


原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-01-17原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3981.html


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孢子甘蓝是一种极其惊人的营养丰富的蔬菜,富含抗氧化物、植物化合物、维生素C、A和E,以及微量矿物质诸如钙、铜、铁和锰。孢子甘蓝也是ω-3脂肪酸和维生素K的最佳来源,这些是正常的大脑和神经功能至关重要的元素,对于改善认知问题很有帮助,诸如脑雾、记忆力减退、注意力不集中、自闭症、老年痴呆和失智症。 孢子甘蓝也有助于稳定白细胞内的DNA,从而让我们拥有更强大更顽强的免疫系统。孢子甘蓝还含有强大的抗癌化合物,这些化合物特别有助于对抗和预防结肠癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、肺癌、膀胱癌、肝癌、子宫内膜癌和卵巢癌。 孢子甘蓝也可以帮助激活肾脏释放更多的水,从而减少身体的肿胀和水肿,并使已经脱落的脂肪垃圾物更容易被排出体外。孢子甘蓝也有助于激活停滞的腺体,净化脂肪细胞和组织,使其成为理想的减肥食品。 孢子甘蓝含有大量的硫代葡萄糖苷,可以显著减轻炎症,非常适合预防和缓解类风湿性关节炎、纤维肌痛、狼疮、中风、心脏病、动脉硬化和滑囊炎;也非常适合帮助降低胆固醇、预防便秘、防止暴饮暴食,并减少消化道中幽门螺旋杆菌。 为了获得最大的健康益处,建议生吃(或榨汁)或蒸着吃。尝试用切碎的长叶生菜、芝麻菜、番茄、牛油果、洋葱、蒸孢子甘蓝、新鲜柠檬汁和蒜末一起制作成一道美味的色拉。这是一道营养丰富且令人满足的菜肴,可以滋养我们的身心灵。

关于孢子甘蓝的菜谱,请见:枫糖浆烤孢子甘蓝 Maple Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts are an incredibly nutritious vegetable that are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins C, A, and E, and alkalizing minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, and manganese. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K which are essential for proper brain and nerve function and are vital for aiding cognitive issues such as brain fog, memory loss, lack of concentration, ADD, ADHD, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.  Brussel sprouts are also known to help stabilize the DNA within white blood cells which creates a stronger, more resilient immune system. Brussel sprouts also contain powerful anti-cancer compounds which are shown to particularly help fight and prevent colon, breast, prostate, lung, bladder, liver, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.  They can help stimulate the kidneys to release more water, which can reduce bloat and edema and make it easier for dislodged fatty wastes to be flushed out of the body. Brussel sprouts are also good for stimulating sluggish glands and for promoting a cleaning effect on adipose cells and tissues making it an ideal weight loss food.  They contain high amounts of glucosinolates which can significantly reduce inflammation and is excellent for prevention and relief from rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, strokes, heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, and bursitis. Brussel sprouts are excellent for helping to lower cholesterol, prevent constipation, stop overeating, and decrease H.pylori in the digestive tract.  To obtain the most health benefits from brussel sprouts, consider eating them raw (they can also be juiced) or steamed until soft. Try making a delicious salad with chopped romaine, arugula, tomato, avocado, onion, steamed brussels sprouts, fresh lemon juice and minced garlic. It is a nutritious and satisfying dish that will nourish your body, mind, and soul.



疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
