疗愈故事(86)-严重腹胀气和便秘的疗愈 Healing Severe Bloating & Constipation

安东尼·威廉 成功案例评论

 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-07-22 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14826.html




4 年前,我开始安东尼威廉净化法:西芹汁、大量的蜜瓜、苹果、香蕉、野生蓝莓、绿叶蔬菜、红薯和土豆,然后开始清理结肠中的所有垃圾!当这些碱化食物开始松动并去除肠道壁上堆积的垃圾时,我变得非常非常胀气??
这有趣吗?一点都不。但这对我的疗愈有必要吗?是的。腹胀气不是西芹汁、水果和蔬菜的错,事实上,它们正在去除我之前吃了 30 年的各种垃圾视频和高脂肪垃圾食品(乳制品、蛋、麸质、加工糖和肉类)造成的所有损害。
现在,经过4年多的净化,腹胀气消失了,我有一个净化且充分补水后的结肠!我的肠道很正常,我能感觉到我的直觉非常强烈,因为我完成了对肠道的深层净化!如果不经历这个过程,我无法疗愈70 多神经病症,我真的很幸运。
对于那些不知道我情况的人,我曾经与严重的便秘作斗争,多年一周去一次的那种严重便秘。当开始安东尼威廉方法后,我开始每天去1-2 次,这样持续了2.5年,但从未感到完全排空
2.5年后,我开始每天去上厕所4-7 次,我终于觉得自己排空了,这是一个好兆头。便便依然不成形,但不像以前那样,比之前要更成型。
每天 4-7 次的排便让我完全可以排空,每次数量较少,但频率较高
这持续了大约1.5年,现在我每天要去 2-3 次,但便便已经完全成型,看起来很健康,而且很大;这意味着我仍然完全排空,但不需要去那么多次
疗愈故事(60)- 一位4年实践者的分享(严重神经炎症)
疗愈故事(78)- 关于排毒反应和如何应对调整


In the first 2 1/2 years of my healing, I was doing DEEP DEEP GUT healing!!!
My gut, especially my intestinal track and colon was highly acidic and toxic! ?
It was filled with so much backed up old rotting proteins that were CAKED against the intestinal walls ?
I had high levels of strep (SIBO) in my intestinal track along with lots of toxic heavy metals, old adrenaline, plastics, and pharmaceuticals trapped in there
It’s the reason I had severe constipation most my life and it led to chronic disease at age of 30 ?
4 years ago I started @medicalmedium info-celery juice, tons of melons, apples, bananas, wild blueberries, leafy greens, sweet potatoes and potatoes and I began PURGING all that junk out of my colon!
I got very very bloated while these alkalizing foods were cleansing and releasing the built up debris off my intestinal track walls in order to be REMOVED ??
Was it fun? NO. Was it NECESSARY for my healing? YES. 
The bloating was NOT the fault of celery juice, fruits and veggies, in fact they were undoing all the damage from all the crap high fat junk food (dairy, eggs, gluten, processed sugars, and high meat) that I ate for 30 years prior
Now, after years of cleansing, the bloat is gone and I have a highly cleared and hydrated colon!
My bowels are very normal and I can feel my intuition very strong because of the deep cleansing In the gut that I’ve done!
I don’t heal most my 70 plus neurological symptoms without going through this process and for that I’m blessed
If you’re bloating while detoxing with celery juice, low fats, high fruit and veggies, this is OKAY! You’re HEALING, keep going! ???
I know it’s not easy or fun but you’re reversing a lot of prior damage and there is end to it and you’ll be SO HAPPY you went through it!
You should feel alive and amazing in your body, it’s how it was intended and The Holy Four ???? will help you get there!
Thanks @medicalmedium ??
Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ??‍♂️?✨???
Bowel movement update!
The gut is doing BIG healing things ?
For those who don’t know, I used to Struggle with bad constipation, once I started @medicalmedium I started going 1-2 times a day for 2 1/2 years but never felt fully released
The entire first 2 1/2 years of detox my bowels would Be very loose, food in stool and disintegrate when flushed
That was a clear sign of really deep detoxification, purging toxins and my gut releasing a lot of old rotting proteins
After 2 1/2 years I moved up to going 4-7 times a day and I finally felt like I was fully releasing, it was a good sign
They were still a bit loose but nothing like before, they had more form to them
I was still detoxing all the same but my livers bile had finally strengthened and something cleared in my colon from all the cleansing
Once again, huge signs of deep healing and repair in the gut and the gut is where illness is healed 
Those 4-7 times a day fully allowed me to release but they were smaller amounts and more often
That lasted about 1 1/2 years which brings me to NOW where I’m going 2-3 times a day but they are fully formed, looking healthy and they are LARGE; meaning I’m still fully releasing but don’t need to go as many times
Seriously, not seeing any lose stools and seeing how healthy and large my stools look is an amazing feeling, it feels more normal
The next step, floaters! You guys know what I’m talking about ???
Do you guys see how slow the progress is? I had a lot of Damage But healing and repair was always happening!
My symptoms were getting less and less during this entire process too, more towards the latter end and especially now 
IF you’re detoxing everyday and having loose stools, keep going! You’ll be able to tell your gut health is really coming along when your bowels start to change
You have to push the detox process to heal ?trust the process! ?
Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ????????







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