原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-10-28原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3879.html
How Celery Juice Helps Dry, Cracked Skin
Dry skin is one of the first indications of dehydration. Chronically dry, cracked skin often happens when the blood is filled with a combination of fats and toxins. Fats block oxygen from easily entering the dermis, and oxygen is critical for healthy skin. Most everyone has a large amount of fat in their diet, and even healthy fats thicken up the blood and minimize oxygen, allowing toxins to fester. These toxins can saturate the tissue below the skin and push up under the dermis, causing the skin to crack as it tries to release them. A sluggish, fatty liver filled with toxins is a recipe for dry,cracked skin because that’s what results in the dirtier, less oxygenated blood that causes this situation. Celery juice assists by cleaning up the liver, binding onto toxins, disarming and neutralizing them, and flushing them out of the body. It also binds onto and disperses fats in the bloodstream, allowing fats to leave the body more easily. There’s no quick way to remedy dry, cracked skin, because a sluggish, stagnant liver filled with viral debris, toxic heavy metals,and other toxins takes some time to remedy. On its own, the liver cleanses so many toxins on a daily basis. If someone’s liver is very toxic—and the majority of people’s are—then the liver’s mere act of doing its daily job is impeded, and it struggles. This alone allows ample amounts of toxins to surface and saturate the dermis because the liver can’t hold on to them, so they enter the bloodstream and from there, reach the skin. Because the liver is too burdened, it doesn’t get a chance to disarm and neutralize the troublemakers, so when they reach the dermis, they’re more aggressive. Once you put the liver in a cleanse state (whether through a good, healthy, safe cleanse such as the Celery Juice Cleanse from Chapter 5 or an unproductive cleanse like the countless ones out there), it starts to flush out toxins. During that time,you’re still going to experience dry, cracked skin for a while, because some toxins are going to enter the dermis and exit through the skin. Long-term diligence and dedication with celery juice and other Medical Medium techniques, such as those you’ll find in Liver Rescue, can clean enough toxins out of the liver and bloodstream to finally reverse dry, cracked skin.
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