金印草(白毛莨) Goldenseal


原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-05-09原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4340.html


金印草根是一种北美的流行草药,是一种强大的天然草药抗生素和免疫系统增强剂。金印草富含维生素A、C、E和B族复合物,以及钙、铁和锰等矿物质。具有强大的抗菌、抗微生物、抗真菌和消炎特性,其所含的生物碱已被证明能有效疗愈由于流感或食物中毒引起的腹泻和胃部问题。 金印草对于其他消化问题也很有帮助,诸如消化性溃疡、胃炎、消化不良和结肠炎。

金印草有助于提升消化酶,并显著增强肝脏和脾脏功能,这是一种应对各种感染的惊人草药,对于鼻窦、呼吸道、口腔、咽喉、膀胱、尿路感染和酵母菌感染等问题特别有用。 金印草也是治疗痔疮、运动员足、口腔溃疡的有效草药,还能帮助阻止经期大量出血。金印草是感冒和流感季的必备草药,因为可以帮助预防和缓解感冒、流感、发烧、支气管炎、严重阻塞甚至肺炎的症状,还有助于治疗花粉症、咽喉炎、膀胱炎、肝炎和肝脏疾病。

金印草也可以外用以治疗结膜炎和发炎的眼睑,也可以制作漱口水用于喉咙痛和牙龈感染,金印草药膏/软膏对于治疗湿疹、癣、皮下脓肿、割伤和皮疹非常有效。 金印草通常与其他草药(诸如紫锥菊)结合使用,它们可以协同作用并同时增强两者的疗愈功效。 金印草可以以胶囊、酊剂、提取物、茶、漱口水和膏药形式使用。建议每次使用时间不要超过一到两周,以保持其在体内的有效性。

iherb上有卖的。Goldenseal, 品牌nature's answer。不是国内黄连噢




Goldenseal root is a popular herb from North America that works as a powerful herbal antibiotic and immune system enhancer. Goldenseal is a good source of vitamins A, C, E, & B-complex and minerals such as calcium, iron and manganese. It contains potent anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties as well as alkaloids that are known to be an effective treatment for diarrhea and stomach problems that are caused by influenza or food poisoning.

It is also very helpful for other digestive problems such as peptic ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia, and colitis. Goldenseal helps to increase digestive enzymes and significantly enhances liver and spleen functions. It is an amazing infection fighter and is known to be particularly useful at treating sinus, respiratory, mouth, throat, bladder, yeast, and urinary tact infections.

It is also an effective remedy for hemorrhoids, athletes foot, canker sores, and to help stop heavy menstrual bleeding. Goldenseal is an essential herb during cold and flu season as it can help to prevent and relieve the symptoms of colds, flu, fevers, bronchitis, heavy congestion, and even pneumonia. It is also helpful against hay fever, laryngitis, cystitis, hepatitis, and liver disease.

Externally, a wash can be made with goldenseal extract to help treat conjunctivitis and inflamed eyelids. A mouthwash can also be made and used as a gargle for sore throats and gum infections and goldenseal creams/ointments are very effective for treating eczema, ringworm, boils, cuts, and rashes. Goldenseal is often combined with other herbs including Echinacea which work synergistically and enhance both of their healing properties together.

Goldenseal can be found online or at your local health food store in capsule, tincture, extract, tea, mouthwash, and cream form. It should only be used for a week or two at a time in order to maintain its effectiveness within the body.




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