最佳淋巴和血液净化草本-红花苜蓿 Red Clover

花草茶 药草评论




红花苜蓿富含大量的营养元素和抗病生物碱。我们可以从红花苜蓿中获得比任何多元维生素都多的营养。如果你担心营养匮乏,请每天喝三杯红花苜蓿茶,这是补充矿物质、应对营养匮的终极工具和惊人补充剂,特别是补充钼、锰、硒、铁、镁、维生素 A、B 族维生素、维生素辅助因子(医学研究尚未关注的植物营养素)等方面的匮乏。


红花苜蓿还具有提升能量的作用,对感到筋疲力尽、疲倦的人来说,这是一种绝佳的药草。你可以喝含有大量新鲜水果、蔬菜和超级粉末的果昔,但其功效可能无法与一杯红花苜蓿茶中所含的营养相提并论。所有这些能力,再加上红花苜蓿去除有毒重金属和杀虫剂(诸如 DDT)的能力,使这种草本真正成为本世纪生存在这个星球上的必需品。



红花苜蓿通常成簇开花,一次开出大约 5 到 20 朵花。为了获得红花苜蓿的全部药用效果,可以每天喝一杯红花苜蓿茶,坚持5 到 20 天以与其自然频率同频(坚持喝超过20天也完全没有问题,就像新的一朵花在盛开)。

注:安东尼威廉官网推荐的红花苜蓿滴剂(无酒精)为nature's answer牌子的red clover红花苜蓿(又称为红三叶草)滴剂,可以在cn.iherb.com上可以找到。




疾病:血液细胞疾病、B细胞病、白血病、血液毒性、甲肝、乙肝、丙肝、丁肝、多发性骨髓瘤等血细胞癌、贫血(包括镰状细胞病)、肝病、肾上腺疲劳、生殖系统能量低下、过敏、EB病毒/单核细胞增多症、青春痘、单纯疱疹 1型 (HSV-1)、单纯疱疹2型 (HSV-2)、不孕症、带状疱疹、短暂性脑缺血发作 (TIA)、唾液管问题、乳糜泻,、湿疹、牛皮癣、莱姆病

症状:高血压、肝郁、肝脏停滞、慢性腹泻、慢性腹泻、便秘、荷尔蒙失调、脾肿大、经前综合症 (PMS)、更年期症状、食物过敏、荨麻疹、皮疹、血糖失衡、忧郁、淋巴节肿大、循环不良、组胺反应和敏感性、皮肤干燥、尿血、钙化、化学敏感性、身体真菌、指甲变脆、瘀伤、头痛、消化不良、体重增加、对甜食的渴望

三. 红花苜蓿的情感支持



Red Clover

It’s not just the rare and hard-to-find that has value. The very accessibility of some resources—think sunlight, air—makes them miracles in and of themselves. Red clover, one such wonder, is thought of as a common weed, when it should be heralded as a king. On top of red clover’s generosity of spirit, it has a sympathetic energy; it actually cares about the person who’s consuming it.

Red clover is the most powerful herb of all to support the lymphatic system and cleanse lymph fluid, and it can be effective for addressing any type of cancer. This generous wild herb—you can use both the flowers and the leaves—is a diuretic and the ultimate blood builder for those who are worried about virtually any type of blood disorder or disease, including leukemia, multiple myeloma, or just toxic blood overall due to the pancreas or liver not functioning properly.

Red clover is loaded with a bumper crop of nutrients and disease-fighting alkaloids. You can get more out of red clover than any multivitamin on the shelf. If you or your doctor are concerned that you have nutrient deficiencies, drink three cups daily of red clover tea. It is the ultimate tool for remineralization and an amazing replenisher of deficiencies specifically in molybdenum, manganese, selenium, iron, magnesium, vitamin A, B vitamins, cofactors of vitamins (phytonutrients that are not yet on the radar of medical research), and more.

Plus, red clover’s alkaloids work hand in hand with its amino acids to break up and reduce stored-up, unnecessary fat, so it can be flushed out of the body. It’s one of the ultimate drivers of weight loss of our time.

Red clover also has an energizing effect, making it a stellar herb for someone who’s feeling exhausted, fatigued, or depleted. You can have the best smoothie packed with fresh fruits, veggies, and superfood powders, and it likely won’t match the replenishing nutrition contained in one cup of red clover tea. All of this combined with red clover’s ability to cleanse toxic heavy metals and pesticides such as DDT makes this herb truly a must for survival in this century.


If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing red clover into your life:

Blood cell disease, B cell disease, leukemia, blood toxicity, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, blood cell cancers such as multiple myeloma, anemia (including sickle cell disease), liver disease, adrenal fatigue, low reproductive system battery, allergies, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)/mononucleosis, acne, herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2), infertility, shingles, transient ischemic attack (TIA), salivary duct problems, celiac disease, eczema, psoriasis, Lyme disease


If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing red clover into your life:

High blood pressure, stagnant liver, sluggish liver, chronic diarrhea, chronic loose stools, constipation, hormonal imbalances, enlarged spleen, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, menopause symptoms, food allergies, hives, rashes, blood sugar imbalances, melancholy, swollen lymph nodes, poor circulation, histamine reactions and sensitivities, dry skin, blood in the urine, calcifications, chemical sensitivities, body fungus, brittle nails, bruising, headaches, weak digestion, weight gain, sweets cravings


Red clover is for people who live in the past, almost to their own detriment. When you find yourself trying to relive long-ago days because you’re nostalgic for feelings of happiness and contentment you felt back then, turn to red clover. This herb helps bring these sustaining emotions into the present, so that you can feel joy and satisfaction in your current life.


While red clover is used agriculturally in crop rotation, so often when we see it pop up in our lawns and gardens, we consider it a weed. Red clover can grow almost anywhere, and it doesn’t care that it’s stepped on, even though it should be considered royalty. It is a very forgiving plant that grows vigorously, with great tenacity. You can mow it, stomp on it, cut it down, and still it comes back over and over, providing hope and abundance. Where in your life have you been beaten down by adversity, and yet you still have so much to offer? Red clover teaches us to keep on going.


When you’re seeking purification, try a cup of red clover tea in the evening. The herb’s healing, cleansing properties will work overnight to find and discharge poisons from your system, making them readily available for your liver to process in the wee hours of the morning.

Red clover usually blossoms in a cluster, giving off about 5 to 20 flowers at a time. To benefit from red clover’s full medicinal effects, tune in to its natural rhythm with a regimen of one cup of red clover tea a day for 5 to 20 straight days. (There’s nothing wrong with going past the 20 days. It’s just like a new cluster of blossoms opening.)



疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



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