Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-05-14原文文章源自安疗网安疗网-
火龙果:红心火龙果中的红色素是肝脏的重生神药,可以使细胞起死回生,帮助肝脏更快地生成细胞,从而使得肝脏再生。红心火龙果是肝脏的青春源泉,通过照顾肝脏深层核心,从而减缓并阻止肝脏的衰老(要知道,肝脏衰老= 我们的衰老。拯救肝脏,肝脏会拯救我们的健康,各类疾病都起源于肝脏,恢复肝脏活力是重拾健康最关键的一步。
1个香蕉或1/4 个木瓜(请避免转基因木瓜),切成小块;
Liver Rescue Smoothie
The Liver Rescue Smoothie is a key recipe in Liver Rescue because it offers such powerful healing support for the liver, which makes it helpful for every kind of chronic illness and symptom. It’s also a central recipe in the Liver Rescue 3:6:9 Cleanse included in Liver Rescue.
The first smoothie option below is a fast, simple, antioxidant-rich tonic to add to your life for deep liver healing. The second smoothie option is a light, cheery alternative that brings together greens and fruit. If you’ve never thought of adding sprouts to your smoothie before, now is a perfect time to try it out. They’re powerful and mild, and they blend perfectly into this smooth, tropical treat.
In Liver Rescue, I share how each of the ingredients in this smoothie can support you and your loved ones in healing. Let’s take a look at each of the star ingredients…
Pitaya (also called dragon fruit): The red pigment in the red-fleshed variety of pitaya is a rejuvenator for your liver, bringing cells back to life. It helps your liver produce cells faster so regeneration of the liver can occur. It’s a fountain of youth fruit for the liver that slows down and stops liver aging by caring for its deep, inner core, which in most cases succumbs to disease if left neglected for too long. Look for packs of frozen red pitaya in the frozen section of the grocery store or online, or you may find it fresh in your area. If neither is available where you live, seek out pure pitaya powder.
Wild blueberries: Contain dozens of undiscovered antioxidants, including anthocyanin varieties. There’s not just one pigment inside a wild blueberry; there are dozens of pigments not yet researched or studied. The wild blueberry is to the liver as mother’s milk is to a baby. Not only do wild blueberries have the ability to grab on to plenty of troublemakers, they also hold on to them as they leave the liver, in a way that most other healing foods cannot. The pigments in wild blueberries have the ability to saturate deep into liver cells and cross cell walls and membranes inside the liver, spreading their blue everywhere. Wild blueberries enhance the intestinal tract, feeding good bacteria there, which benefits the liver greatly. Look for packs of frozen wild blueberries in the frozen section of the grocery store or online, or you may find it fresh in your area. If neither is available where you live, seek out pure wild blueberry powder.
Liver Rescue Smoothie
2 bananas or ½ Maradol papaya, cubed
½ cup fresh, 1 packet frozen, or 2 tablespoons powdered red pitaya (dragon fruit)
2 cups fresh or frozen or 2 tablespoons powdered wild blueberries
½ cup water (optional)
1 banana or ¼ Maradol papaya, cubed
1 mango
½ cup fresh, 1 packet frozen, or 2 tablespoons powdered red pitaya (dragon fruit)
1 celery stalk
½ cup sprouts (any variety)
½ lime
½ cup water (optional)
Combine all ingredients in the blender. Blend until smooth. If desired, stream in up to ½ cup of water until desired consistency is reached.
Makes 1-2 servings
* If you don’t have access to the options for pitaya and/or wild blueberries, substitute blackberries, cultivated blueberries, or cherries.
*Try adding at least one frozen element to your smoothie. This ensures that your smoothie stays nice and cold!
Find out more about how to heal liver and reverse chronic illnesses, pls check out Liver Rescueby Anthony William ( (you can find book cover below).愿天下人健康、平安、健康。
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