西芹汁如何帮助疗愈鼻炎 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Sinusitis

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-04-06原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4291.html






How Celery Juice helps Heal Sinusitis Many cases of sinusitis are acute, accompanying an illness such as the flu. While recovering from the flu, you can produce a tremendous amount of mucus, and that mucus can become difficult to expel as the body keeps producing volumes of it to protect you from the flu virus causing damage to your sinus canals.

Chronic sinusitis is a bit different. Here, strep bacteria are camping out in the sinus cavities, sometimes for a lifetime. Ear,nose, and throat doctors often offer sinus surgery in which they scrape off scar tissue from the sinuses as a method of relief. This almost never works long term. Usually people still suffer from chronic sinusitis post-surgery. That’s because it’s unknown that what’s really causing the sinus migraines, sinus mucus, sinus discharge, and sinus pain are high levels of strep bacteria, and those don’t go away with surgery. Often, people with sinusitis have consumed antibiotics along the way, and that has contributed to strep’s strength in their system. Long-term use of celery juice is very beneficial for sinusitis. Because the sinuses are so tied to the lymphatic vessels, and the lymphatic system is one of the greatest delivery systems for celery juice’s chemical compounds, the healing benefits of celery juice can reach the sinuses with ease. Celery juice’s chemical compounds also find their way to the “sinus cavities through the bloodstream, offering support from another angle. Once again, it’s celery juice’s sodium cluster salts and vitamin C that offer the immune system the tools they need to help fight off strep.



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