西芹汁如何帮助老年痴呆(阿尔兹海默症)、失智和记忆力问题 How Celery Juice Helps Alzheimer & Dementia

Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-03-04原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3584.html

celery juice brain.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3584.html



当这些大脑中的有毒重金属开始氧化时会发生记忆问题。想象一下汽车上一块生锈的金属,这基本上是在大脑中发生的事情,尽管这是在微观甚至纳米级水平上。导致重金属氧化的一个主要原因是血液中的高脂肪水平,不管摄入的是大量健康或不健康的脂肪:乳制品、蛋、各种肉类、蛋糕、饼干、甜品和其他油炸食品,甚至是素油、坚果、籽类、牛油果,其中所含的脂肪会导致与大脑中有毒重金属产生氧化反应,造成重金属开始分解变形、断裂、甚至膨胀扩展。西芹汁作为地球上最强大身体所需的电解质来源 (没有任何其他食物可以超越它甚至等同于其功效),可以帮助修复重金属氧化对我们的伤害。




How Celery Juice Helps Alzheimer's, Dementia & Memory Issues

Alzheimer's disease, dementia and memory issues can be devastating both for the person experiencing them and for their loved ones who bear witness to the effects of these conditions. Understanding what's really behind these conditions is critical so you can take steps to help prevent them worsening and facilitate healing.


In Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, I share the true cause of these conditions and almost 200 other symptoms and conditions so many people are experiencing today. I also share how celery juice helps someone with any of these conditions


Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia & Memory Issues


"Memory issues can occur in many different ways, whether in the form of trouble retrieving long-term memories, losing short-term memories, or even fluctuations, where short-term and long-term memory issues flip back and forth. We’re talking about more than those days when you’re really busy and you’re misplacing your belongings, maybe even forgetting where you parked at a busy shopping center—although celery juice helps, too, with that kind of task overload, where you’re trying to remember a dozen things in the midst of an overly stressful day. When we talk about serious memory issues such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, what we’re talking about without realizing it are toxic heavy metals in the brain, the most common being mercury and aluminum, with close runners-up of copper, nickel, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Everybody has a different volume of toxic heavy metals in the brain in different combinations, with some metals directly crossing each other’s paths, some metals touching each other side by side, and some metals in blended alloys.


Specifically, memory issues occur when those metals oxidize. Oxidizing metals lead to discharge. Think of a patch of metal rusting on a car, becoming crusty and bubbling up. This is essentially what happens in the brain, albeit on a microscopic or even nanoscopic scale. One major cause of this oxidative reaction is a high level of fat in the bloodstream—from healthy fats or unhealthy fats. Whether the diet is filled with high-quality oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, cheese, eggs, chicken, fish, and beef or hydrogenated oils, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, and other fried foods, the resulting fat in the bloodstream leads to this oxidative reaction with toxic heavy metals in the brain. The toxic heavy metals start to break down, and not in a positive manner. They rust, change form and shape, rupture, or even grow and expand as they run together. Celery juice, as the most powerful electrolyte source on the planet—nothing can surpass it or even equal it—helps repair the damage.


For one thing, celery juice’s complex blend of trace minerals not only helps restore neurotransmitter chemicals; the blend also offers complete neurotransmitter chemicals, which is critical because rusting metals’ oxidative runoff clouds up neurotransmitters, making them dirty and less useful. For another, celery juice cleans off the oxidative runoff of toxic heavy metals from neurons, another essential function since neurons can’t sustain themselves while being bombarded by heavy metal runoff. Celery juice binds onto the oxidative material, neutralizing it and making it less toxic. And by reviving haggard, injured neurotransmitters that are sitting on neurons as well as offering complete neurotransmitter chemicals, celery juice starts to help improve memory and can even help reverse Alzheimer’s disease.


If you think you haven’t been exposed to toxic heavy metals, think again. Have you ever eaten a can of tuna? Consumed a beverage from an aluminum can? Eaten a snack or sandwich that was wrapped or cooked in aluminum foil? Have you ever had a drink of water that wasn’t the purest, perhaps some of the tap water that’s served at millions of restaurants worldwide? Have you ever taken a pharmaceutical? These everyday sources bring heavy metals into our bodies. Yes, even pharmaceuticals contain heavy metals. There are even traces of toxic heavy metals in the air that we breathe in, from sources such as exhaust fumes and jet fuel. Plus, we inherit metals that are passed down from generation to generation, with mercury and copper the most common. Depression can be a symptom of toxic heavy metals in the brain. So can anxiety. The effects of those metals can show themselves very quickly in some people—oxidative stress can even happen to young adults—and sometimes it takes longer, developing over years. It depends on where in the brain the metals reside, how long they’ve been there, and how much they’re oxidizing. And when those heavy metals lead to memory issues, what everyone who’s suffering in this situation has in common is that the metals are breaking down, changing in formation, oxidizing, running into and saturating adjacent brain tissue, and affecting neurons and neurotransmitter chemicals. When neurotransmitters are diminished and weakened, brain fog can also be a factor, whether before or after the onset of memory loss.


Given the seriousness of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other memory loss conditions, a 2-ounce shot of celery juice a week is not going to help the problem. Look for tips in the next chapter on healing advanced conditions by consuming larger quantities of celery juice, and read up on the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie in Chapter 8."


There are many tools in the Medical Medium book series to support someone with Alzheimer's disease, dementia or memory issues and celery juice is one powerful aid you can implement right away. In combination with the Additional Healing Guidance offered in Medical Medium Celery Juice, healing can happen.





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