“凝望星辰”冥想:找回真正的自己 Star Gazing Meditation: Finding Yourself

蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-03-26原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4269.html


Hey, everybody, we're doing a "Stargazing Meditation". There is a hidden surprise way above the sky that will always be there for you long before we die. To bring back and restore a part of us, it gets beaten down here on earth, sending us on spiritual search because we get lost in a lurch.


It's time to find out what's behind the stars far far away from planet Mars. You can't get there by driving a car, it will be way too hard. There's an easier way to reach above the ether, and heal the wounds we receive from people that are meaner. But that's OK, we can fix all the cracks, when our soul, spirit and heart get hacked. The "Stargazing Meditation" has you back.


This meditation can be done during the daytime or at night. If you choose the night time, try to get a glimps of the stars even if it's just for a moment. You do not have to see the stars in order to do the meditation. It will be just as effective and powerful. There is a built-in safety machinism for your soul, so you can stay safe and never get completely lost while being down here on earth.


Your soul is here within you, inside you, and if were up against emotional stress, it can be hard on our soul. Your soul is who you are. It's what lives on forever and ever. If we go through life, we can experience hardship and pain from losses and difficult experiences, sometimes brought on by others through betrayal, and other emotional struggles from everyday twists and turns life challenges us with.


Broken trust, emotional stress, wrong doing, broken promises and disappointments can make us doubt ourselves, make us wonder if we are good enough, if we deserve good things in life. We can lose ourselves, and feel like a part of us missing, the self-doubt becomes a weight upon us in our soul. It can challenge our very being and existence, leading to anxiety, depersonalization, PTSD, and depression.


One special way to rise from the self-doubt and fear and heal the wounds within our soul is to have a special knowing that is always there for you. It's high above the stars way way above you. It's behind the constellations just waiting for you to reconnect, and find yourself once again, bringing back emotional strength.


Now let's start the Stargazing Meditation. Find a comfortable position. You can do this meditation lying down, or If you prefer, you can do it sitting up in a relaxing state. Now close your eyes.


Take a deep breath in,and release.


Envision all the stars in the sky above you. The sky is dark. But the stars stand out bright. Do you see them?


Now see yourself starting to float upward into the air, elevating higher and higher into the sky. You are floating above the trees, houses and buildings. Are you floating?

现在看着自己正在空气中逐渐向上方飘浮,越升越高。 你飘到了树木、房屋和建筑物的上方。你飘起来了吗?

You look up into the sky at the stars. And you start floating more and more upward.


Clouds start rolling in high above you. They start blocking you from seeing all the stars. You start floating upward to the clouds. The clouds will purify you as you enter them. Purify and cleanse you of struggles, broken trust, betrayal, hardships and losses. You start to enter the clouds, and the mist is all around you.


It's dark. But you feel safe. You keep floating upward higher and higher through the cloud. You start to surface out of the cloud and above it. You break through. You are free.


Look up ahead you. All the stars are out. They are bright. Nothing is in your way. Now it's time to rest upon the cloud, making it your pillow. The soft, puffy feeling underneath you holding you up, as you look straight up at the stars. Can you see the stars? They look brighter than ever. And they sparkle.


Tiny flickers and flashes of starlight reflect off the cloud around you. Do you see the flickers of light?


Now look up at the stars. What you see is the first layer of stars. They are the stars closest to you. Can you see the stars above? Behind those stars are more layers upon layers of stars, other solar systems, and galaxies, stars upon stars. The stars all know you. They know who you are. They know your soul.


Far up behind these stars is a sanctuary, a place, where a part of your soul stays protected and safe, the essence of your soul, the very place your soul has come from. This essence of you, the soul is there so that you never lose yourself. It's there so you can connect to it, and gain soul strength.


This connection protects you from emotional struggles, broken relationships, broken trust, letdowns, losses, and emotional stress from harming your soul completely while down here on earth. This bond can never be broken. Do you feel this bond that's behind the stars? Nothing can break this bond between your soul and your soul's essence.


This is the other side of you soul. It's your home. Now it's time to see your soul, the essence. It's a mirror image of what your soul looks like now. Do you know what your soul looks like?


It's coming towards you, and will show itself. You faintly see it in the distance.


It's coming from deep within the stars. You will see a visual. It's about to show itself completely. What does it look like? Does it look like you? Is it here? Do you see it?


Now take a deep breath in, and release.


You are still on the cloud. You have made a direct connection to the essence of your soul in the sanctuary above way beyond the stars. Take another look at the stars before you head back.


You are starting to sink through the cloud. It becomes dark, so mist is around you as you sink through the cloud. As you are falling through the cloud, you feel safe and warm. It feels good to float through a cloud.


You now exit the cloud. You are above the trees, fields, buildings and houses. And you are heading back. You are getting closer and closer. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. You are back. The connection has been made.


Now take a deep breath in, and release. Now take another deep breath in, and release.


When you are ready, you can open your eyes. You have now completed the "Stargazing Meditation".


You have reunited with the essence of your soul. A part of your soul that is always there for you and issafe and protected. You don't have to search for that sense of home you are looking for anymore. You have found your way home. And no one can take this away from you.


The special connection to reignite a part of yourself has been there for you, so that you can strengthen and reclaim your soul, and heal wounds that make us lose ourselves, or feel as if we lost a part of who we are. Nothing can interfere with this powerful reunion.


The search to find yourself has been established. You are home. Your soul is a telepathetic connection to the part of your soul that sits beyond the stars.


Spend as much time as you like on this meditation. And the more you stargaze and complete this excercise, the more you rejuvenate your soul, and bring the sanctuary that's behind the stars back to you.


You can rise out of the ashes. See, I believe in you. And I know you can heal.



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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
