西芹汁如何帮助改善关节疼痛和关节炎 How Celery Juice Helps Joint Pains & Arthritis

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-03-24原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4267.html





How Celery Juice Helps Joint Pains & Arthritis When someone is dealing with arthritis, there could be a couple of different issues going on. For one, calcifications can develop over the years, building up and clinging around joints and joint sockets, and these bring wear and tear to cartilage. They can also be accompanied by many different toxins and poisons such as toxic heavy metals settling in joint areas all through the body—the result of a liver that’s been sluggish and stagnant long term. Toxins plus calcifications lead to what many experience as the typical arthritis that accompanies aging. Bone spurs that lower someone’s quality of life can also develop over time. These are basically bone nodules that develop from toxic exposure, too. Celery juice helps lubricate joints and cartilage, strengthen tendons and connective tissue around joints, and reduce the nerve inflammation that can occur in joint areas as well. Celery juice has the unique ability to break up and disperse calcium deposits—which is the same unique ability it has to dissolve gallstones, kidney stones, adhesions, and scar tissue. It’s part of what makes celery juice so miraculous. Much of its ability to disassemble calcium deposits a fragment at a time, releasing them back into the bloodstream to be carried out of the body, has to do with its alkalinity factor. Celery juice is extremely alkalizing once it enters the body. This is not to be confused with sources that are highly alkaline outside the body, such as high-pH water, which is actually not productive for the body’s pH. Read more in Liver Rescue. When celery juice enters the stomach, it starts to alter rapidly, becoming far more alkaline than it was to begin with. This is part of how it reduces the pains of arthritis.



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