疗愈故事(77)-为什么人们会生病?你是否质疑安东尼威廉的信息?你的健康生活方式是否受到批评?Why are we sick?


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-05-13 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14142.html


安东尼威廉的讯息与他的奉献重新定义了『疗愈』及它的可能性, 并帮助许多人扭转了疾病重拾健康。许多他所分享的内容这些年来陆续地被医学/科学研究证实,并且至今為止从未被证明是错误的。例如:肺炎后遗症、系统性红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症、类风湿性关节炎、幼年特发性关节炎、肠躁症、乳糜泻和第1型糖尿病都与EBV病毒有关。
以上是celia hsu,一位4年安东尼威廉方法实践者的分享,大家有兴趣可以关注她的instagram(账号为missceliahsu),她的疗愈故事如下:疗愈故事(65)- 一位四年台湾实践者的分享

? 体内毒素水平(有些是遗传的,有些是我们一生中积累的),
? 还有更多
?他们没有给予足够的时间。我们需要有耐心,给我们的身体时间来疗愈。我们在去除一生累积的毒素和病毒,这不会在一夜之间发生。正如安东尼威廉所说,疗愈是前进 3 步,后退2 步的过程。耐心和坚持是关键。
? 通常人们对如此巨大的信息量感到不知所措,他们不知道当下情况具体要做什么。
? 细节很重要。有些人可能会忽略一些关键执行细节,或有些人在使用含有不利于健康成分的补充剂等,这可能对我们有害而阻碍疗愈。
? 有些人同时在进行其他非安东尼威廉信息的方法。我见过很多人结合其他饮食方法,这可能让他们倒退。
? 他们在做所有正确的事情,但在不断经受压力并释放肾上腺素,这仍然可以喂养病原体。
? 我们每天都在接触毒素。我们生活在一个被毒素轰炸的世界。我们可能每天都接触到空气清新剂和香水等毒素,甚至都没有意识到。通常,这些事情超出我们的控制范围,但这会影响疗愈。
? 有些人并不完全按照安东尼威廉给出的原则进行。他们仍然时不时地摄入应该需要避免的食物。像蛋、乳制品和麸质这样的食物会在体内停留数天,甚至数周喂养病毒。

不是每个人都会支持你正在做的事情。你是开拓者。您处于疗愈慢性病症的最前沿。有些人会认为你疯了。正如大多数人认为 Ignaz Semmelweis 博士(生于 1818 年)是疯了一样,他那时候建议医生在分娩前应该用消毒剂洗手!他的这个想法被医学界拒绝了,后来当细菌被发现时,现在这成为了标准做法!



Repost from @missceliahsu 
Have you ever wonder why people are getting sick constantly? Why do we get all sorts of symptoms as we grow older?
Why do we, even when we follow the dietary guidelines put forward by ‘experts’ : eat balanced meals, consume healthy fats, low carbs, no fruit, no sugar, eggs and dairy for protein and calcium, coffee, matcha tea for anti-aging, plenty of protein for building muscles…etc., and yet we are still not finding real improvements.
Have you ever questioned about why you are taking supplements, doing alternative or Chinese Medicine for a long time but you are still not healed yet? 
Having symptoms is not normal. We are meant to be healthy even as we age. People often think of symptoms as nasty, as signs of our bodies turning against us, when in reality they’re incredibly helpful clues and feedbacks about something going wrong deep within, and our body is asking for help. 
@medicalmedium information, along with his dedication, redefines what healing truly is. It has helped many people reverse their diseases and take their life back. 
What he has shared before has been continuously confirmed by medical /science studies and never proven wrong so far, for example, the information regarding long-haul plague, SLE, MS, RA, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, IBD, celiac disease and type 1 diabetes are related to EBV viruses.
There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain: He is not selling any products, you can even get the book free in the library , there is no marketing or funded companies behind it, thousands of people have volunteered to give their testimonials. It may be usual to be skeptical at first, but the results will speak for itself.
Thank you all for taking part in this photo collage, my dear friends. ❤️❤️??
Repost from @lightculturewellness
Are you questioning Medical Medium protocols?
Few people lately have been saying that they are not seeing improvement after following Medical Medium protocols and I wanted to address this.
To start with, each and everyone of us is different. How? There’re few factors to consider:
? levels of toxins (some inherited and some accumulated over our life), 
? strains of viruses and bacteria,
? dehydration level
? Liver health
? adrenal health
? emotional/mental state
? and many more
We have to take into account all of the above and work out a protocol that works best for our body. Medical Medium protocol is not a one size fits all approach. There’s hundreds of protocols and we have to adopt the best one for our ailments. 
Oftentimes, after doing few steps/protocols for few weeks or months, people don’t see the results they were expecting (especially if they read success stories from those who’ve healed quicker) and think that MM protocol is not working for them.
Few reasons why they might not yet see improvements:
? They don’t give it enough time. We need to be patient and give our body time to heal. Some of us have a lifetime of toxins and viruses to get rid of and this doesn’t happen overnight. As @medicalmedium says, it’s 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. Patient and consistency is key.
? Oftentimes, people get overwhelmed with the amount of information and they don’t choose the best protocol based on their current ailments.
? DETAILS MATTER. Some might oversee some of the critical details like straining celery juice before drinking or using recommended supplements. So many people are using cheaper brands of supplements and we don’t know the quality and how these supplements were manufactured. Most supplement companies don’t disclose all the ingredients lists and they use products that can end up being bad for us and this might make a HUGE difference in our healing. 
? Some are doing MM together with other non-MM protocols. I’ve seen so many people combining other diets and protocols that counteracts all the good they are doing, and this can set them back.
? They can be doing all the right stuff but if they are constantly stressed and releasing adrenaline, they can still be feeding the pathogens.
? We are constantly being exposed to toxins. We live in a world where we get bombarded with toxins. We might be exposed to toxins like air fresheners and perfume daily without even realizing it. Oftentimes, these things might be out of our control but nonetheless it can set us back.
? Some are not consistent with the protocol. They still have the no foods every now and then. No foods like eggs and gluten stays in our system for days, if not weeks feeding the viruses.
This is a list of the some of reasons why people don’t see improvements. I am not blaming or shaming anyone. We all have the freewill to choose what we want to do and who we want to follow.
The reason why I am addressing this is because if someone is not doing Medical Medium protocols properly and then says it’s not working, it might discourage someone who’s really sick from starting or continuing with MM.
If you are suffering from chronic illnesses and still questioning whether you should start Medical Medium protocol, I encourage you to do so. If you know someone who’s suffering from chronic illnesses, please share Medical Medium information with them. Millions of people have already healed with this information.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy life.
Much love,
Priya x
Repost from @kelseyvollerhealth
Have you faced criticism of your healing lifestyle???‍♀️
How did it land for you? Did it get in your head? Did you start to question if maybe they were right???‍♀️
The old school belief system is that many chronic symptoms are idiopathic (unknown cause) or genetic (you’re just stuck this way) and the only options you are presented with as “solutions” are things that MANAGE the symptoms, NOT resolve them!??‍♀️
There is a movement of trailblazers who SEE that there is a root cause behind every symptom. They see that most of the symptoms can be improved, if not resolved, when the root causes are addressed EFFECTIVELY.????
The @medicalmedium information provides us with knowledge on root causes and provides tools to address those root causes effectively.✊?
While that doesn’t mean that the recovery journey is easy or fast, it means that it is possible. It puts another option on the table for you to choose from.??
Not everyone will get behind what you’re doing. You’re a trailblazer. You’re at the forefront of a NEW way of approach chronic symptoms. Some will think you’re crazy. Just as MOST people thought that Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis (born 1818) was CRAZY when he suggested that doctors should wash their hands with a disinfectant before delivering a baby! He was REJECTED by the medical community for this idea, which later became standard practice when bacteria were discovered!
How do you feel about being a trailblazer in the chronic illness community? ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Share! Id love to hear your thoughts and I know others would as well. ❤️
With Love


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!

