Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-05-29原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
如果你真的非常喜欢大豆,没有办法不吃豆制品,最安全的选择是最普通的有机豆腐或或最高品质的生酱油(nama shoyu)。对于通过豆制品补充蛋白质的素食人群而言,选择生绿叶蔬菜中人体生物吸收率和利用率最高的蛋白质是远远优于豆制品的选择,更多细节请点击阅读前文“蛋白质的真相”。
以上豆类以外的有机非转豆类,自己看情况吃吧,不是强大的疗愈食物,可以吃。详情查看健康误区(41)- 五谷杂粮、玉米和大豆的迷思
Health-Damaging Foods (VIII) - Soybean
Soy was also a relatively health food in years past, not as healthy as corn once was, though it still had plenty of benefits. Once again, soy has suffered a similar GMO fate as corn:overuse of pesticides and herbicides, along with GMO tampering, made soy crops unstable. The soybean of today is not the soybean of yesterday. It is altered now, a pathogen-feeding byproduct of what it used to be. While soy does not fuel viruses and bacteria on the same scale that corn does, it has the potential to get there.
One of the main problems with soy is its relatively high fat content, which harbors GMO information and high concentrations of pesticides and herbicides. Organic non GMI soy is what you want to look for, though there are no guarantee that it will be pure. You can now assume that any soy product you encounter could have some GMO contamination or contain added MSG. be cautions when eating soybeans, edame, miso, soymilk, soy nuts, soy sauce, textured vegetable protein (TVP), soy protein powder, artificial meat products made from soy and much more.
If you love soy, try not to let it dominate your diet, and enjoy it sparingly instead. Whenever possible, opt for sprouted soy, which is lower in fat and therefore lower in concentrations of toxic chemicals. If you really enjoy soy and feel deprived without it, stick to the safest options: plain, organic tofu or tempeh, or the highest quality nama shoyu. 愿天下人健康、平安、健康。
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