疗愈故事(75)- 请不要等到生病再开始净化疗愈 Healing Stories (75)

新手指南 安东尼·威廉评论

 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-04-29 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/9002.html


9. 关于安东尼威廉信息的误解















10. 我们为什么会生病

人为什么生病?各类慢性疾病 = 病原体(例如 EB病毒、带状疱疹、链球菌等)+ 毒素(例如有毒重金属、化学品、香水、农药等)(不同的病原体和毒素在身体的不同部位形成了看似不同的各类疾病)


? 柠檬水 - 将柠檬挤入水中,早上第一件事就是喝柠檬水。

? 西芹汁 - 新鲜西芹榨汁,并在柠檬水后 15-30 分钟饮用。

? 重金属排毒果昔 - 去除有毒重金属,混合野生蓝莓、香蕉、鲜榨橙汁、香菜、螺旋藻、大麦草汁粉、红皮藻。

? 生菠菜汤 - 生菠菜、西芹棒、香蕉或西红柿(不要同时放)、芒果(可选)、大蒜、香菜、鲜榨橙汁和黄瓜。

? 净化疗愈 - 单一饮食、早晨净化法、369净化疗愈法(简易、标准、高阶)。这些都非常有益,因为是无脂肪、无油、无咖啡因、无麸质、无乳制品、纯植物、无醋、无蛋奶,使用特定食物的结构化净化法。

? 补充剂 - 身体需要补充剂的支持。请在书中查找相应的补充剂方。

? 降低脂肪 - 减少油脂和脂肪的摄入可以让我们的身体开始净化,例如蛋、动物产品、乳制品、油、坚果、种子等

? 野生食品 -  野生蓝莓、荨麻叶、蒲公英、牛至、玫瑰果、红皮藻、百里香和其他野生浆果。

? 草药 - 罗勒、迷迭香、莳萝、百里香、香菜、西芹、芦荟等。

? 绿叶蔬菜 - 含有我们身体需要的矿物盐,例如生菜、生菠菜、羽衣甘蓝等。

? 水果和蔬菜 - 含有葡萄糖和矿物盐,有助于支持免疫系统来对抗病原体。

?避免威胁健康的食物 - 这些食物会使病原体茁壮成长,随着时间的推移导致慢性疾病,例如蛋、乳制品、麸质、养殖鱼类、猪肉、转基因大豆和玉米、味精、芥花油、人造香料、柠檬酸、加工甜菜糖、天然香料、人造甜味剂等。

11. 请不要等到生病了再开始净化疗愈











用疗愈性食物支持你的身体,它一直在向我们发送信号(症状),但我们没有聆听 ❤️‍? 例如背痛、皮疹、头痛、疲劳等。我们的身体在挣扎的求生存模式下 24/7 全天候为我们而战,给予它所需的一切,我们将在此生茁壮成长,我们将收获真正健康的益处。

12. 劝说他人实践安东尼威廉


在任何事情上说服所爱的人或朋友是很困难的 。就健康而言,这更像是一场斗争。我们试图证明一些违背科学和研究的东西,所以这不会符合他们的信仰体系。这一点很难改变,我们中许多人也曾经都是这样的。



我的父母也部分实施了安东尼威廉方法,只是一部分,他们也感受到了好处。这些健康改善是他们坚持的原因,尤其是在看到我和我妻子通过 Instagram 帖子,因为他们住在英国。











MM is so misunderstood

Along with the celery juice movement and all the fruits, vegetables and herbs highlighted by @medicalmedium, most people who don’t follow MM, presume it fits into the category of being just another FAD diet.

Some presume it’s all about some guy looking to make money ?. For others, once they discover the information is from a source beyond science and research; coming from a voice he hears of a spiritual nature, it’s too far-fetched… I mean I thought the same for a long while before I started MM.

What people don’t realise is that most of us who follow MM, if not all, have been on the trusting path of conventional and alternative medicine, we’ve been to all the doctors and specialists, we’ve researched for months or even years (in my case) to seek answers and a “cure”. We've tried all the medication that's available to us, and tried all the fad diets out there. Some have even travelled to different countries to seek a so called "miracle" treatment/doctor.

Implementing MM information didn’t come lightly, for most, it was our last resort after reaching breaking point. This information, particularly the level of detail in the books, can't be found anywhere else on this planet!

It’s information that’s so new and unheard of, but makes so much sense. Learning for the first time, a logical explanation as to why we are chronically ill, about how our bodies really work, how various foods support our bodies to heal, how pathogens and toxins are man-made with the sole intention of harming us to make money... why do you think we’re suffering and seeing unprecedented amounts of illness nowadays? Ask your elders/parents, how much illness was around back in their day. It’s no where near as much as now, because more pathogens/toxins are being released.

There’s a reason why we’re implementing MM information, not as a temporary solution but as a lifestyle. I mean think about it, we’re giving up foods that we once loved to consume, i.e. eggs, dairy, gluten, high fat foods, we’re not doing it for fun, it’s because it works. Consuming healing foods that our bodies are designed to consume.

We’re not a niche group of people who just happen to like celery juice. We feel the difference it makes with our health, along with all the other powerful healing tools.


With this information our bodies will become stronger over the years, protecting us from the darkness and suffering out there, whilst we witness others sadly declining in front of us, knowing that it’s not their time to be open to this information. We are so fortunate to have this information available to us in our lifetime, many of who would have suffered so badly without it.


Although I’m still on my healing journey, I have every faith that I will fully heal and it’ll be the proof that some people need to believe in this. The proof is already out there, just look at the plethora of healing stories posted on the MM page and other social media platforms. They are just regular people like you and me who once suffered, but have now healed from some of the worst illnesses imaginable.


Whether you’re suffering physically or emotionally, just know that there is hope out there… and MM is that hope, of which I’m thankful for each day as I continue on my journey. When you reach a point in your life where everything and everyone has let you down, MM information will be there to pick you back up, so life can be wonderful and worth living for.


There is a way out of suffering; learn this truth and you shall see for yourselves. There’s a reason why the MM books are the best selling health books out there.

Why Are You Sick? = Pathogen/Critter (e.g. EBV, Shingles, Strep etc) + Toxin/Poison (e.g. Toxic Heavy Metals, Chemicals, Fragrances, Pesticides etc)

This video provides a simplified explanation as to why we suffer from chronic illness. This is crucial to understand for ourselves, friends and family members, so we know how to heal from it, across the globe.

Here are some @medicalmedium tools to heal chronic illness:

? LEMON WATER - Squeeze a lemon into filtered water and drink first thing in the morning.

? CELERY JUICE - Juice celery and drink 15/20 mins after Lemon Water.

? HEAVY METAL DETOX SMOOTHIE - Pulls toxic heavy metals out. Blend - wild blueberries, bananas, freshly squeezed orange, coriander, spirulina, barley grass juice powder, dulse.

? SPINACH SOUP/SMOOTHIE - Blend - spinach, celery sticks, bananas or tomatoes, frozen mango (optional), garlic, coriander, filtered water, freshly squeezed orange, and cucumber.

? CLEANSES - Mono Cleanse, Morning Cleanse, Liver 369 Cleanses (simplified, original, advanced). These cleanses are hugely beneficial, as they are all fat-free, oil-free, caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based, vinegar-free, egg-free using a structured plan of specific foods.

? SUPPLEMENTS - Our bodies need support from supplements. Recommendations can be found in the books.

? LOWER FATS - Cutting out high fat foods allows our body to start cleansing e.g. eggs, animal products, dairy, oils, nuts, seeds etc

? WILD FOODS - i.e. wild blueberries, nettle leaf, dandelion greens, oregano, rose hips, dulse, thyme and other wild berries.

? HERBS - Basil, rosemary, dill, thyme, coriander, celery, aloe vera etc.

? LEAFY GREENS - Contain mineral salts, which our bodies need e.g. Lettuce, Spinach, Kale etc.

? FRUITS & VEGETABLES - Contains glucose & mineral salts, which helps build up our immune systems to fight pathogens.

? AVOID TROUBLEMAKER FOODS - These allow pathogens to thrive, leading to chronic illness over time e.g. Eggs, Gluten, Dairy, Farmed Fish, Pork, GMO Soy, GMO Corn, MSG, Canola Oil, Artificial Flavours, Citric Acid, Processed Beet Sugar, Natural Flavours, Artificial Sweeteners etc

dont wait till you are chronically ill to start focusing on your health

Health is such a vital aspect of everyone’s life yet we unknowingly do so little for it and suffer the consequences. We’re all walking around with symptoms and illnesses and we don’t even address it until it gets so severe that it starts to impact our daily lives.


We think we should exercise more to get healthy or eat a small salad with our existing meals but that’s not enough. We rely on science and research to always be on our side and do what’s best for our health, yet we consume the very troublemaker foods they advise, which only feeds pathogens, that causes illness in the first place. Take hospital food as an example.


Why aren’t there billboards and adverts shouting about healing fruits, vegetables and herbs? The answer is, it won’t make the most powerful people (who are unknown to us), running the most profitable industries in the world... MONEY ?, the people at the top of these industries are richer than the publicly known “richest people in the world”, they are trillionaires.


We see people’s seemingly “healthy” lifestyle ingrained into our minds and promoted everywhere, yet I’m hearing about more and more people getting sicker, and at a younger age. For instance athletes are now realising the benefits of plant based diets.


I know how extreme the @medicalmedium lifestyle can seem to others, I was in those shoes once, but when you start to learn the truth about how our bodies really work and how to truly support it, then it makes so much logical sense. Our bodies need glucose and mineral salts, which come from fruits, vegetables, herbs and wild foods.


Unfortunately, most people indulge in fatty foods, high proteins, eggs that grow pathogens in labs, GMO foods, troublemakers like dairy and gluten… we beat our livers and immune systems to a pulp. Our bodies have to process poisons and toxins every single day but we’re completely oblivious to it.


The @medicalmedium community are here to share that truth without being forceful or driven by money because we know what it’s really like to suffer and we genuinely don’t want you to either.

If you’re reading this and consuming a standard diet where you truly believe you’re eating "balanced" and being “healthy”, I’m sorry to say this but you’re NOT because there's nothing balanced about it and it’s not your fault. We’ve been misinformed all along, by those who know nothing about the root causes of illness (i.e. pathogens, heavy metals), yet its easier to simply trust science and conform, to fit in.


As more pathogens are released into this world, we're getting sicker, more than our ancestors ever were before the industries in power took over.


We all need to wake up to the real sickness we can’t see, but may hear about, because it’s happening to us all. If you truly want your health back, start to incorporate @medicalmedium lifestyle changes or at the very least, learn about health from the myriad of free content available. Don’t leave it till it’s turned your life upside down, be proactive and prevent it.


Support your body with healing foods, it’s sending us signs (as symptoms) all the time but we’re not listening ❤️‍? e.g. back pain, skin rash, headaches, fatigue etc. Your body is fighting for you 24/7 in survival mode, give it what it needs to allow you to thrive in this life and you’ll reap the benefits of what it's really like to be healthy.

I know I’m not alone in this but since starting on @medicalmedium protocols and gradually feeling improvements, you start to see/hear about illness in those you know and those around you. Whether it’s a skin issue, fatigue, allergies or the more serious health conditions you hear about, which for me has been quite overwhelming. I hear more and more stories of it happening in my own friends/family circle and its heartbreaking.


The sad part in all of this, is that you know whats causes it and how to help them using MM information but it can seem too drastic and unbelievable to them, especially when first hearing about it, as I did when I first began. I waited for about a year to start because I refused to believe it and give up on all the foods I enjoyed eating.


So what do I do? In the beginning, I mentioned MM to some and although they were curious to hear about it, it would go against their beliefs and understanding, so it would just go in one ear and out the other. Even if I used myself as an example, I’m still healing and not really a showcase example yet, but most would assume this only works for certain people and it’s different for everyone. Those who have implemented the MM lifestyle would know this information is universal for any severity/type of illness.


In my case I rarely meet/talk to anyone as I don’t want my symptoms to flare up by pushing myself to converse and act “normal”. But when I am in that situation and hear about an illness, I sometimes share a healing story related to their specific issue, but mostly I bite my lip and accept that their time will come to make this significant change through divine intervention. After they've exhaustively tried other treatments and medication, relying on science and research, and their illness continues to worsen over time, there may come a point where they seek help from those who have healed/healed.


So this is why I decided (as many others on MM) to start this page at the beginning of this year and share my progress and lifestyle changes so it can inspire others to perhaps do the same. Seeing change is more effective than telling someone directly.

And when they see support from others in the MM community, it instils a sense of truth to the information and credibility, giving people the curiosity to learn more.


In my experience, I wouldn’t tell anyone what they should do about health unless they seem intrigued or ask about it. By far the best way to send a message to anyone, for anything in life, is to share your story and experiences with others, in person or using social media platforms. People connect with stories and are influenced by your actions. Sharing inspires hope that will reach those who need it, so don't be afraid to tell your story as there's someone out there waiting for it.

This is a tough one but I'd like to share my thoughts on this. Convincing a loved one or a friend of anything is difficult - with health, it's even more of a struggle. We're trying to prove something that goes against science and research, so it wouldn't be part of their belief system; which is hard to change -we were once there too.


Whilst going through the most challenging times of my illness, convincing others was not something I thought about, as I was still healing and still am. However, I was fortunate to have such an open minded wife who wanted nothing more than to support me on this journey and followed the same food regime as I did, with a little leniency every now and then.


That support turned into her own unexpected health improvements which then turned into belief of the @medicalmedium information. I didn't want to convince my wife, nor did I ever expect her to follow it with me but through seeing subtle improvements in me, followed by feeling it in herself, that belief strengthened.


My parents have also partially implemented MM, with only some aspects of the protocols and felt the benefits for themselves. These health improvements are the reason why they continue with it, especially after seeing what my wife and I do via instagram posts/stories, as they reside in the UK, where I'm from.


Unfortunately, I've come across others who have loved ones that are set in their ways and are averse to change, which causes a lot of frustration. It can get tricky when loved ones don't believe in what you're doing, but I find its important to have that conversation about trusting you with it and showing examples of others who have healed. In time they will notice your improvements too. However, in some circumstances, you just have to let them be with their own beliefs and do whats best for your own healing.


I've also learnt to never pressure anyone into following what I do, with anything, even when they are suffering themselves. It has to be their own choice at a time when its the right for them. You can certainly offer some healing foods from time to time and see if they take it but its never a good idea to force them.


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
