原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-05-07原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4335.html
从@ healthy.livex3转发
如何开始实践安东尼威廉净化疗愈法,请见:早晨净化法和执行细节(附音频 + 视频内容)
洗完澡后,我通常会要求“ oo ee ah ah”,就是香蕉!然后那天晚上我不得不第二次刷牙,但这是值得的!
如果我2岁的侄女可以喝重金属排毒果昔,那么你也可以喝。我放了很多生姜,她很喜欢。 很多人问我如何让孩子健康饮食。真相可能会很刺耳:一切从你开始。你不能期望在我们吃的不健康的时候,孩子能够吃得健康。他们只是模仿父母而已。 他们吃他们看到你吃的东西。我的侄女只喜欢西芹汁和重金属排毒果昔,因为我们从小就给她吃。只有我们一直给他们吃不健康食物后,他们才会想要吃那些。 当他们多年生活在大众饮食环境中时,这会一切变得更加困难。然后,父母决定让整个家庭变成纯植物饮食,这是一个非常健康的决定,但说实话,要让孩子在一夜之间停止吃垃圾食物并不容易,需要时间。我们需要向孩子解释为什么不再吃这些食物,并进行教育。理解是教育带来的。 我们并不生活在一个完美世界中,因此,要让他们远离不健康食物当然很困难。但家中放置大量健康的植物性食物,自然会吸引孩子。 另外让一切变得有趣!让他们帮助你制作果昔或果汁..孩子很喜欢帮忙。哦,告诉他们这对他们有多少益处。并不是因为他们是孩子,他们无法理解我们所说的这一切。
Repost from @healthy.livex3
13 months ago our Medical Medium healing path began. It was a terrible time, because my just 2 year old child was only screaming and was not socially compatible. He was completely dependent, did everything in stereotypes and had OCD that prevented him from playing normally (and he didn't understand games either, he couldn’t put 2 puzzle pieces together for example).
He was non-verbal, did not imitate anything, did not react to his name, was afraid of other people, reacted extremely to noises, reacted extremely to everything that had to do with his body, brushing teeth for example and physically he could only walk straight (not run or similar). By then we had already spent several months trying out all the healing possibilities we could find and we bought a whole cupboard full of supplements that cost us a fortune. But nothing helped. It was so disappointing and gruelling.
Until my mother gave me a book from @medicalmedium that changed our lives! After only 1 month with very low doses of Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie (HMDS) we noticed positive changes. We went up to full volume within ½ year and David changed drastically for the better.
Today he has no more anxiety disorders, no more sensitivity to noise, after 10 months he started to talk, today he likes to play with other children, does puzzles for 5 year olds, goes to the toilet by himself and doesn't need a diaper anymore, started with functional, representative and first symbol game, perceives details around him, can jump on a trampoline and ride a balance wheel (without pedals), can kick a soccer and run very fast. He is happy, more satisfied and laughs a lot.
Today we have a completely different child, we are so relieved and overjoyed that it cannot be expressed in words. The way was not easy, with constant progress and regression, but it was worth it! And now our whole family has the chance to heal. Because if our child had not been so unique, we would probably never have received the key to healing.
#medicalmedium #healingkids#medicalmediumcommunity #hmds
Repost from @mklasvegankitchen If my 2 year Old niece can drink the #heavymetaldetoxsmoothie so can you. I put a lot of ginger in mine too and she loves it. A lot of people ask me about how to get kids to eat healthy.. The truth may hurt a little.. but.. IT STARTS WITH YOU. Lets be real you cant expect them to eat healthy while you arent. They Imitate. Lol They eat what ever they see you eating. ?My niece only likes Celery Juice and the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie because weve been giving it to her since she was little.. its only when you expose them to bad foods that they start to want them. Its harder when they were exposed a standard american diet for years.. and then a parent decides to turn the fam plant based. This is a great healthy decision, but if im being honest, it isnt as easy for every kid to stop eating junk overnight. It takes time ☺️ Explain to them though why you arent eating those foods anymore, educate them. Understanding comes with education. Now we dont live in a perfect world, so of course it could be hard to keep them away from trying foods you dont want them eating.. but keep an abundance of healthy plant based foods and thats what theyll naturally gravitate towards. Also, make it fun!! Let them help you make the smoothies, or juices.. they love to be helpful. OH and tell them how good for them it is. Just because they are little people doesnt mean they cant articulate what you are saying. ?? #plantbased #medicalmedium
Repost from @holisti_klee
A day in the life of a Medical Medium kid!?
Hi, I’m Arden??I’m 2 years old!
Let me walk you through a day in my shoes!
?Usually around 7am I’m up and at it asking for honey lemon water. After one of my parents prepare my 8oz glass of sunshine, I’m ready to start the day!
?I like to help my parents prepare my “green dinosaur juice” aka celery juice by jumping up on the counter and putting the stalks of celery in our Omega juicer, after that is done I get to enjoy it. My mom says it’s my “forever magic elixir”. I don’t know what that means but it’s magic so that’s cool!
?I usually go on a creative walk with my family. I take my shoes off once we reach the rocks in the desert to “earth”, it’s basically where the earth and I become one for a few minutes! I always feel calm yet energized! As we walk back to my house, I like to look for ?aka “road runners”.
?For breakfast I typically have a “purple smoothie” aka a HMDS . This is my most favorite smoothie! It’s sweet, delicious and gives me a silly purple mustache !
?My mom usually gives me a few drops of zinc and b12 to help keep my immunity strong as God intended.
?After playing with my fur siblings, I tend to get hungry, I usually eat some oatmeal w/maple, cinnamon, nutmeg and berries to hold me over until lunch!
?12:30 lunch time! I love eating potatoes, leafy greens, fruit and sometimes a few cashews!
?After my nap, I love to have a glass of fresh juice with some Micro-C in it. One of my favorite juices is ?&?!
?I pretty much play all day long running in and out of the house. My Dad usually has cut up fruit and veggies on the table for me to grab as I feel hungry!
?6pm is dinner time where I get to sit at the table and eat with my parents. We all eat the same thing unless I’m just feeling like eating millet and berries! Our dinner is always within the @medicalmedium guidelines. Our family tends to eat low fat but the fats we do enjoy are avocado, black beans, and cashews(my fav)
?After bath time, I usually ask for a “oo ee ah ah” aka ?! ?I then have to brush my teeth for the second time that night but it’s so worth it!
Thank you for hanging out?
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