西芹汁如何帮助对抗HPV病毒 How Celery Juice Helps Fight HPV

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-02-24原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4117.html


和EB病毒或者带状疱疹病毒一样,人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)也是疱疹病毒家族中的一种。现代医学界认为HPV会导致宫颈癌,实际上HPV最多只会造成宫颈的伤疤组织,宫颈癌是由极具攻击性的EB病毒变体引起的癌症。 HPV对西芹汁无任何抵抗力,西芹汁中的钠簇盐可以剥除HPV病毒的外膜,这类似于病毒的盔甲,一旦去除其武装,免疫系统就可以轻易地杀死病毒。

如果坚持每天空腹喝西芹汁,并避免喂养病毒的食物(诸如蛋奶、麸质等),这不仅能够帮助逐步消除体内的HPV病毒,避免宫颈伤疤组织的产生,也是我们为自己健康做的最棒的一件事情。 西芹汁可以去除导致大多数生殖系统问题和疾病的病原体和毒素,净化并与生殖系统中累积的有毒雌激素结合将其排出体外(这些有毒雌激素是来自于食物、塑料、石化产品和药品中的恶性雌激素),在各个层面上滋养生殖系统,恢复细胞活力,平衡健康激素水平,向生殖器官和腺体提供所需的营养和微量矿物质。


How Celery Juice Helps fight Human Papillomavirus (HPV) HPV has no immunity against celery juice. The virus is similar in many ways to herpetic family viruses such as EBV and shingles in that its sensitivity lies in the virus cells’ outer membranes, where sodium cluster salts can attach themselves and slowly break down the virus’s defense mechanisms. Regular consumption of celery juice can minimize growth of HPV and protect the cervix from developing scar tissue and what doctors often think are compromised cells due to HPV exposure that could eventually lead to cancer (in reality, cervical cancer is caused by an aggressive variety of EB virus, not HPV). Once you have the weapons—such as celery juice—to fight it, and you’re avoiding foods that can feed the virus, you have set the stage for protecting yourself from and even eliminating HPV over time. If you’re wondering if celery juice is good for your reproductive system,the answer is an overwhelming yes. The reproductive system is in desperate need of what celery juice possesses.  Celery juice stops pathogens that are responsible for most reproductive symptoms,conditions,and diseases;removes toxins that are also partly responsible;with its cleansing power,binds onto,neutralizes,and escorts out toxic hormones (such as foreign estrogen from foods,plastics,other petrochemicals,and pharmaceuticals)that build up in the reproductive system and confuse the body;and nourishes and feeds the reproductive system on all levels,from restoring cells to balancing healthy hormones to providing nutrients and trace minerals to reproductive organs and glands.  Critically,celery juice also hydrates the reproductive system,which is a major factor in what can go wrong. The reproductive system ages faster than many other parts of the human body,and one reason for this is chronic dehydration of its cells. Celery juice helps prevent and reverse this. Celery juice is very helpful for any reproductive system symptom,condition,or disease.



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