西芹汁如何帮助平衡血压问题(高血压和低血压) How Celery Juice Helps Balance BP Level

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-12-09原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3971.html

celery juice BP.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3971.html









How Celery Juice Helps Balance Blood Pressure Levels Celery juice is an equalizer for blood pressure. While we’re going to delve into high blood pressure here, know that just because celery juice can lower blood pressure for those with hypertension, that doesn’t mean that you should avoid celery juice if you’re dealing with low blood pressure. Celery juice meets you wherever you are. If it’s low, it helps elevate it. If it’s in a healthy range, it helps keep it stable. And if it’s high . . . well, that’s what we’re about to examine. High blood pressure is a mystery to medical research and science when a cardiologist can’t find recognizable heart disease, vascular blockages, or arteriosclerosis. It’s undiscovered that the liver is really what’s responsible for hypertension that can’t be explained by obvious sources—specifically, a stagnant, sluggish liver that’s filled with toxins. Over the years, the liver becomes overburdened because it’s part of the body’s filtration system, collecting everything that shouldn’t be in our bodies and holding on to it to try to keep us safe. Fresh, clean blood is supposed to leave the liver. When the liver becomes too taxed, though, it starts letting out dirty blood that’s filled with toxins. The heart has to work 10 to 50 times harder to create suction to draw this thicker blood up from the clogged filter of the liver. That’s what causes hypertension. This flies under the radar of medical testing because there isn’t yet a diagnostic tool to detect a sluggish liver, or even an awareness that “this precursor to fatty liver exists. Celery juice helps free the liver of the poisons and toxins that clog it, making the organ less sluggish and stagnant. Its sodium cluster salts disperse toxic substances from the liver and also from the bloodstream, acting as a gentle, safe, body-approved blood thinning agent that breaks apart clustered toxins and unproductive fats (which are the majority of fats that float around in our bloodstream) so blood can flow more freely. The sodium cluster salts also feed the heart, strengthening it so it doesn’t have to suffer from being overworked. Consumed on a regular basis, celery juice can keep working away at clearing up toxic debris from inside the liver so that eventually, the liver is releasing pure, clean blood so the heart doesn’t have to overexert itself.



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