitive nerve. Viral neurotoxins from the Epstein-Barr virus are some of its greatest enemies and irritants. When EBV is active in the body,the neurotoxins that the virus releases can attach themselves to the vagus nerve and cause it to swell. The degree of swelling can vary along the nerve. Sometimes it’s only the tip of the nerve that’s swollen,down near the stomach,where it branches off. Sometimes it’s swollen higher up,in the chest,which can result in tightness “and trouble breathing that’s hard to understand since a pulmonologist has given a stamp of approval,saying there’s nothing wrong with the lungs. For some people,the neurotoxins inflame the top of the vagus nerve,where it originates in the brain. This is more like vagus nerve–related brain inflammation,and it can account for that chronic boat-like feeling or that experience where the slightest movement or twist of your neck can prompt instant room spins and even vomiting. How serious the dizziness or balance struggle is depends greatly on what kind of condition the liver is in,since the liver is where EBV likes to hide out. Is someone eating foods that could be fueling the virus? How many pesticides and fungicides has someone been exposed to—since these chemicals feed viruses,too?

By the way, Ménière’s disease is often blamed on calcium crystals or stones becoming disrupted in the inner ear. This is not accurate. It’s a theory that makes the person with dizziness feel like they have an answer when they leave the doctor’s office. The truth is that stones have nothing to do with chronic suffering from vertigo,dizziness,the spins,or other balance issues. Ménière’s is a real neurological condition caused by chronic,low-grade viral infection.

Celery juice is one of the all-time greatest anti-inflammatories. It is a powerful remedy to stabilize any of these conditions;it addresses all of the concerns around balance struggles. Celery juice components easily drive themselves into the brain,where its trace minerals restore neurons and nourish and replenish nerves,including major central nerves such as the vagus. At the same time, its sodium cluster salts help destroy and kill off EBV. And they do more than that: the cluster salts bind onto neurotoxins,pesticides,herbicides,fungicides,and other poisons inside the liver and the rest of the body and help flush them out to reduce reactions with the vagus nerve. If neurotoxins are sitting on the surface of the vagus nerve,causing it to react,celery juice can magnetically attract the neurotoxins and pull them off the nerve. Essentially what celery juice does is clean up the vagus nerve,dusting off pollutants,toxins,and neurotoxins of any kind,especially the ones from EBV.



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