疗愈故事(24)眩晕症的疗愈 Healing Story (24)Healing Vertigo



原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-10-03原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3814.html



English Text is further down.


从@jennwulf转发 昨天是我和麦迪森喝西芹汁的第200天!麦迪森已经有9个半月没有癫痫发作了!我们对此非常感恩! 我想分享我的疗愈旅程。2年前,我们的家庭经历了一次巨大的人生变故,卖掉了我们的房屋并搬到和父母住在一起。我们过去创建的生活突然不见了,麦迪森继续遭受癫痫发作的折磨。那时我一生中最艰难的时期,而且之后变得越来越艰难。 搬家后不久,我第一次经历了眩晕,那是我经历过最糟糕的事情之一。当眩晕消失后,我每天都感觉像生活在船上一样头晕目眩。我不知道到底发生了什么,为什么这种情况无法得到改善。说实话,有时我会想我是否患有多样性硬化症或脑瘤。 但是我坚持相信我会变得更好。我做了我所知道的一切以改善总体健康。我改变了饮食让自己吃的更健康,我认为可能压力和担心是导致病症的原因,因此我花了大量时间在冥想和瑜伽上,同时还尝试了顺势疗法和大量的营养补充剂,看了正骨师、按摩治疗师和针灸师。所有这些都帮到我得以每天正常运作,但它们没有解决我问题的根本原因。我继续向神祈祷,帮助我找到急需的疗愈我和麦迪森的方法! 去年夏天,当我看到安东尼威廉的信息时,我的祈祷得到了回应!我买了《神奇的西芹汁》这本书!我记得读这本书时一直在哭,因为我终于知道了我所有病症背后的原因,为什么之前无法疗愈。感谢安东尼威廉分享的信息,我现在正在疗愈并且症状在逐步缓解。 我的症状包括:眩晕症、摇晃的船上感觉/头晕目眩、失眠、头痛和偏头痛、麻感、焦虑和惊恐发作、脑雾和注意力问题、肾上腺疲劳、脱发、嗡嗡声、耳鸣、鼻窦压力、视力问题。 我分享我的故事,希望给所有遭受痛苦的人带来希望和鼓励。

关于女儿麦迪森的故事,请见疗愈故事(19)- 癫痫发作 



关于引起上述问题的真凶EB病毒的更多信息,请见:各类慢性疾病背后的真凶- EB病毒(上)(下)



Repost from@jennwulf


Yesterday marked 200 days of celery juice for me & Madison! Madison is now 9 1/2 months seizure free! We are so thankful!


Today I want to share my healing journey. As most of you know 2 years ago our family went through a huge life change selling our home & moving in with my parents. The life we had built was gone & Madison continued to suffer from seizures. It was the hardest time of my life & it was about to get harder.


Shortly after the move I experienced vertigo for the first time in my life. It was one of the worst things I had experienced. My vertigo was resolved but I was left with a chronic rocking on a boat dizzy feeling that I had daily. I had no idea what was wrong with me & why I couldn’t get better. I’m going to be completely honest with you...at times I thought I might have MS or a brain tumor.


But I would always think there’s no way I have that & I’m sure I’m going to get better. I did everything I knew to try to get better holistically. I eliminated bad foods & ate healthier foods to nourish my body. I thought maybe stress & worry were the reasons I was sick so I spent a lot of time outside meditating & doing Yoqi(a form of yoga)I tried homeopathics & tons of supplements. I saw a chiropractor,massage therapist & an acupuncturist. I know all of these things helped me function on a daily basis but they were not getting to the root cause of my problems. I continued to pray that God would help me find the healing me & Madison so desperately needed!


This summer my prayers were answered when I came across the Medical Medium Instagram page & I bought the celery juice book! I can remember sitting outside & crying when I read the book & finally had the answers as to why we were both sick & not getting better. Thanks to the Medical Medium information I am now healing & finding relief from my symptoms.


My symptoms included ?Vertigo?Rocking on a boat/dizzy head feeling?Insomnia?Headaches & Migraines?Numbness?Anxiety & panic attacks?Brain Fog & Focus?Adrenal Fatigue?Hair Loss?Buzzing feeling?Tinnitus?Sinus pressure?Vision problems


I am sharing my story to give hope & encouragement to anyone who may be suffering.




疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!

