原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-11-08原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3898.html
Mustard Seeds
Mustard seeds are a medicinal spice that have been used therapeutically for thousands of years. Mustard seeds are rich in antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, K, E, B-complex, calcium, iron, selenium, and zinc. They are also high in essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6, and oleic acid.
Mustard seeds spicy and pungent flavor are known to stimulate the appetite and can increase salivation by as much as eight times. They help to promote digestion and neutralize toxins which prevents indigestion and bloating. Mustard seeds are highly beneficial for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, speeding up metabolism, reducing the frequency of migraines, and preventing atherosclerosis and cancer.
Mustard seeds have anti-fungal and anti-septic properties which makes them good for cleansing the digestive tract and detoxifying the body. They are one of the best treatments for skin diseases as its rids the blood of excess impurities and slows the activities of the sebaceous glands which throw off cellular debris. Mustard seed powder works exceptionally well in the bath as it increases the blood flow to the skin and removes toxins from the body.
Mustard oil creates a “warming” sensation on the skin which helps to relieve muscle pain, arthritic pain, and rheumatism. Mustard oil is also known to stimulate hair growth when applied to the scalp and can be used a poultice or hot compresses to help reduce the impact of a sprain or strain to the body. Mustard oil can also be massaged into the chest and sinuses to help loosen up congestion in the lungs and sinuses. In ancient times, mustard seeds were believed to be so powerful and potent that they were strategically placed around the home to help ward off evil spirits.
Mustard seeds can be used whole, ground, or powdered in soups, sandwiches, potato, vegetable, and rice dishes. If you love prepared mustard, consider making it fresh at home by grinding/crushing mustard seeds and mixing with some apple cider vinegar, sea salt, and spices of choice. Raw honey can also be added for additional flavor and health benefits. Mustard seeds, mustard powder, and mustard oil can be found online or at your local health food store.
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