疗愈故事(78)- 关于排毒反应和如何应对调整 Healing Story – About Detox Reactions


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-05-20 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14280.html











疗愈故事(60)- 一位4年实践者的分享(严重神经炎症)






























? 并未深入了解执行细节,依然在吃威胁健康的食物,如蛋、乳制品、麸质、大豆、加工糖、猪肉,或吃高蛋白即高油脂的饮食。

? 对排毒原理不了解,没有信任感。有些人可能不会立即看到疗愈结果,或者在好转之前可能会感觉更糟糕,所以他们放弃了,或者他们认为这没用。

? 许多人生活在恐惧情绪中,或持续有许多压力,这会导致大量肾上腺素分泌,使肝脏无法有效排毒,并削弱肾上腺。





臣服、信任、坚持、耐心。 ???????




我叫 Cacey,我今年 34 岁,在过去的四年里,我一直在使用安东尼威廉的信息来疗愈神经性莱姆病和慢性疲劳等,这些名字只是诊断标签,我症状的真正原因是EB病毒、带状疱疹病毒、链球菌和大量汞和其他重金属中毒。

在我生病的5 年里( 80 多种不同的神经症状),我曾经多次卧床不起。我现在可能还剩下 10 种病症,疗愈了70% 。我仍然在大量排毒,但我过上了完全正常的生活,我现在是全职的疗愈师,帮助别人如何使用安东尼威廉信息排毒净化,以及如何克服恐惧、挑战、焦虑,并与更高的自我链接。在过去四年疗愈之旅期间,我一直在记录我的整个旅程(好的和坏的),因为真实是自由的关键。

在我十几岁的时候,我是一个严重的忧郁症患者,并且有过惊恐发作,在 20 岁的时候,我开始摄入抗抑郁药物,并吃了10年,似乎焦虑消失了。









如果我 5 年前在一家酒吧(我那时频繁地去酒吧),你告诉我五年后我是一个在家吃照亮我灵魂的纯植物饮食、不喝酒,和更高源头链接、每天冥想的人……





? 发生的事情可能只是让我免于更糟糕事情的发生

? 我绝对不是唯一一个经历过挑战的人

? 上天敲了我的门,给了我改变和变得更好的机会和理由

? 我的痛苦成为我的目的

? 我无法以生病前的我状态疗愈










Foods to help slow down detoxification:

Always start by lowering the amount of supps and herbs you’re taking and working on detoxing with mostly just the foods, sometimes keeping some supps/herbs is ok

Then start lowering the amount of healing foods you’re eating. If you’re doing doing 32oz of celery juice, go down to 16 and if that’s too much go down to 8 and If that’s too much go down to 2oz

If you’re doing the Heavy metal detox smoothie and you’re getting too many healing reactions from it then take out the powders and dulse and just do wild blues, bananas, orange and water and if that’s too much take out the wild blues and just do bananas, mangoes, regular berries, pineapples and water and if that’s still too much then do Gluten free oats with maple syrup and berries/bananas or just gluten free oats 

If you’re eating low fat and getting too many healing reactions then bring some fat back into dinner time (avocado, tahini, coconuts are the best) but sometimes even small piece of meat at dinner can help detox at a slower pace that’s manageable

If you’re doing high raw and high fruit and that’s too much, then add in more cooked veggies at lunch and dinner

If that’s still too much then add in some black beans, quinoa, gf oats, millet, rice, and/or lentils or GF pastas

Being sensitive and healing is challenging but Totally doable!

You want to find the balance between pushing your detox but at a pace that’s not too much too handle physically or mentally

It’s good to push your detox, then when healing reactions get intense, slow it back down until it clears and once it clears kick back up again (i repeated that over and over again)

You can’t fully avoid the discomfort, you have to work through it but you can manage it

This journey comes with a lot of experimenting around and learning how to successfully make sure you’re still healing at a gentle pace

Detoxification is key to full healing!

Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ?????????

Do not freak out if you start detoxing and you start to experience some symptoms or fatigue

These are healing reactions and are fairly common if you’re a sensitive detoxer and have a high toxic and/or viral load

This is an Indicator that deep healing has begun and healing is happening!

It may be something that only lasts a few hours or days and it may come and go for a few months as your body purges out those nasty heavy metals and neurotoxins

For some who are really sick, it can last for months while you cleanse, so in this case you want to go slow with the healing regimens

It’s all safe unless it becomes too much for you to physically or mentally handle

You can always do 4, 6, 8 or 10oz of celery juice until you build up.

You can just do the wild blueberries, bananas and cilantro in the smoothie and hold off on the powders and dulse.

You can eat a littler more avocado or chickpea or healthier fat at dinner time.

You can eat more veggies at lunch or dinner to slow the pace of detox a bit and in some intense sensitivities to detox it’s ok to eat some beans, quinoa and GF pastas at dinner

You want to go slow on the supps and herbs if you’re sensitive and focus more on the foods to detox

The key is to keep detoxing at a pace you can handle, you can push your detox and if it starts to feel too much (symptoms or fatigue enhance) than it’s time to pull the brakes a bit and slow down

Once you slow down, the cleansed toxins will clear out your bloodstream and liver and you’ll feel better and you’ll also have just done a bit of healing!

You want to repeat the push & slow process over and over again until you’re no longer sensitive

When the toxic load gets lower, you’ll start to feel better and your symptoms will leave!

It’s a challenging process but one where you can have your full health on the other side!

Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ???????


Three Reasons that hold people back from fully healing with the @medicalmedium information

? Not staying consistent with the information. still eating or dabbling in trouble maker foods like dairy, gluten, eggs, soy, processed sugars, pork or eating higher fat.

? Not trusting the detoxification journey. Some may not see results right away or they may feel worse before they get better so they give up or they think it’s not working.

? Living in fear or having many stressors that produce adrenaline that keeps the liver from being able to detoxify efficiently and weakens adrenals.

?You have to stay consistent with healing foods to heal with the MM info. Healing is a lifestyle change that needs to be embodied and adapted too.

?Healing is a journey because the body can only detoxify so much each day. The body is absolutely healing when you’re doing this MM info but it takes time and things can get rocky when the body is purging mass amounts of toxins. You have to surrender and trust the detox process.

?Lastly, you have to accept each experience you’re having and surrender to God. Living in gratitude and connection to the self. Tapping into the love and guidance of the universe rids stress. Become a manifest.

Figure out the areas that you need to work on in order to fully heal!

Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ???????


I have a bunch of new followers so thought I’d introduce myself more, My name is Cacey, I’m 34 and I’ve been using @medicalmedium info to heal from neurological Lyme disease and CFS for the past four years

Those are just diagnosis, the real cause of my symptoms is Epstein Barr virus, shingles virus, strep and high amounts of mercury and other heavy metal poisoning

I was very very sick and toxic and I have been detoxing every single for the past four years

I was bed bound multiple times during my 5 years with this and had over 80 different neuro symptoms, I have now probably about 10 left and am 70 percent healed

I am still detoxing a lot but I have a fully functioning life again and I run a full
Time healing coaching business teaching others how to detox with MM info and how to overcome fear, challenges, anxiety, and connect to their higher selves in order to heal

For the past four years I have been documenting my entire healing journey (the good and the bad) because authenticity is the key to freedom

In my teens I was a huge hypochondriac and had panic attacks, so at 20 i went onto an SSRI called Paxil and was on that for 10 years - anxiety was gone for 10 years

I was a big time partier in my 20s with no real sense of moral values and Through that time with all the alcohol, high fat diet and adrenaline, I wore my body down and over severely burdened my liver

At 30, I tried making changes to better my life by coming off Paxil, cutting out alcohol, dairy, gluten and processed foods but I was still eating high fat (no carbs), i was going through a break up and Withdrawing from Paxil

This was a recipe for disaster, It was a trigger for EBV to proliferate and I got severe anxiety, depression, fatigue, leg weakness, severe adrenal fatigue and many more symptoms

All of my hypochondriac symptoms came back times ten! I thought I was dying for 2 months straight, it was not good ?

I thought my life was over, so I turned to God and asked him to start guiding me how to heal

I found

@medicalmedium in a very divinely manner and I studied this info in depth as well studying my body and I Knew this was how to heal

Before I started healing with MM info, I had to overcome severe fears and hypochondriac by creating a strong spiritual connection, meditation and changing my thoughts patterns or I else I wouldn’t have been able to detox because of too much stress, fear and adrenaline. This work I did on myself changed my life and what I originally thought was here to destroy me ended up being here to guide me to my purpose and to live in Gods love and light. Since then, I have devoted myself to becoming the best version of myself, to fully heal and I have discovered in depth how to heal these bodies, minds and soul. During my detoxing, I was someone who was very sensitive because of how toxic I was. I had to suffer a lot to heal because of all the healing reactions. I had to change my plant based low fat food routine around many times because as my body healed, what it wanted and needed to detox was changing. I remained low fat plant based but the different types of fruits, veggies, herbs, legumes and grains i was eating was shifting as I healed. This has been a far from easy journey and it tested me on every level. In the end it was all happening for me because the Universe knows my full potential, just like it does yours. I am blessed for all of it and I am here to help guide you with my healing knowledge and support you with my compassion for you. I know it can be scary but you’re right where you’re suppose to be, you’re being guided through this and you can heal! Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ??‍♂️??????

If I was at a bar 5 years ago (like I was a lot) and you would be telling me That today I was a home body making watermelon sushi rolls and other plant based recipes that lights up my soul, doesn’t drink, connected to God and meditates everyday…..

I would tell that person they are absolutely INSANE!

Before I got sick I had NO REASON to change my life, I loved the life I Lived or so I thought

Partying, chasing girls, working out, pounding beers, shredding the gnar, playing sports, quoting movies with my friends and going on trips was my life and I loved it but it wasn’t sustainable

I was also self centered, ego based, no sense of self, living by unconscious patterns, and had no real values, morals or purpose

what I learned when my life got turned upside down is five things:

? what happened might have just saved me from something worse happening

? I was far from the only one going through challenging times

? God knocked on my door and gave me an opportunity and reason to change and become better

? my pain become my purpose

? I couldn’t heal as the same person I was before I got sick

I would not change anything that’s happened in my life ever even getting chronic illness because it has lead me to unconditional love from within and to a whole new soul fulfilling life ahead of me

In the beginning, I did not have that vision but as I connected to the light during my darkest of times is when I felt the internal shift that I was right where I was suppose to be

It was a hero’s journey I was embarking on and know one in my life had a clue about that besides you guys ??

I am not the person I once used to be, I’ve been stripped down and died and over and over again and I have been rebirthed into who I am today

Self evolution along with the @medicalmedium info was the ticket to my healing ???‍♂️

God always provides the MAGIC on the other side of the pain, but you have to do the inner work to see that magic before it happens ➡️ FAITH ?

You create your destiny by stepping into the unknown, changing your thoughts and intentions, connecting to your higher self and trusting Gods plan

Surrender. Believe. Trust. Consistency. Patience. ?????






疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
