西芹汁如何帮助疗愈肾上腺疲劳与肾上腺问题 How Celery Juice Helps Adrenal Problems

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-01-13原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4023.html

celery juice adrenal gland.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4023.html







How Celery Juice Helps Adrenal Fatigue, Stress, Weakness, and Disease Celery juice helps address any kind of adrenal dysfunction by restoring damaged adrenal tissue and weakened adrenal glands, whether they’ve been affected by disease or by a state of constant, chronic fight-or-flight. Medical research and science are unaware of just how much our adrenals do for us and the dozens of diverse, complex blends of hormones they produce that support everything we do in life. Our adrenals are the ultimate hormone producers, more so even than our reproductive systems. Whether we’re experiencing a hardship; experiencing love, joy, and happiness; performing simple tasks like going to the bathroom, showering, brushing our teeth, or consuming and digesting food; or anything in between,the adrenals are there, producing a unique adrenaline blend to help us function. We have two adrenals, a right and a left. Each of our two adrenals produces different varieties of hormones. Usually, they aren’t the same strength—one has become weaker than the other from overwork, so it produces less adrenaline, forcing the other to then overwork and eventually weaken as well. Components of celery juice have the ability to enter the adrenals and saturate adrenal tissue, strengthening every aspect “ of the adrenal cells—healing, pampering, and coddling them. I should probably give sodium cluster salts the nickname “sodium glandular salts” because of how powerful they are for restoring the adrenals. Sodium cluster salts are a miracle for the adrenal glands. Sea salt and mountain rock salt are often heralded as good for us—we look up to them as being the best. And yes, those are higher quality salts. Still, their variety of sodium does not serve as a medicinal; those salts do not offer what celery juice’s sodium cluster salts do. Trace minerals are bonded to celery juice’s cluster salts in a way we don’t see with any other variety of food or salt. Cluster salts reestablish and ignite life in adrenal cells, also allowing the glands to rapidly produce new cells that are healthy and strong. Celery juice balances the adrenal glands so that the weaker one can catch up to the stronger one—and allows the two glands to communicate with each other, a facet of their function that medical research and science have not yet discovered. Celery juice’s very powerful electrolytes are what create this inter-gland communication: celery juice’s mineral salts enter one adrenal gland, exit through the bloodstream, and enter the other gland with information that it carried from the first adrenal. For more on adrenal fatigue, see the section on “Fatigue” in this chapter, as well as the full chapter on the subject in Medical Medium. There, you’ll also find information on the 56 unique adrenaline blends that provide for our needs on a daily basis. Celery juice is such a blessing to help restore our adrenals so that we don’t become or stay susceptible to adrenal complications, dysfunction, and disease.”



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