西芹汁如何帮助疗愈酸反流 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Acid Reflux

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How Celery Juice Helps Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is not due to gastric acids or hydrochloric acid from the stomach as medical research and science believe. If you or someone you know is experiencing acid reflux regularly, the acid is either coming from a bacteria or toxins in the liver and even the small intestinal tract. In most cases, it is bacterial. Medical communities aren’t aware that this is what is really behind this unpleasant condition.

There are cases of acid reflux where there is an actual kink in the intestines or a hernia. However, if the cause is not a visible one, the cause is a weakened liver with toxins and/or bacteria. The bacteria produces an acid that mimics gastric acid and fools the physician into thinking it is indeed gastric acid, when in fact it is not a stomach gland-produced acid at all. In Medical Medium Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, I share exactly how to drink celery juice to help heal acid reflux and answer hundreds of questions I receive daily about this incredible remedy. I also share how celery juice works in the body to help heal almost 200 chronic illnesses and symptoms.

How Acid Reflux Develops

When you have bacteria and toxin-based acid coming up and causing acid reflux or heartburn, it means you have a lack of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Hydrochloric acid is the good kind of acid that actually destroys bacteria, which in turn prevents acid reflux. In other words, if you have the bad acids, it means you do not have enough of the good acids.

As mentioned, acid reflux is also connected to a weakened liver. Typically, weak digestion is due to an overburdened liver that cannot produce strong enough bile, which then forces the stomach to overproduce hydrochloric acid to compensate. This is extremely taxing on both of the organs and weakens the stomach glands that produce hydrochloric acid over time. Now, with both low bile and low hydrochloric acid production, bad bacteria can thrive in the duodenum and other areas of the stomach, which can result in acid reflux.

The hydrochloric acid in the stomach is actually a complex blend of seven different acids, which are yet to be discovered. Medical communities currently believe, mistakenly, that hydrochloric acid is just one acid. If someone has, for example, a diminished amount of three of the seven acids in hydrochloric acid, a doctor or health practitioner will not be able to spot the problem because the truth about hydrochloric acid is unknown by medical research and science. You can read about hydrochloric acid in detail in Medical Medium Celery Juice.

How Celery Juice Helps Heal Acid Reflux

The most miraculous food to include when fighting acid reflux is celery juice. Drinking a 16oz glass of straight celery juice (don’t add anything else to it for best results) every morning on an empty stomach restores the glands in the stomach that produce the seven-blend hydrochloric acid. There are undiscovered subgroups of mineral salts in celery juice that contribute to this process and ensure hydrochloric acid is produced, which in turn means bacteria can be destroyed. These mineral salts are also able to support the liver in producing bile.

As you drink celery juice, it travels down the alimentary canal, and its enzymes start hitting the mucus that goes along with the presence of the bacteria and toxins. It’s undiscovered sodium cluster salts start hitting old, rancid fats, toxins, bacteria, viruses, and funguses—breaking them down and killing them off, including the bacteria that causes most cases of acid reflux. Over time, celery juice’s ability to help restore hydrochloric acid and bile production, kill off enough bacteria, flush out enough toxins, and bring healing to the liver and stomach means that it can help heal acid reflux.

If you’re unable to drink a full 16 ounces of celery juice daily at first, even drinking four to eight ounces every morning can do wonders in helping to heal acid reflux and heartburn. If you are experiencing bad acid reflux, you can even do two 16oz glasses of straight celery juice a day, one in the morning on an empty stomach and one in the afternoon or before dinner on an empty stomach. Or you can drink 32 ounces in one go in the morning on an empty stomach.

It’s helpful to keep drinking celery juice as I recommend in Medical Medium Celery Juice even after your acid reflux or other problem has healed because you could spare yourself from experiencing worse later.

With severe chronic acid reflux, it’s also important to bring in the additional Healing Guidance suggestions I outline in Medical Medium Celery Juice. With these suggestions and the celery juice, freedom from acid reflux and other symptoms and conditions is absolutely possible.

Learn more about the healing benefits of celery juice in my new book Medical Medium Celery Juice.


更多西芹汁疗愈信息和问题解答,请见公众号菜单栏->疾病篇->“疾病救星 -西芹汁”一文,也可以点击以下关于西芹汁如何帮助疗愈各种症状的详细解释。You can click on below links to read more about how celery juice heals more than 200 illnesses and symptoms.

西芹汁如何帮助疗愈湿疹和牛皮藓 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Eczema&Psoriasis

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