疗愈故事(74)- 霍奇金淋巴瘤(淋巴癌)和宫颈癌 Hodgkins Lymphoma & Cervical Cancer


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-04-15 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/8559.html



怀孕时被诊断出霍奇金淋巴瘤,是具有攻击性的第 3 阶段,我必须选择是否终止妊娠,不得不每天给自己注射两次抗凝剂,以避免心脏病发作,接受我的宝宝在我肚子里和我一起化疗,每天做大量的蔬果汁,听有声读物,保持积极的态度,相信我的孩子和我会度过这一切,在化疗疗程一半时分娩,分娩后继续化疗,同时昼夜不停地承担妈妈的责任,半夜喂奶。

在我的其他 3 个年幼的孩子和丈夫感冒期间,我必须离开他们几周,避免我会被感染导致死亡,我需要面对中性粒细胞减少症、白细胞计数过低,我面的的是不断的针头,因为医护人员从来找不到好的静脉,所以我每次都会不断地被戳针……当我开始接受放射治疗时,我只想快点结束。我没有精力,疲劳不堪,仍然保持着能做到的最好态度,避免成为任何人的负担。当我发现我必须接受 5 周的放疗,总共 25 次时,我感到非常恼火。?






在两个月内我做了3轮标准版369, 一轮高阶版369,以及一些能量和情绪释放练习和冥想。





1. HPV并不是引起宫颈癌的原因,EB病毒才是导致宫颈癌的真正原因,HPV最多造成宫颈伤疤组织,更多信息,请见:


2. 新冠后遗症真正原因是因为新冠触发了体内原本潜伏的病毒提前爆发,造成了许多持续症状。净化法可以去除体内致病的病原体和毒素,从而让人得以疗愈。




Repost from @fearlessjenny

That's me on the left 3 years ago and on the right, that's me now. I had a really rough time with radiation. I had already been through so much. Being diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma while pregnant, finding out it was an aggressive Stage 3, having to choose whether to terminate pregnancy or not, having to inject myself twice daily w/ anticoagulants so I wouldn't have a heart attack, going through chemo with my baby in my belly, doing tons of juicing and listening to audiobooks daily, staying positive, believing he and I were going to make it, delivering mid-chemo and then continuing chemo all while being mommy round the clock, middle of the night feedings, being away from my other 3 young kids and hubby for weeks while they were fighting a cold so I wouldn't catch it and die, having to deal with neutropenia, white blood count too low, and needles needles and more needles, they could never find a good vein so I'd get pricked over and over every time... by the time I started radiation I just wanted to be done. I had no energy, constant fatigue and still kept the best attitude so I wouldn't be a burden to anyone. I was so aggravated when I found out I had to go in for 5 weeks of radiation for a total of 25 treatments. ?

I dreamt of traveling with my husband and kids and celebrating with family and friends. Instead, I was left drained and chemo-brained, with a damaged thyroid and of course, the hair... chemo curls were growing in crazy. The stress from trying to recover financially, physically, & emotionally took even more of a toll. The scanxiety & fear of reoccurrence, I'd have really good days and then really horrible ones. However, here I am today, feeling absolutely grateful to be here, alive and well. This Summer I can finally say I feel great! I share this as a message of hope to those of you who might not feel so well or you're struggling for whatever reason. You are not alone. There are so many people struggling and hurting and even fighting for their lives. I know it's not easy; the struggle is real. But, I also know that it's worth the fight. You are worth it and YOU CAN HEAL. Please read @medicalmedium books, follow the protocols & follow on ig! ???、


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