原创 Ethel 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2023-03-01 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/17843.html
这是一个很强大的大脑冥想,可以在情绪被触发的时候,帮助你消融、化解、转变,甚至终止支配着你的情绪。 有时候,我们难以避免挫折、愤怒、伤害和消极情绪,甚至都无法阻止它们。
当我们陷入一场情绪风暴并且被情绪支配的时候,尤其是当触发这些情绪的剧情还在持续上演时,终将使我们与正在发生的这些负面情绪、沮丧、愤怒或伤害变成一体,让我们不自觉地拒绝平和、安宁、放松,以及帮助。 当这种情绪挣扎在我们的内在和周围发生的时候,我们的大脑会升温, 这种强烈的大脑热力会加剧你正在经历的情绪挣扎,导致更高的大脑热力与脑组织受伤的可能性。
只要你需要,随时都可以使用该冥想。 当你在人生旅途上,日常的生活中,因为世间的各种经历而加速你的大脑升温时,在你大脑需要的时候,你可以在灵魂中感受到平安,因为你知道你随时都可以改变轨迹,冷却你的大脑,保护其珍贵的营养储备。 如果需要,你可以每天做这个冥想,也可以多次重复这个冥想。
This is a powerful brain meditation to diffuse, defuse, reroute, and even halt the emotions that dominate you the moment you have been triggered. Frustration, anger, hurt, and negativity can feel unavoidable at times, even unstoppable.
When we get caught up in an emotional storm and the storm takes over, especially if whatever triggered it is ongoing, we end up becoming one with the negativity or frustration or anger or hurt that’s arising. We end up resisting peace, tranquility, relaxation, and even help. As this emotional struggle is taking place within us and around us, our brain heats up. This intense brain heat can feed into the emotional struggle you are living through, causing even more brain heat and the possibility of injury to brain tissue.
Now let’s begin the meditation. Find yourself a safe, comfortable place to lie down. If you need to do this meditation while sitting up, that will work fine. Once you are in a relaxing position, close your eyes. Take a deep breath in and release. Now, on the count of three, take another deep breath. One, two, three: deep breath in and release.
Now envision yourself walking. It can be wherever you’d like, whether in nature or a city street or anywhere in between. As you’re walking, feel your feet hit the ground with every step. You start to feel the wind pick up. Can you feel the temperature of the wind? Is it warm? Is it cool? You can feel the wind tickle your face. The wind is becoming gusty and stronger. It’s getting harder to walk. The pressure from the wind is making you push against it. Do you feel the wind against your body? Do you feel the wind rush into your lungs? Now take a deep breath in and release. On the count of three, take another deep breath. One, two, three: take a deep breath in and release.
Feel the wind blow harder against your body, creating more resistance, to the point where it’s constant and no longer blowing as gusts. After pushing and pushing against the wind, you finally stop walking and give in to the wind’s force and open your arms. Feel your arms wide open as the wind is rushing against your body. Now completely relax as you are standing there against the wind. Take a deep breath in and release.”
You are about to let your body fall into the wind. Are you ready to let yourself fall forward? Now let go and let yourself fall forward into the wind. Do you feel the wind catching you? The wind is strong enough to hold you upright where you are. Relax into the wind. Let the peace take over and hold you up. Feel the pressure of the wind on your abdomen, your chest, your arms, your legs, your face. No longer are you fighting against the wind. The wind feels healing. Feel your head cooling down as the wind is not allowing heat to rise inside your brain. You are one with the wind. Hear the wind rushing past your ears.
Let the wind blow the difficult emotions far, far away from you. These emotions are not a part of you anymore. These emotions do not define you. They are not truly who you are.
Become one with the wind. Now take a deep breath in and release.
You can now open your eyes. You have now completed the Blowing Away Anger, Frustration, Negativity, and Hurt Meditation. You are no longer in the wind anymore. Yet you can feel the leftover windburn on your face and body. It’s a reminder that you are not controlled by anger, frustration, negativity, and hurt. They do not own you. The goal with this meditation is to know that this technique is always there, ready for you. As you are on your journey, living your life day to day, and find yourself challenged by experiences in the world that accelerate heat inside your brain, feel peace in your soul knowing that you can always change your path, cool your brain, and protect its precious resources whenever you feel your brain needs it. Feel free to repeat this meditation daily, or as many times as needed.”
第三本书 关于甲状腺
第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源
第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!