【化排】化学物排毒果昔(标准版和增强版) Extractor Smoothie


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-11-22 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/16739.html





  • 1 个苹果(切碎)

  • 1 杯冷冻或新鲜野生蓝莓,或30毫升纯野生蓝莓汁,或1汤匙纯野生蓝莓粉

  • 1 杯新鲜或冷冻芒果,或1根新鲜或冷冻香蕉

  • 1 杯紧压放置的新鲜欧芹

  • 1个樱桃萝卜

  • 1茶匙芥子粉(mustard seed powder)安东尼推荐的品牌是Simply Organic 网上有卖的,iherb也有。芥子粉是芥子研磨的。芥菜籽为十字花科(Cruciferae)芸苔属植物的种子,其种类有黑芥籽、黄芥籽和白芥籽、褐芥籽等三种。

  • 1 杯水,或1杯椰子水,或1杯鲜榨苹果汁,或1杯100%有机和无任何添加剂的瓶装苹果汁


将以上所有成分在破壁机中混合直至光滑质地。如需要调节稀释度,最多可再加入1 杯水或椰子水或鲜榨苹果汁,或有机且无添加剂瓶装苹果汁。即可享用!


增强版化学物排毒果昔比标准版效率更高,还可以去除标准版果昔可能无法抓取到的更多化学物质。通常,重金属排毒果昔除了去除重金属之外,还能去除其他毒素。 增强版化学物排毒果昔可以将其他化学毒素排出大脑和身体,帮助重金属排毒果昔能够更快速、更轻松地抓取和去除重金属。


  • 1 个苹果(切碎)

  • 1 杯冷冻或新鲜野生蓝莓,或30毫升纯野生蓝莓汁,或1汤匙纯野生蓝莓粉

  • 1 杯新鲜或冷冻芒果,或1根新鲜或冷冻香蕉

  • 1 杯紧压放置的新鲜欧芹

  • 1个樱桃萝卜

  • 2杯切碎松散放置的萝卜叶子(安东尼推荐樱桃萝卜叶子。其他也行,非胡萝卜)

  • 2茶匙芥子粉(mustard seed powder)

  • (可选项)1 杯水,或1杯椰子水,或1杯鲜榨苹果汁,或1杯100%有机和无任何添加剂的瓶装苹果汁


将以上所有成分在破壁机中混合在一起直至光滑质地。如需要调节稀释度,最多可再加入1 杯水或椰子水或鲜榨苹果汁,或有机且无添加剂瓶装苹果汁。即可享用!



  • 尽可能选择红皮苹果,因为其营养价值最高。

  • 芒果是这款果昔的首选。如果买不到新鲜或冷冻的芒果,香蕉是最佳替代品。

  • 可以使用任何颜色的萝卜根,包括红萝卜、黑萝卜和紫萝卜(黑萝卜和紫萝卜国内并不常见,建议使用樱桃萝卜或红萝卜),但请避免使用白萝卜。这里指的是萝卜,不是胡萝卜。

  • 如果使用椰子水,请确保椰子水为100%椰子水,不含任何名为“天然香料”的成分(天然香料并不天然,实际上是味精的一种变体),请避免使用粉红色或红色的椰子水。

  • 如果使用瓶装巴氏杀菌的苹果汁,请选择100% 有机且不含任何任何添加剂(诸如糖、柠檬酸或防腐剂)的瓶装苹果汁。

  • 如果觉得芥子粉味道难以接受,可以选择将量减半,从半茶匙开始,甚至从更少量开始适应,随着时间推移逐步增加到1茶匙的量。

  • 如果觉得欧芹的味道很难接受,可以选择将量减半至半杯,随着时间的推移逐步增加到1杯的量。

  • 如果所在的地区无法获得新鲜或冷冻的野生蓝莓、野生蓝莓汁或野生蓝莓粉,可以用黑莓代替。虽然黑莓也是一种高效抗氧化食物,但黑莓无法与野生蓝莓保护细胞免受重金属、化学物、辐射和其他毒素侵害的效力相媲美。

  • 如果买不到苹果,可以用成熟的梨代替。如果无法获得苹果或梨,请用橙子作为替代品。如果买不到橙子,请用非转基木瓜替代。如果买不到非转基因木瓜,可以用香蕉替代。如果买不到香蕉,可以用芒果代替苹果或梨。




  • 如果不喜欢果昔的味道,可以多加一杯新鲜或冷冻芒果,或额外新鲜或冷冻香蕉,提升其甜味。

  • 为了获得最佳效果,请使用没有枯萎或变黄的新鲜萝卜叶子(请使用萝卜叶子,而不是胡萝卜叶子)。如果找不到萝卜叶子,最佳替代是芥菜。虽然这无法发挥与萝卜叶子相同的功效,但依然可以提供许多好处。

  • 如果觉得芥子粉味道难以接受,可以选择将量减半,从半茶匙开始,甚至从更少量开始适应,随着时间推移逐步增加到1茶匙的量。









Makes 1 serving

The Extractor aids in removing different varieties of chemical toxicity, also freeing the path for toxic heavy metals to uproot and exit the body more quickly.

1 apple, chopped

1 cup frozen or fresh wild blueberries, or 1 ounce pure wild blueberry juice, or 1 tablespoon pure wild blueberry powder

1 cup fresh or frozen mango or 1 fresh or frozen banana 1 cup tightly packed fresh parsley

1 radish root

1 teaspoon mustard seed powder

1 cup of water, coconut water, fresh apple juice, or bottled organic and additive-free 100 percent apple juice Blend the ingredients together until smooth. Add up to 1 cup of water, coconut water, fresh apple juice, or bottled organic and additive-free 100 percent apple juice if a thinner consistency is desired. Serve and enjoy!


Choose red-skinned apples when possible, as they have the most nutrients.

Mango is the first preference for this smoothie. If you can’t get fresh or frozen mango, banana is a great replacement.

You can use any color radish root, including red radish, black radish, and purple radish. Avoid using daikon radish.

“If you’re using coconut water in this smoothie, make sure the coconut water doesn’t contain natural flavors and isn’t pink or red.

If you are using a bottled, pasteurized apple juice, look for one that contains 100 percent organic apple juice with nothing else added such as sugar, citric acid, or preservatives.

If you’re having difficulty with the mustard seed flavor, you have the option to cut the amount of mustard in half, to ½ teaspoon, or even less if desired, with the goal of working your way back up to the recommended dosage of 1 teaspoon over time.

If you’re having difficulty with the parsley flavor, you have the option to cut the amount of parsley in half, to ½ cup, with the goal of working your way back up to the recommended dosage of 1 cup over time.

If you’re in a part of the world where you can’t access fresh or frozen wild blueberries, wild blueberry juice, or wild blueberry powder, you can substitute blackberries. Although a high-antioxidant alternative, blackberries do not have the potency to match how wild blueberries defend cells from metals, chemicals, radiation, and other toxins.

If you can’t get apples, ripe pears can be substituted in this recipe. If you can’t access apples or pears, look for oranges as a substitute. If you can’t find oranges, look for papayas. If you can’t get papayas, look for bananas. And if you can’t get bananas, you can use mangoes in place of apples or pears.

See the next chapter, “Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Cleanses,” for advice on how to integrate the Extractor into your day and time it with the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie for optimal results.


Makes 1 serving

“The Advanced Extractor works faster than the regular Extractor, also grabbing additional chemicals that the Extractor may not grab. Normally the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie has the responsibility of removing other toxins in addition to toxic heavy metals. The Advanced Extractor’s power at escorting those other chemical toxins out of the brain and body frees up the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie to access and remove metals more quickly and easily.

1 apple, chopped

1 cup frozen or fresh wild blueberries, or 1 ounce pure wild blueberry juice, or 1 tablespoon pure wild blueberry powder

1 cup fresh or frozen mango or 1 fresh or frozen banana 1 cup tightly packed fresh parsley

1 radish root

2 cups roughly chopped radish greens, loosely packed 2 teaspoons mustard seed powder

1 cup of water, coconut water, fresh apple juice, or bottled organic and additive-free 100 percent apple juice Blend the ingredients together until smooth. Add up to 1 cup of water, coconut water, fresh apple juice, or bottled organic and additive-free 100 percent apple juice if a thinner consistency is desired. Serve and enjoy!


Choose red-skinned apples when possible, as they have the most nutrients.

Mango is the first preference for this smoothie. If you can’t get fresh or frozen mango, banana is a great replacement.

You can use any color radish root, including red radish, black radish, and purple radish. Avoid using daikon radish.

“If you’re using coconut water in this smoothie, make sure the coconut water doesn’t contain natural flavors and isn’t pink or red.

If you are using a bottled, pasteurized apple juice, look for one that contains 100 percent organic apple juice with nothing else added such as sugar, citric acid, or preservatives.

If you’re having difficulty with the mustard seed flavor, you have the option to cut the amount of mustard in half, to ½ teaspoon, or even less if desired, with the goal of working your way back up to the recommended dosage of 1 teaspoon over time.

If you’re having difficulty with the parsley flavor, you have the option to cut the amount of parsley in half, to ½ cup, with the goal of working your way back up to the recommended dosage of 1 cup over time.

If you’re in a part of the world where you can’t access fresh or frozen wild blueberries, wild blueberry juice, or wild blueberry powder, you can substitute blackberries. Although a high-antioxidant alternative, blackberries do not have the potency to match how wild blueberries defend cells from metals, chemicals, radiation, and other toxins.

If you can’t get apples, ripe pears can be substituted in this recipe. If you can’t access apples or pears, look for oranges as a substitute. If you can’t find oranges, look for papayas. If you can’t get papayas, look for bananas. And if you can’t get bananas, you can use mangoes in place of apples or pears.

See the next chapter, Medical Medium Heavy Metal Detox Cleanses, for advice on how to integrate the Extractor into your day and time it with the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie for optimal results.







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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
