威胁健康的食物(三)- 蛋 Health-Damaging Foods (III) – Eggs


Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-04-23原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/2956.html











Health Damaging Foods - Eggs

Humans have eaten eggs for thousands of years. They were once an amazing survival food for us to eat in areas of the planet where there were no other food options at certain times of year. That changed with the turn of 20thcentury, though – when autoimmune, viral, bacterial and cancer epidemics began.

Problem is, the illnesses that are around today were not such a presence in the past. Eggs no longer work for us – they now work against us by feeding the viral explosion, especially those viruses that contribute to autoimmune disorders and cancer. This is true even when they are pasture-raised or free range organic eggs.

Many people feel fine eating eggs, but at any time eating one more egg can make virus go to the next stage development. If you are struggling with any disease or symptoms, or dealing with a health challenge or want to stay healthy, it is best to avoid eating eggs. Otherwise, they will make it more challenging to heal.

You know how delicious a fried egg is?Virus thinks so too. Eggs are the top food to avoid with virus, because they’re the virus number one food source. If you broke an egg into a petri dish and then introduced active virus cells, the virus would proliferate rapidly. It doesn’t matter if they’re organic, free-ranging eggs – they’re still problematic. And don’t be confused by the labels that claim eggs are hormone free. That only means they don’t contain additional hormones; they’re still filled with natural hormones that virus loves.

For example, If someone is in stage one of EB virus(EBV: the cause of so many symptoms and disease today including cancer), all it could take is one more omelet or scrambled egg to launch the EBV into stage two’s fullblown mononucleosis. This is true at any stage of the virus – at any given time, someone may only be one egg away from EBV’s next phase of attack. Eggs are part of the reason EBV has become so strong and widespread in the population today. While you are working to get your health back, stay away from them.

Eggs are prime food for cancer and other cysts, fibroids, tumors and nodules. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), breast cancer, or other cysts and tumors should avoid eggs completely. Also if you’re trying to prevent cancer, fight an existing cancer, or avoid a cancer relapse, steer clear. Removing eggs from your diet completely will give you a powerful fighting chance to reverse disease and heal.

Eggs also cause inflammation and allergies: feed viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, candida and other fungus; and trigger edema in the lymphatic system. The allergy to eggs is in reality an allergic reaction of the body to the toxins secreted by viruses after they enjoyed their favorite food – eggs.

People who are diagnosed with candida or mycotoxins are often told that eggs are good, safe protein that will starve the candida and mycotoxins. Nothing could be further from the truth. 愿天下人健康、平安、健康。


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