宠物健康 Pet Health


 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-03-26 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/7756.html








Jeff Feinman是一位了不起的整体兽医,拥有30年的经验,他在holisticactions.com网站上提供了许多令人难以置信的资源。他非常聪明,富有同情心,并为人们提供了许多有用的资料,以帮助所有宠物主更好地支持他们的动物同伴,可以在他的网站上查看内容丰富的文章和博客文章,或加入他的在线“整体宠物照护社区”以及在线会议。Feinman医生提供了令人难以置信的在线支持。










每天给宠物加入一些补充剂也可以帮助减少它们的脂肪瘤。维生素C是帮助预防和对抗脂肪瘤的绝佳选择。橄榄叶是另一种令人惊奇的补充剂。脂肪瘤吸收了橄榄叶中的某些植物化学物后,这些植物化学物会减慢并干扰脂肪肿瘤的生长。还可以加入保哥果(pau d'arco),这是另一种可以帮助减慢脂肪瘤生长的补充剂。

四.化脓性皮炎(hot spots)





帮助猫、狗或其他动物免受尿道感染的伤害可能是一个充满挑战的情况。慢性尿路感染会对动物造成特别的痛苦。使用维生素C增强宠物的免疫系统是一项重要的预防措施。橄榄叶是另一种有力的补充剂。保哥果(Pau d'arco)不仅可以对尿路感染提供支持,还可以帮助解决宠物可能遇到的任何牙齿问题。






1. 生食








2. 自制餐食







4. 加入蔬菜




5. 谷物和宠物



有些人给予猫狗纯素饮食。如果想逆转狗或猫的疾病,这种类型的饮食在短期内可能是有益的,但是除了素食之外,必须引入野生鲑鱼油(Wild Salmon Oil),这一点至关重要。因为猫和狗是食肉动物,所以它们无法通过纯素食茁壮成长。如果你想让它们保持纯素饮食,请务必将野生鲑鱼油纳入其日常饮食中。我推荐的品牌为Grizzly Salmon Plus的Omega Fatty Acids Supplement for Dogs & Cats。


7. 营养匮乏和补充剂

解决宠物可能存在的任何营养缺陷至关重要。 Ambaya Gold公司的Pet Health +™是一种出色的综合维生素,可帮助减少宠物的营养缺乏症。 SeaMeal™(一种由Solid Gold公司生产的海带补充剂)是为宠物提供一些所需必需维生素和矿物质的另一个不错的选择。如果宠物患有营养不良症,那么在日常饮食中撒一点点大麦草汁粉也很重要。




尽管有些人认为使用氨基葡萄糖和软骨素后感到关节问题有所改善,但我从未见过它能帮助人类严重的关节和关节炎问题。但这些补充剂实际上可以对动物提供高度支持,同样MSM似乎对宠物比对人类更高效。Rescue Remedy品牌具有不含酒精的酊剂非常有助于保持宠物的平静和凉爽。寻找良好的皮肤药膏也可能对某些动物有益。

请查看官网关于专门针对宠物的产品,你也可以浏览Hawaii Pharm品牌提供的不含酒精的兽医草药提取物系列,其中包含一些令人难以置信的高品质选择。您也可以在官网的宠物产品页面上找到这些产品。

8. 需要避免的食物






Pet Health

Our pets can bring us so much joy, peace, and companionship, and we want to provide them with the best care possible. Unfortunately, like humans, there are a number of health issues our pets can encounter throughout their lives. Whether your pet is up against a neurological condition, nervous system or immune system issue, ALS or AIDS diagnosis, a thyroid problem, cancer, chronic UTIs, lipomas, allergies, hot spots, teeth issues, bad breath, or deficiencies of any kind, there are steps that you can take to support your animal through their health struggles and help them to be the healthiest they can be. I know you consider your pet a part of your family and would do whatever you can to be there for your animal. This article will address common health issues that pets experience, highlight some great supplement and food recommendations, and give you a brief glimpse into the care and support I offer my own four-legged family members.

August’s Story

In the first chapter of my book Medical Medium, I tell the miraculous story of when I saved my dog, August, thanks to the guidance of Spirit and the tremendous support of angelic power. Years ago, we were in New England, taking a walk along the shore of an inlet. August bounded into the frigid water to play and ended up getting stuck far out in the tumultuous waves due to the rough current and a patch of seaweed blocking her from returning to shore. I immediately ripped off my boots and jacket and dove into the bitter cold water, hoping to save my precious loved one and best friend.

When I was about halfway to August, Spirit instructed me to return to shore (you can read more about who Spirit is in my first book Medical Medium also.) I refused, but Spirit insisted, telling me I was already losing the capacity to function because of the frigid waters and would not be able to save August. August had helped me stay strong throughout so much of my life, and I cracked under the thought of losing my beloved companion, yelling out to Spirit in frustration and anger as I was struggling to stay afloat.

At this point, I could no longer feel my body. Orchestrating a miracle for me, Spirit changed his instructions and instead of insisting I head towards the shore, Spirit told me to swim out another fifteen feet. Only because of Spirit helping me was I able to push myself further out into the water. Once I had traveled further into the treacherous bay, I followed Spirit’s instructions to take a deep breath and swim eight feet below the surface. Something other than the adrenaline that was already coursing through my system seemed to infuse my body at this point. Eight feet under water, I opened my eyes and saw August, with her red collar around her neck, in the arms of a female Angel. In a state of euphoria as the angel handed me August, I began to pull her up to the surface of the water. When we emerged, Spirit was standing on top of the water looking directly at me. In my entire lifetime of hearing Spirit constantly talking to me this was only the second time I’d ever seen Spirit. The first time was at age four when I received my gift. At this point, my fear had passed and immense relief and gratitude washed over me until Spirit told me that we were out of time, the Angel was leaving and that I must hurry back to shore while the angelic power was still present. At this moment it dawned on me that the only reason I was able to move through the freezing cold waters was due to the powerful angelic assistance. As relief turned into panic again, I fought my way with everything I had left in me to get back to shore with August, completely drained and hypothermic, but grateful we both survived.

I thanked Spirit for helping me with August’s miraculous rescue and I realized it was the first time I’d ever said thank you to Spirit in my life. Largely because of this emotional event, after many years of bitterness and frustration about the gift I’d been given, I decided to stay committed to spreading the healing information Spirit relayed to me everyday despite the hardships I endured so many years ago. I owed Spirit, and I owe all of you who desperately need accurate healing information to bring you the truth so you and your loved ones can finally heal. My dog, August, was a critical part of that life-changing commitment.

I tell this story to highlight just how important my pets are to me. They are part of my family, and I would do whatever I could to save their lives. They have had an impact on some of the most important moments in my life, and I don’t know where I would be without them. When I share the guidance and truth in this article, I share it with all the care and love I have for my pets and all the pets around the world.

Creating Support

There are a number of health issues you have to watch out for as a pet owner, and because your pet can’t describe the pain or problems they may be experiencing, it is essential that you surround yourself and your pet with proper support. This extra support can allow you to have greater insight into your pet’s health and wellness.

Working with a compassionate, understanding veterinarian is crucial. In my opinion, holistic veterinarians were often dismissed by the veterinarian community in years past. Fortunately, times have changed and holistic veterinarians no longer experience the exclusion they once did. Some people opt for a holistic vet, while others choose to work with a more conventionally-minded veterinarian. Presently, many veterinarians seem to be implementing a mix of both allopathic and holistic ideas in their practices. Regardless of what type of veterinarian you choose to work with, it is critical you find a veterinarian that you love and respect, and someone who will work with you to best support your pup, kitty, or other precious pet.

A Helpful Resource

Dr. Jeff Feinman is an amazing holistic veterinarian with thirty years of experience who offers a number of incredible resources on his website holisticactions.com. He is brilliant, compassionate, and provides people with a number of informative materials to help owners best support and empower their animal companions. I highly recommend checking out the informative articles and blog posts on his website, and, if you are interested, join his online Holistic Pet Care Community and be a part of his empowering online meetings. As a pet owner, the more assistance you can find, the better, and Dr. Feinman offers some incredible online support.

Therapy Companions

If you have a pet in your life, you probably already know in your heart and soul that they make wonderful therapy companions. Whether it be a dog, cat, bird, horse, rabbit, or other cuddly critter, your pet can help you heal.

Pets actually stimulate your immune system and can play a part in helping heal disease and illness. It may be surprising to learn that your natural killer cells can become more responsive when around your pets. Your platelets are also incredibly responsive, and having a pet in your life can positively stimulate platelet production if you’re someone struggling with a low platelet condition. A pet can help your adrenals calm down and balance out. Yes, there is the uncommon instance where your dog tears up the couch, rips the stuffing out, and eats it. During these rare occasions, your adrenals may surge as you frantically worry about what your dog ate and observe the state of your couch. But, these temporary, infrequent moments of frustration are far outweighed by the countless moments where the time spent with your pet actually brings incredible healing for your adrenals, immune system, and more.

If you don’t have a pet, but you scratch the back of your neighbor's dog or pet your friend’s cat, you are still stimulating your immune system. Just touching an animal or briefly cuddling with an animal can elicit positive responses in the body.

Cysts, Tumors & Nodules

Many animals develop cysts, tumors, and nodules during their lifetimes. Lipomas can grow quite large in both cats and dogs. If your pet has a lipoma, working to stop the fatty tumor’s growth is a great first step. Angiogenesis occurs during the development of a lipoma and tiny tentacle-like roots extending out from the tumor constantly search for food. Consequently, if you feed your animals toxic foods that fuel the lipoma, its roots will draw these foods in and it will continue to grow. However, taking certain toxic foods out of your pet’s diet can halt the the growth of this fatty lump.

GMO foods are especially good fuel for lipomas and can trigger the aggressive growth of these tumors, so try to make your pet’s diet GMO-free if possible. If you choose to feed your dog, cat, or other animal grains, make sure the grains are non-GMO. If your pet has serious lipoma issues, keeping his or her diet completely grain-free may be ideal during the healing process. If you struggle financially and can only afford to feed your dog food that contains some unproductive ingredients, do not stress yourself out. I fully support you, and know you are doing the best you possibly can for your pet. However, if you have the financial means to provide your dog with GMO-free food, I would recommend making this dietary choice.

Adding a few different supplements to your pet’s daily routine can also help reduce his or her lipoma. Vitamin C, such as Ester-C, is a great choice for helping prevent and combat lipomas. Olive leaf is another amazing supplement to try. The lipoma draws up certain phytochemicals found in olive leaf which slow down and interfere with the growth of the fatty tumor. You may want to incorporate pau d’arco as well, another supplement that can help slow down a lipoma’s growth.

Hot Spots

If your dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, or other animal badly itch and bite their fur out in certain places, he or she may be suffering from hot spots. Typically the formation of hot spots is a reaction to something in the animal’s diet. Try switching your pet’s food to choices that may be better for them and be mindful that It may take six to eight weeks to notice changes. If you don’t notice any difference after this period of time, try changing your pet’s food a second time. Reassess after the next six to eight week period, and if you are still not seeing changes, try changing up his or her diet once again. Sometimes pets can grow fond of one food and not be very receptive to dietary changes, but if you are working to rid your pet of hot spots, switching up his or her food is the best course of action.

Oftentimes, unhealthy food is contributing to the development of hot spots. A food may have fillers or other unproductive ingredients that play a part in creating this issue. Depending on your pet’s unique needs and health conditions, changing up his or her food, even if it is a very clean, healthy food, can help to break up the hot spot and fur loss cycle. Bringing vitamin C into your pet’s daily protocol can be incredibly beneficial as you work to heal this health issue. A high-quality supplement may not heal the hot spot reactions, but it can help expedite the healing of any wounds that form.

UTIs & Teeth Issues

Helping your cat, dog, or other animal heal from a UTI can be a challenging situation. Chronic UTIs can be especially painful for an animal. Building up your pet’s immune system with vitamin C is an essential preventative measure. Olive leaf is another powerful supplement to incorporate. Pau d’arco is not only great for UTI support, but also helps with any teeth problems your pet may be experiencing. Similarly, a tiny bit of propolis can be helpful for UTIs, teeth issues, and gum infections. Adding small amounts of fresh oregano and parsley into your pets food can also help with UTIs. The resource I mentioned earlier could be helpful for support with conditions such as UTIs also. You can check it out here.

Heart Problems

If your pet suffers from heart disease or vascular issues, it is critical you add coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C into his or her supplement protocol. These supplements offer wonderful baseline supports. From here, you can work with your holistic veterinarian to figure out what particular supplements your pet needs for his or her unique issue.

How I Care For My Dogs

Below are a few things I do to care for my dogs. Hopefully this information provides you with some new ideas and insight regardless of the kind of pet you own. If you want to implement some of these ideas, take the information to your vet and discuss it with him or her to see which new practices would be best for your animal.

Raw Food

I’ve fed raw meat, vegetables and fruits to every dog I’ve had since childhood. Over thirty years ago, this was considered reckless and dangerous, and if you told your veterinarian, neighbour, or a stranger what you were doing, there was the possibility that they would contact services to have your animal taken away. Fortunately, this particular diet, at one time considered highly unconventional, has grown immensely popular in recent years to the point where raw food and dehydrated raw food now line the fridges and shelves of pet stores, and almost all conventional and holistic vets praise this dietary choice as being a great option. Why was raw food for animals frowned upon decades ago? Ironically enough, for the same reason any raw fruits and vegetables were frowned upon even for humans many years ago. There was such a great amount of misinformation on these healing foods that they were often considered to be bad choices. We have come a long way since then, however there is still an enormous amount of misinformation about these foods today even though they are generally recognized to be healthy choices. You can read the Fruit Fear chapter in my book, Medical Medium, to understand part of this issue.

My dogs have always had good results from eating raw, grass fed meat. Try your best to avoid factory farmed meat, and stick with high-quality, grass fed varieties whenever possible. You will likely find grass fed options at a number of places including health food stores and supermarkets. Instead of purchasing ground meat, opt for a whole, grass fed selection which typically contains less bacteria. Fortunately, dogs are able to handle a certain level of bacteria thanks to the unique acids in their stomachs.

In various Medical Medium resources including my first book, Medical Medium, I’ve mentioned the seven acids that make up your stomach's hydrochloric acid. This blend is unique to humans. Dogs have their own blend, which is made up of twenty acids, and cats have a similar combination. Medical science and medical research have yet to discover the truth about our stomach’s hydrochloric acid or the truth about the hydrochloric acid found in our carnivorous canine and feline friends.

If your pet is a carnivore, he or she may really enjoy and benefit from raw meaty bones. These are constant staples for my dogs. Marrow bones, which are loaded with minerals that are ideal for dogs, cats, and other carnivorous pets, are particularly incredible. The mineral composition inside these bones can transform the health of your dog, cat or other carnivorous pet. You can always consult your vet if you wish to feed your pets raw meaty bones. It’s important to never feed your pet cooked bones because they can splinter and be hazardous to your animal and can’t be digested.

If you’ve always fed your pet cooked meat and veggies, and have never encountered food-related health issues, you can definitely continue providing your pet with a cooked diet, with the exception of cooked bones. Sweet potatoes can be an especially great cooked vegetable option. If health issues do arise and you want to try out a new diet, bringing in some raw food might be beneficial.

At present, there are numerous, high-quality raw food sources to choose from. The Honest Kitchen company sells raw, dehydrated food for cats and dogs. For these meals, you can just add a little water and have a tasty, wholesome dish for your dog or cat in no time. You can find their cat food here and dog food here and browse through their different products. Orijen is another great company that offers an excellent dry food option for cats and kittens and also for dogs. If you're looking for some fun, tasty treats for your dog, check out the coconut-based, grain-free treats and biscuits by K9 Granola Factory.

Homemade Meals

In addition to the raw meat, I like to give my dogs homemade meals as well. Around lunchtime, I like to make my dogs a mash by throwing an apple and two celery sticks into the food processor for each dog. I will often add a little barley grass juice extract powder and a little B-12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin as well. This apple celery mash is just one example of the lunches I like to whip up for my dogs.

I try to incorporate wild blueberries into my dogs’ diet every single day, and often grind up a pint of defrosted frozen wild blueberries in their lunchtime mash. If you are looking for another way to protect your pet’s immune system, sprinkle a touch of flaxseed meal or chia seed meal into your dog’s food as well. Make sure not to give your animal too much of either because he or she may experience some bloating.

Around dinnertime, I’ll give my dogs larger-sized, raw, meaty, marrow bones. I’ll let them chew on the bones a bit, rip off some meat, and lick out some of the marrow. After that, I’ll push the rest of the marrow out of the bone with my thumb and give it to them. I try to make sure that they don’t crunch or chew too much of the bone because it could be problematic if they were to accidentally swallow a large piece. Keeping an eye on them is important.

Bringing in Fruit

Fruit is not only incredibly beneficial for your health, but can transform your pet’s health as well. When my dogs were puppies, I taught them to eat small pieces of banana. Whether you have a puppy or a full grown dog, try giving your pooch a few different pieces of fruit, such as bananas, papaya, and berries, whenever you can. Fruit can help support your pet’s nervous system, help prevent and discontinue the growth of lipomas, and assist in the prevention and reversal of cancers. Bring in raspberries, blackberries, bananas, wild blueberries, papaya, and any other fruits you think your dog or pet might like. Apples and pears are great fruity additions for an animal’s diet. The antioxidants found in fruits will help support an animal’s immune system in fighting off whatever issues may arise. If your animal is battling cancer, bringing in fruit, alongside whatever treatment route you and your veterinarian choose to go, will give your pet a better chance at beating the disease. Just a little fruit each day can do wonders for your pet’s health!

Incorporating Veggies

My dogs not only eat fruit, but I also supplement their diet with veggies as well. My dogs love to munch on celery and each of them eat around four to five sticks per day. I’ll give them a few veggies after their morning meal of grass-fed beef and later in the afternoon after they devour their marrow bones. Cucumber is another favorite snack of theirs. Try introducing celery and cucumber slices to your pet.

It’s alright for your dog or cat to eat a little grass if they go outside, as long as you don’t spray your yard with dangerous chemicals or live in a community that sprays. You may even want to grow a wheat grass bed indoors for your cat. Sometimes when dogs and cats feel sick or unwell, they try to eat a large quantity of grass in an attempt to make themselves throw up, but this can actually create a dangerous blockage in your pet’s intestinal tract. Try to prevent too much outside grass consumption. Let your vet know if your pet is overeating grass outside or seek support online with a resources like this one.

An amazing way to bring greens into your animal’s life is to add a little barley grass juice extract powder or wheatgrass juice extract powder into their food. Vimergy has the highest-quality products that both you and your pet can use.

Grains & Pets

If your only choice is between low-quality, GMO dog food containing fillers, byproducts, and chemicals and homemade dog food that contains grains, I would recommend opting for the homemade, grain-containing dog food. You could combine cooked brown rice with a little bit of sweet potato, winter squash, broccoli, or celery and make a meal that is significantly better than a dish containing store bought GMO food. However, if you have the option to provide your dog or other animal with grain-free meal options, that would be a great direction to go. I like keeping my dog’s diet grain-free, but there are some types of animals that are dependent on grains and it is important to keep your unique pet in mind when creating his or her diet plan.

Cats, Dogs & Veganism

Some people feed their dogs a vegan diet. Even some cat owners feed their felines vegan. This type of diet can be beneficial short-term if you are trying to reverse an illness or disease in your dog or cat, but alongside the vegan diet it is critical that you bring in wild salmon oil. Because cats and dogs are carnivores they cannot thrive on a regular vegan diet. If you want to keep them on a vegan diet, incorporating wild salmon oil into their daily protocol is essential. You can find the brand of wild salmon oil I recommend, along with a host of other products, on the Medical Medium page of preferred pet products. Unlike cats and dogs, humans aren’t carnivores and are able to eat a vegan diet if they choose. That being said, humans are able to eat animal protein if they want, and I support whatever diet works best for you and your health. I’m not the biggest fan of an extremely high protein diet because a diet like that does not leave much room for healing fresh fruits and veggies, but some people feel okay keeping a bit of high-quality meat in their diet alongside an abundance of fresh fruits, leafy greens, and vegetables..

Deficiencies & Supportive Supplements

Addressing any deficiencies your pet may have is essential. Pet Health+™ by Ambaya Gold is a great multivitamin for helping reduce deficiencies. SeaMeal™, a kelp-based supplement by Solid Gold is another good option for providing your pet with some of the essential vitamins and minerals he or she needs. If your pet is suffering from deficiencies, it is vital you sprinkle a little bit of barley grass juice extract powder into his or her daily meals as well. I give my dogs the B-12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin which you can find on the Medical Medium preferred supplements page, and I’ve noticed a positive difference in their health. Others have noticed beneficial shifts in their pet’s health after incorporating B-12. B-12 is especially important if your pet is suffering from neurological or nervous system problems, but it can be a supportive supplement for virtually any ailment. You do not have to give your pet two dropper fulls or even one dropper full— just a few drops can help. If your dog or cat is larger in size, a couple more drops may be beneficial, but a generous amount is not necessary to see positive changes. Vitamin C, which is mentioned numerous times throughout this article, is a powerful supplement that can help support a number of health problems including neurological and central nervous system issues.

A drop or two of high-quality zinc can be helpful for animals, and can be especially beneficial for thyroid disease in dogs, cats, and other animals. Thyroid disease found in animals is very similar to thyroid disease found in humans. I share the true, unknown cause of Hashimoto’s disease, which is Epstein-Barr virus, with those suffering in my first book Medical Medium. Plus, my book Thyroid Healing goes into enormous detail on the undiscovered truths about thyroid disease and other thyroid conditions. This virus can get into the thyroid and cause major health issues. This information was unknown until I brought it to light, and now you are learning undiscovered information about the thyroid disease found in pets as well. The virus that gets into the thyroid of a cat, dog, or other animal is a mutated strain that falls within the Epstein-Barr family. Fortunately certain foods and supplements, such as zinc and vitamin C can help.

Although some people feel improvements using glucosamine and chondroitin, I’ve never seen it offer abundant support for serious joint and arthritis problems in humans. However, these supplements can actually be highly supportive in animals. Similarly, MSM seems to work even more effectively for pets than it does for humans. The brand Rescue Remedy has an alcohol-free tincture that is great for helping to keep pets calm and cool. Seeking out a great skin salvemay also be beneficial for some animals.

If you’re on the hunt for the right kind of high quality supplements that matter and can make a great difference in your pet’s health, check out the Medical Medium page dedicated to preferred pet products. You may also want to look at the line of alcohol-free, veterinary herbal extracts by Hawaii Pharm, which contains some incredibly high-quality options. You can find these products on the preferred pet products page as well.

Foods to Avoid

There are a few foods that you should avoid giving to your dogs, cats, and other animals. If you have a dog, try to keep grapes away from him or her. There is a phytochemical found in grapes that is actually toxic to dogs. Your dog, cat or other animal should also avoid eating certain avocados. A regular Hass avocado is okay for pets to eat, but other varieties of avocados, such as those grown in the West Indies and the larger avocado varieties found in Florida are not safe for your pet. If you don’t want to mess with learning about the different avocado varieties, it may be best to avoid feeding avocados to your pet altogether. However, if you know a little about the different varieties and want to give your pet a bit of a regular Hass avocado that would be a safe treat. Do not feed your dogs or cats macadamia nuts. And, as many pet owners already know, keeping your dog or cat away from chocolate is critical. Chocolate is poisonous to cats and dogs. When giving your pets supplements, do not use tinctures that contain alcohol unless it’s all you have to work with. It is best to stick to alcohol-free brands for the health of your pet.

Moving Forward with Healing

Our pets mean so much to us. Some people describe their pet as their baby, child, or best friend, and these sentiments are shared by countless owners. They are some of our closest companions and have been there through the best and worst moments of our lives.

Not only is it important to take care of your dog, cat, bird, horse, hamster, or other sweet animal, and provide for their health, but it is also important that you support your own health, so that your pets have the healthiest, most vibrant parent possible. If you’re struggling with your own health, check out my radio shows, articles, and other Medical Medium resources to find hope and information for your own healing journey, and also look into the support offered at holisticactions.com. Armed with this information, you and your pet can grow in wellness together. I have nothing but love for both you and your pet, and I believe that vibrant health is possible for both of you.



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