


安东尼:有些人开始疗愈以后, 太着急了,一下子想回到没有生病时的状态,什么都可以做,身体还没有准备好,就想跑步健身购物什么都可以进行。这会阻碍身体的疗愈。疗愈需要耐心,是前进三步 后退两步的过程,因为身体疗愈期间需要调整。文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/7736.html

其实我们都在疗愈,只是许多不是表面能看见或者感觉到的。神经疗愈需要时间,在你去除病原体和重金属之后 ,神经开始疗愈。请保持耐心,不要过度逼迫身体。







the medical medium here. you guys as your healing. and healing each day, you're going to expect to be indestructible. you're going to want your body where it was years ago before you even got sick, and i see this a lot out there as someone's healing. they push themselves harder and harder. give me more. give me more, give me more and more and more and more, you know, because and then you push yourself so hard, you get a set. and the minute you get that setback, i'm not healing. i'm not healing anymore. i'm not healing, something's wrong. meanwhile, you're way better than you were three months ago.

you're way better than you were six months ago, your way. your way better than you were a year ago, and so we tend to like want to grab for the stars we want to reach for the stars. and we do. but if we haven't, if we've been sick and we've been on mattress island or couch island, even couch island, a lot. and we haven't been at the top of our game, and we haven't been physically. mentally, emotionally where we were when we were at the best in our life, right. we're going to start healing, and we're gonna want it all. and we're gonna we're going to want it all real fast. and so then we're going to go do this.

we're going to go do that, then we're going to go travel, then we're going to go to the store here and the store there. and then we're going to go visit a friend, and then we're going to stay up on the phone. and then we're going to go try to work out and again, then we're gonna go running, and then we're going to go take a ten mile walk. the nature walk they were going to go. we're going to go in the stair master, and then we're going to go hit a hill to climb. and if we're not back to where we were, you know.

we're not back to where we were when we remember, when we were the strongest and the strongest, we're gonna just have a tantrum. meanwhile. we have to look at how much better we've come. and how far we've come along. you know, and what happens is that there's your body systems are all working for you. they're working hard for you when you give your body what it needs. unless you're not the unless you're not giving your body winning needs. and you're somebody that's not doing all the good stuff, all the say, the medical medium tools or doing all the right stuff, that's that's different.

because, you know, yeah, you might be missing so many things to heal, but if you're giving your body what it needs, your body's working for you wondering if at all. and if you're somebody with the neurological symptom, if you don't know what that is, that's like body pain, severe fatigue, fatigue, jaw pain, neck pain, head pain. right cake, blurry eyes, dizziness, floaters, brain fog. crippling anxiety, depression, whatever it is, right if you have neurological symptoms, your nerves are healing underneath it all. they're healing.

you just might not feel it entirely. yeah, you might get glimpses, and then those glimpses become like stronger and they become stronger. but you're going to then want to push yourself harder and harder. i know people, they were a mattress island for like three. four or five years and then now they're at the store and they're visiting friends and they're driving for the first time in years.

and they're doing all this stuff, and then they hit the wall because they they're pushing it so hard. their body wasn't ready that wasn't used to get into that point that it's not used to using all those muscles. it's not used to using all that brain power, and then when they hit the wall, they got scared and they panic. but they're so much better than they. and here's somebody that hasn't experienced that so much better than you were yet like.

you have an experience that get your body is working on it. couldn't imagine all the little the little magical things inside your body that are being fixed. the nerve tissue that's being. rerouted and healed cells, building brand new cells. growing toxins, leaving poisonous, leaving soul injuries leaving. and you're getting better internally when you're doing the right things and you're getting better and you're getting better. and have some compassion for yourself as your body's going through this, go slow when you're healing.

try to rebuild yourself back slowly. you know, i get it. so many people are starting to heal using medical medium, and they jump out of bed, and they're like. okay, i want to go back to everything it was before i want to do that five mile, walk real quick and then push some weights and grab some boxes and go to a friend's house on the same day and not have to take a nap. and i want to push myself to the limit. i wanna bring. you know, i want it to be where i don't even know what being sick. you'll get there, you'll get there, you'll get.

just have a little bit of compassion. some patients easy work up to it, work up to it. realize three steps up two steps back, three steps up, and then your body's like. well, we got to recalibrate and then two steps back, but you're healing, but you went another step up and another step up and then you go back two steps, that's okay, and boom, another step are two steps or three steps, so another step up. and you get there, you get there right, and then you know your body is working for you, and it's not going to let you down. right. and then you're like rehabbing, you're re-having after being six so long. you're re-having naturally, we having a little at a time, a lot of time. but when you hit that plateau because you're you want more. you want more and you want it. it's okay. it's okay. don't let it break your spirit just because you've gotten so much better now that you can push even harder, but then there's that limitation because you haven't built up yet.

i want to break your spirit. this is for the people who you know, they've really been down and out for a long time, and they're finally healing for the first time in years, and hey, it might be for you might be for you. that's only been sick for a couple of months, and that's really hard enough as. or sick for a few weeks or six months or so. and now you're you know you're getting back in the saddle and you're doing some healing your body's doing what it's got to do when you give it the right things, nerves take time to heal, nerves, take time to heal, and that's why almost everyone is sick with chronic mystery symptoms. it's because the nerves they need some healing time, so after you kill off your pathogens like you guys are doing medical medium information, you're cleaning up your toxins, you're getting rid of your toxic heavy metals, and then the nerves start healing. and you get a little stronger and a little stronger and a little stronger.

keep all this in mind, kind of compassion for yourself, your body loves you unconditionally and is working hard for you every single day. and you know, we love you guys.


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