甲状腺系列(十四)- 甲状腺血液检测结果 Thyroid Guess Tests



Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2020-02-29原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3580.html

English Text is further down.






在目前只有T4、T3和甲状腺刺激激素(TSH)的检测情况下,如果我们测试结果异常,我们最正确对其的解读应该是这表明有病毒在影响甲状腺功能。 许多医生和患者已经开始注意到,即使已经出现了很多症状,检查结果却可以显示为正常范围。这就是为什么目前的甲状腺血液测试实际上只是一场猜测游戏。


同时肾上腺素和皮质醇也会充满大脑,导致生成TSH脑垂体过速运转,干扰血液检查结果。 即使你认为自己完全没有白大褂综合征,或者对抽血也无任何紧张情绪,但如果你长期处于慢性压力之下(许多人对此习以为常未必知道自己处于慢性压力之下),体内的肾上腺素和皮质醇始终处于升高状态,这会导致甲状腺测试结果完全不准确;另一种情况是一个人可能有肾上腺疲劳(80%的人一辈子会经历好几次肾上腺疲劳,更多信息请见“世纪流行病 – 肾上腺疲劳”),肾上腺疲劳意味着肾上腺会过多或过少产生肾上腺素和皮质醇,而不是正常的平衡有效方式。在这种情况下,即使医生办公室是你世界上最爱的地方,抽血时肾上腺过度活跃也会导致结果不准确。

许多一周进行一次甲状腺血液检查的人,会发现他们的读数每周都有很大变化,仅靠一次的甲状腺检查结果是不可靠的,这会让许多人被误诊。如同血压一样,现在医学界了解想要获得更加精确测量结果的最佳方法是进行几次测量并将读数取平均值。同样的思路也适用于甲状腺,但是实际上却很难操作,因为如果想要获得比较接近真实水平的方式是在30天内每天进行一次甲状腺测试30天,在月底取其平均。 因此,只有当医学界了解了各类甲状腺问题背后的真凶是EB病毒时,才能开发出更准确的测试,目前的测试方式是无法能够精准测激素变化了解甲状腺状况。现在的测试如此不准确,还不如握拳10秒钟,放开拳头,看看手掌颜色恢复正常所需时间是否超过三秒钟,如果超过,说明有甲状腺问题,这是比现在血液检测更准确的方法。

全球有无数人并不了解自己有甲状腺功能减退的问题,因为这不是任何检查查得出来的,甲状腺功能问题有时需要几个月甚至好多年的时间才会发展到血液检查可以检测出的程度。在此期间,一个人的健康状况可能在不断恶化。 这并不是说你需要完全避免甲状腺检测。你只是在看结果时需要了解上述信息,如果要进行甲状腺测试,请选择TSH、游离T4、游离T3和甲状腺抗体的测试。目前反向T3测试很流行,检测也不是问题,但要知道其结果不可靠。


甲状腺抗体测试值得特别注意,因为在所有甲状腺测试中,这些是最能够检测病毒活跃程度的测试。不幸地是当前医学界认为这些测试中检测到的抗体是自身抗体(也称为抗甲状腺抗体和抗微粒体抗体),即这意味着免疫系统在生成抗体攻击我们自己的甲状腺组织,而这些抗体被视为身体正在攻击甲状腺的证据,最终让患者得到自身免疫性疾病诸如桥本甲状腺炎等的诊断。 很不幸的是,自身免疫性疾病这个定义对于疗愈是灾难性的,这个名称实际上仅仅是在20世纪50年代开始的一种理论,当时的研究人员发现体内有一种抗体,但没有人知道它是什么或是做什么用的,这些抗体被假设说是在体内破坏自己的健康细胞。这只是一种未经验证的假设。


同样的理论被用于无数其他慢性疾病,这是现代医学提供的关于未知原因疾病的最佳解释。 体内被称为攻击自己的抗体确实会攻击某些东西,但它并不是在攻击自己。当我们生病并有神秘的症状诸如疲劳、皮疹、头晕、颤抖、眩晕、各种疼痛、消化不良、体重减轻、失眠、体重增加、记忆力减退、麻感、刺痛、血糖问题、脑雾、情绪波动、盗汗、食欲不振等,这意味着我们体内有入侵者。

根据症状的不同,可能被诊断为不同名称的疾病:红斑狼疮、风湿性关节炎、多发性硬化症、纤维肌痛、1型糖尿病、甲乙丙丁肝炎、结缔组织问题、白癜风、各种皮疹问题、格里夫氏症、桥本甲状腺炎、乳糜泻、结肠炎或任何其他被认为属于自身免疫类别的疾病。事实上,这意味着我们体内有一种病原体入侵者,身体的抗体正在努力攻击并试图去除病原体入侵者,而不是攻击自己身体。 请永远记住,身体不会自我攻击。实际上,诸如甲状腺过氧化物酶(TPO)测试的抗体是我们的救星。它们不会对腺体造成任何程度的损害。这些抗体是由免疫系统生成以杀死真正的真凶EB病毒。





综上所述,由于我们现在对引起甲状腺问题的真凶EB病毒并不了解,因此在确定是否患有甲状腺疾病时,我们对身体最了解,因此是自己的最佳专家。要知道,今天的甲状腺测试结果并不是为了给我们提供疾病背后的答案,而只是为了决定一个人是否需要进行甲状腺药物治疗。 附录:更多的甲状腺问题原因和疗愈的相关信息:




























Thyroid Guess Tests


Women have been trying for decades to make themselves heard about their symptoms. It hasn’t been an easy process. For so long, they were made to feel like so many of the health challenges we looked at in chapter 5 were all in their heads. Then finally, as medical communities began to identify thyroid issues as widespread, testing for those issues also reached mainstream medicine. This has offered validation to so many patients who receive proof with test results that there’s something amiss in their bodies.


On the other hand, what if you’re one of those women (or men) whose test results come back “normal”? There’s been a long standing practice where traditional doctors take all their thyroid cues from a patient’s TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone, also called thyrotropin) levels. They want to see those readings in the normal range of 0.5-5.0, and if they are, then these doctors go by what they’ve been taught: that a patient’s thyroid is fine. It can feel like such a blow to hear that everything looks as it should when you know something is wrong.


Now we’ve got doctors who are trying to investing a little deeper. They see many patients whose TSH levels come back normal despite a range of symptoms that seem to indicate otherwise, so they’re trying to get a more comprehends sense of thyroid performance by testing for free T4 and free T3 at the same time. it’s progress in the sense that women are being taken seriously now more than ever.


Even with this awakening, though we’re stuck in the antique-shopping phase of thyroid testing, because every thyroid test out there is built around the antiquated assumption that the problem with people’s health is an ailing thyroid. And as you know well by now, a thyroid that’s in trouble is not the problem itself: it’s an indication of something much bigger: an Epstein-barre viral load. If the latest information you’re hearing or reading out there says otherwise, the source should be considered a throwback to the dark ages or even the time of the dinosaurs and a relic of outmoded thinking.


Until medical communities wake up to the fact that EBV is the real culprit behind thyroid issues – and not just a sidekick to other factors mistakenly regarded as the instigators of people’s poor health – thyroid testing will remain limited in its helpfulness. Even as new, groundbreaking thyroid tests come to the table, which they will, it won’t be enough. Research can come up with the best, most state-of-art methods for testing the performance of the thyroid gland, and they will completely miss the point. What doctors and labs really need are more advanced tests for EBV – tests that track where the virus is in a person’s body, its path of travel that individual’s system, its levels in various organs and glands, and how it feeds and mutates.


So the premise of testing thyroid hormone production itself already falls short. These tests misdirect health-care professionals and patients. Making everyone focus on one effect of the virus (impairment of the thyroid), rather than the much bigger picture that it’s a virus causing that damage and wreaking havoc elsewhere in the body at the same time. for this reason, I won’t go into great depth here on the specific tests.


Thyroid hormone tests


That said, tests such as those for T4, T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) are what we have right now, they are pieces of the puzzle. If you and your doctor interpret them with the mind-set that they’re indicators of a virus affecting the thyroid gland, rather than the thyroid becoming weak and letting you down, then they can put you on the right track – if your tests come back indicating abnormalities in thyroid performance.


As I said, many enlightened doctors and patients have begun to notice that these tests can come back in the normal range even when every other sign points to something amiss. Here’s why, the accuracy of these blood tests is, unfortunately ,inconsistent – that’s why I call them guess tests. To begin with, thyroid hormone readings can vary widely depending on the time of the day and the patient’s stress levels. It’s much like the “white coat syndrome” many people experience when they walk into doctor’s office and get their blood pressure taken. Just sitting there under observation can get your palms sweaty and raise your blood pressure above normal levels, throwing off the accuracy of the readings.


In the same way, sitting in a lab or exam room about to have your blood drawn can get your adrenals pumping, which completely changes your blood chemistry – because suddenly, adrenaline (also known as epinephrine) and cortisol (also known as hydrocortisone), both steroids, flood the bloodstream in preparation for fight-or-flight, disrupting homeostasis in the process. These high adrenaline and cortisol levels can make it look on a blood test like you’re producing more than enough of the thyroid related steroids T4, T3 and TSH – whether you truly are or not . or adrenaline and cortisol may be saturating your brain and putting your pituitary gland, which produces TSH, into overdrive – again, throwing off blood-test results from what they’d look like normally.


Even if the sight of a needle doesn’t bother you at all, a disruption of homeostasis could still be affecting your blood chemistry. If you’re someone who experiences chronic stress, then you may live with constant elevated adrenaline and cortisol, or as we looked at earlier, these levels may be high from compensating for your underactive thyroid, or you may have adrenal fatigue. With adrenal fatigue, the adrenal glands can produce adrenaline and cortisol erratically, sometimes flooding the bloodstream and sometimes holding back. In this case, your adrenals may be overactive when you’re getting your blood drawn even if the doctor’s office is your favorite place in the world, and so again the results can be inaccurate.


I’ve seen people get a thyroid blood test one week, go back to get blood taken a week later for another purpose, and have the thyroid profiles on each come back with completely different numbers. Assessing the results of just one thyroid test is too limiting; it means that doctors can unknowingly miss if a patient has a thyroid condition. With blood pressure, many doctors and nurses practioners have learned that the best way to deal with inaccurate measurements is to make a few blood pressure readings over the course of an appointment and average them. A similar approach would help with thyroid testing  - although what it would really take is a thyroid test once a day for 30 days, and then an average at the end of the month.


This would be more helpful, though it still wouldn’t solve anything, because the tests themselves are antiquated. A few decades from now, hopefully medical communities will finally catch on to the true viral cause of thyroid disease, and the testing will be better. Until then, health-care professionals and patients deal with thyroid tests that are too broad in range and not attuned to the subtle hormonal shifts that can signal a thyroid condition. The hormone guess tests are so unstable that it would almost be more accurate to make a fist for 10 seconds, release it and see if it took more than three seconds for color to come back to your palm as an indication of thyroid problem.


Millions of women unknowingly walk around with hypothyroids that wouldn’t register on today’s tests. Sometimes it takes months or years of living with an underactive thyroid for it to progress to the point that a lab can detect it. In the meantime, a person must live with worsening health due to the virus’s progression – and no answers. While we can pretend everything is fine, that wont get anyone better.


None of which is to say that you should write off thyroid tests. You simply need the background above so you can interpret the results with perspective. if you’re going in for thyroid testing, ask to be tested for TSH, free T4, free T3, and thyroid antibodies.


Reverse T3 testing is currently a fad that’s not worth dwelling on. While it does reflect genuine problems, it can pick up on so many at once that it’s hard to know what any result means. It’s fine to have your doctor order the test, it just may not help you pinpoint to a reliable degree.


Thyroid antibodies tests.


Thyroid antibodies tests deserve some extra attention here, because out of thyroid tests, these are the closest to picking up on viral activity. Again though it’s all about perspective. currently, medical communities consider the antibodies detected in these tests to be autoantibodies (also called antithyroid antibodies and antimicrosomal antibodies) – that is antibodies your immune system creates to go after your own thyroid tissues. The antibodies are taken as evidence that your body is attacking your thyroid, and you end up with an autoimmune diagnosis. In reality, this is not what’s happening, that interpretation is based completely on assumption. When scientists first discovered the antibody activity and couldn’t figure out why it was happening, it was a convenient theory to say that the body must be malfunctioning. Trouble is, neither conventional nor alternative medical communities have yet moved on from that theory. It remains undeveloped science.


Remember, your body does not attack itself. The antibodies that show up in tests such as the thyroid peroxidese(TPO) test are in fact your saving grace. They are not going after your thyroid – they do not cause damage to the gland on any level. These antibodies are created by your immune system to target the true trouble maker- EBV.


Part of what confuses medical communities is that medical research and science have not yet discovered the thyroid’s personalized immune system that we looked at in chapter 5, the special lymphocytes we talked about which are not yet cataglogued, are assigned to the thyroid area, like solders that guard the thyroid. Though they’re temporarily lead away from the thyroid during the transition from stage two to stage three, the thyroid – a highly intelligent gland – sends out an emergency signal for the specialized lymphocytes to return once the thyroid realizes it’s under attack. Once back, the lymphocytes work symbiotically with the antibodies your immune system produces., allowing these antibodies into the thyroid so that the antibodies can attack the EBV there and get it out of your body. The confusion here is that medical communities see the antibody activity and think it means that’s the source of the problem. That is not accurate. Your special lymphocytes and these antibodies are working together to defend you.


So when looking at the results of any thyroid antibodies tests, remind yourself that if antibodies show up, they’re due to viral activity in your thyroid – not a mistaken response by your body – and if antibodies don’t show up, this doesn’t mean EBV isn’t present in the thyroid. Like the others, it’s a test that’s still in progress. Unlike with thyroid hormone tests, it’s not blood chemistry that can throw off antibodies tests. Rather the antibodies tests weakness is that they’re not yet broad enough or sensitive enough to detect smaller amounts of antibodies. When EBV is in an early phase in the thyroid, your immune system hasn’t yet made use of all its bells and whistles, so the antibody activity may not be enough to register on lab work.


Plus, there are so many varieties of EBV, with mutations continuing to develop, and this diversity means that there’s also diversity in the possible antibody reactions and antibody creations they induce, with certain antibodies geared toward these mutations that are not on blood lab’s radar. Current tests only pick up some of those reactions and creations. Translation: you may well have antibodies in your system that test results don’t show. These are antibody varieties that are literally “off the chart” because they are uncharted territory – they haven’t been discovered , so blood labs don’t look for them. If a blood lab doesn’t know an antibody exists, it’s not going to be commissioned to search for it. It takes funding and authorization to look outside the box of what’s known – although you don’t need a lesson from me on red tape and regulations. I’m sure one way or another, you’re plenty familiar with these.



Your own thyroid expert


Given that these scientific methods of diagnosis are still in development, when it comes to determining if you have a thyroid illness, you are your own best expert. If your test results don’t give you any insights, know that if you are experiencing any of the late-stage symptoms we looked at in chapter 5, they can be major indications that your thyroid has already been targeted by EBV and continues to be affected even as the EBV advances through your system.


Above all, remember that your thyroid is only one part of what’s going on with your health, though all of the medical focus on thyroid testing can make it seem like the opposite – and past test results may have made you feel like you were either making up your problem , or like your thyroid was in terrible shape and you were somehow to blame – don’t let it get your down. Today’s thyroid guess tests are not ultimately about getting to the root of your health problem and offering you answers. They’re about determining whether someone should go on thyroid medication





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