疗愈故事(60)- 一位4年实践者的分享(严重神经炎症)Healing Story(60) – Neurological Pbs


原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-11-19 07:45文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/5016.html




4 年前,我开始了我的疗愈之旅(长期慢性疲劳和莱姆病),我的日常生活和饮食基于修改版的28天净化疗愈法。

我从《改变生命的食物》一书中选择了针对我症状的食物,诸如蜜瓜、苹果、椰枣、香蕉、红薯、菠菜、生菜和土豆等,与 28 天净化疗愈法混合,并创造了一个对我来说很简单的饮食,并大量摄入这些食物。

我曾经有非常严重的便秘问题,这导致我体内累积了大量毒素。在开始西芹汁和纯素饮食后,我开始可以每天排便1-2 次,如果你曾经有过严重便秘,将能够明白这意义如此重大,简直是神助?。

由于存在大量的腐烂蛋白质粘结在肠道壁上,这些改变生命的疗愈食物慢慢将其清除需要时间。每天排便1-2 次无法把肠道内累积的毒素都清理干净,经过两年坚持之后,对毒性很高的肝脏和高度堵塞的结肠进行排毒后,我的身体开始有能力进行完全的排毒,终于得以完全释放让我感觉好多了。



从开始安东尼威廉方法之前的80 多种神经炎症症状,包括严重疲劳、焦虑、抑郁、严重牛皮藓等,到现在还剩大约 10 种左右非常轻微的神经症状,牛皮藓几乎完全消失了。

从 4 年前 95% 的时间只能坐下和躺下,到今天每天能出门,重新生活,这是如此深刻的体验!?








神经症状揭秘 (头晕、耳鸣、疲劳、疼痛、刺痛、麻、抽搐痉挛、四肢无力、焦虑和惊恐等)









Repost from @cacey.scott


@medicalmedium provides the truth on what’s Happening in the Body and how to heal and boy am I blessed for AW and SOC!


I started off my healing journey(from CFS and Lyme disease) little under 4 years ago by basing my everyday lifestyle and diet off the 28 day cleanse with a few changes


I took foods from his Life Changing Foods book (the ones that were best for my symptoms, like; melons, apples, dates, bananas, sweet potatoes, spinach, lettuce and potatoes) mixed it in with the 28 day cleanse and created a very simple diet for me


I ate these foods abundantly


I use to have major constipation issues that backed up a lot of toxins in my body


immediately after starting celery juice and plant based diet I started going 1-2x/day which was a God send if you know I mean ?


It took a lot of detoxing to get my colon cleared because of massive amounts of old rotting proteins caked in the intestinal track walls that these healing foods had to slowly chip away at to remove them


I eat a lot of food so 1-2x/day was not clearing all my bowels out, after two years of detoxing my liver and highly clogged colon my body began fully clearing me out and it makes you feel so much better fully releasing


Because of my sensitivity levels I only used a few of the supplements like b12, zinc, licorice root and l-lysine, so most of my healing was done with the foods


I’ve had many ups and down on my journey but I just kept detoxing through all the struggles and the results speak for themselves


From 80 plus neurological symptoms including severe fatigue, weakness, anxiety, depression, severe psoriasis and more, down to about 10 (very light) neuro symptoms and psoriasis nearly fully gone


From sitting and laying down 95% of my days for 4 years to leaving my house everyday and participating in life again is a profound experience! ?


having the right knowledge of what was causing my symptoms brought me so much peace and than learning how to get rid of them has empowered me to get my life back & it’s happening! ???


With this information, I know millions of other can heal too! Thanks AW & SOC! ???


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!

