柠檬马鞭草 Lemon Verbena


原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-09-27原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3805.html





柠檬马鞭草有明亮的柠檬香味,也是色拉酱酱、果昔、水果色拉、烘焙食品、米饭和蔬菜菜肴的绝佳补充。柠檬马鞭草茶是一种放松的药用茶,可以通过在1杯开水中加入两茶勺干燥或新鲜的草药,浸泡至少15分钟或更长时间之后饮用。如果需要,可以在茶中加入新鲜的柠檬和生蜂蜜。柠檬马鞭草是一种相对容易种植的草本植物,可以在阳台的花盆里或自家花园里种植。Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena is a fragrant medicinal herb that has mild antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties. Lemon verbena is excellent for the digestive tract as it is known to be good for relieving nausea, cramps, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea, stomach or gastro-intestinal spasms, and colon irritability. It is also often used as a natural slimming aid as it has been shown to burn fat, break down cellulite, and regulate the metabolism.

Lemon verbena is highly beneficial for crohn’s disease, colitis, celiac disease, sciatica, nervous twitches and ticks, and any stress related disorders. Lemon verbena also works as a natural remedy for Candida due to its powerful anti-fungal properties. Lemon verbena is also particularly good for the nervous system and can help relax the nerves and muscles, calm the mind, alleviate depression, ease anxiety, and provide a general overall feeling of peace.

Lemon verbena is also effective at loosening up and removing mucus from the lungs and sinus passages and can aid in providing relief from the symptoms of colds, coughs, flu, asthma, and sinus and respiratory infections. It is also helpful in reducing fever in the body. Lemon verbena is often used by women for its ability to help regulate their menstrual cycle and reduce the symptoms of PMS.

Lemon verbena has a bright lemony scent and is a great addition to salad dressings, smoothies, fruit salads, baked goods, and rice and vegetable dishes. Lemon verbena tea is a relaxing and medicinal tea that can be prepared by adding two teaspoons of dried or fresh herb to 1 cup of boiling water and allowing to steep for at least 15 minutes or more. Fresh lime and raw honey can be used if desired. Lemon verbena is a relatively easy herb to grow in a pot or in the garden.



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