西芹汁如何帮助疗愈脑雾(注意力减退、思维速度变慢、决策能力下降、记忆衰减、头脑迷糊等)How Celery Juice Helps Heal Brain Fog

Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-02-12原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3568.html

brain fog 5.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3568.html












How Celery Juice Helps Heal Brain Fog


Brain fog is often dismissed as a mild symptom of momentary memory loss or confusion. But chronic brain fog can be debilitating and impact every area of your life. For some people, this condition can be so extreme that they lose their jobs, have to drop out of school, or spend days in bed when they need to be looking after their family or other responsibilities.


The True Causes of Brain Fog


Brain fog has two main causes, sometimes occurring separately and sometimes at the same time. In Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, I share exactly how to drink celery juice to help heal brain fog and answer hundreds of questions I receive daily about this incredible remedy. I also share how celery juice works in the body to help heal almost 200 chronic illnesses and symptoms.


One of the most common reasons for brain fog is a low-grade viral infection from a virus residing in the liver such as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). When viruses like Epstein-Barr are present in the liver they need to sustain themselves to survive. They do this by eating substances that they like. Medical science and research have yet to discover this truth: viruses eat. They feed off of what I call “liver troublemakers” that have found their way into the liver, such as old pharmaceuticals; mercury, aluminum, copper, and other toxic heavy metals; solvents; and petrochemicals, to name just a few.


When EBV fuels itself on these troublemakers, it releases neurotoxins that can float around the bloodstream, enter the brain, and dampen or short-circuit electrical impulses there while weakening neurotransmitter chemicals. The result is brain fog. Medical research and science are completely unaware of this cause. Note that people with viral brain fog don’t normally have a virus in the brain itself. Instead they’re dealing with a viral infection in the liver.


The second most common reason for brain fog is toxic heavy metals in the brain. Mercury and aluminum are two of the most common ones that sit in the brain and impede electrical impulses. Electrical impulses tend to short out after running into deposits of toxic heavy metals, resulting in trouble forming clear thoughts. We are all exposed to toxic heavy metals over our lifetimes and as I reveal in my Medical Medium book series, toxic heavy metals are passed down generationally through the family line also. We can be born with mercury in our brains that’s from over 2000 years ago in our family line. Having EBV or another virus inside the liver and/or toxic heavy metals in the brain is extremely common in the times we are living in, so it’s not surprising once you understand these causes why so many people experience chronic brain fog at some point in their life.


While these are the two most common reasons for brain fog, that doesn’t mean that everybody’s brain fog will look the same. Far from it. In truth, there are hundreds of variations of brain fog, with each person experiencing their own version that’s a little different in nature. One reason for this is because toxic heavy metals are located in different areas of the brain and in different amounts in every person. Plus, the types of metals in each person will be different, along with the rate at which they are oxidizing and how old they are. Each person will experience brain fog differently based on whether they also have viral-caused brain fog and if so, by which virus. These are just some of the factors that impact how someone’s brain fog will present itself. You can understand more about brain fog and other neurological conditions and how you can start healing from them in Medical Medium Celery Juice.


How Celery Juice Helps Heal Brain Fog


Celery juice contains undiscovered sodium cluster salts that attach to viral neurotoxins, disarming them while also disarming EBV’s viral cells before they can even reach the brain and cause brain fog. Celery juice also helps clean up the liver and kill off pathogens like EBV that have made a home in the liver.


As I share in Medical Medium Celery Juice, the special sodium cluster salts in celery juice also help strengthen neurotransmitter chemicals as well as electrical impulses so they have stronger travel velocities and can cover longer distances. Celery juice’s special blend of healing benefits work together to clean neurotransmitters that are dirty from viruses, toxins, and heavy metals. Celery juice’s sodium cluster salts also fuel the fire behind the electricity in the brain, which leads to greater mental clarity.


Celery juice’s healing properties help detoxify toxic heavy metals from the brain and neutralizes their destructive charge. This incredible juice also helps stop the oxidation of toxic heavy metals, which prevents them from further interfering with brain function.


These are just some of the ways celery juice helps heal all the variations of brain fog. That’s the best part: no matter which of the two most common reasons I’ve discussed here is causing your brain fog, celery juice will go to work helping to address the true root cause of your specific variation. It’s critical to know how to drink celery juice in the specific way I recommend so you can get the full healing benefits from this herbal extraction. In Medical Medium Celery Juice, I share exact instructions and guidance on how to drink celery juice to get the best results from it, what not to do, and additional healing guidance to help you heal.


Learn more about the healing powers of celery juice in my new book Medical Medium Celery Juice



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