原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-03-25 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/7731.html
1. 我是如何找到安东尼威廉信息的
2. 为什么我相信安东尼威廉的信息
我对这一切非常熟悉,因为我花了 3 年多的时间来寻找答案。然后在安东尼威廉那里我终于找到了对疾病的解释、原因,和如何支持我的身体自然疗愈。
你可能认为这与金钱有关,但你错了,因为任何人都可以通过博客、社交媒体甚至图书馆免费获得这些信息。这些信息没有广告,没有付费课程,没有赞助,没有营销,只有一个名叫安东尼·威廉(今年他60 岁了)的人分享他从高灵那里获得信息,以及全世界数百万人分享他们自己的疗愈故事和旅程.
3. 为什么坚持实践安东尼威廉方法?
你真的相信每天吃 5 种水果和蔬菜就足以对抗我们每天持续摄入的不健康食物所造成的影响吗?
4. 我是如何过渡到安东尼威廉生活方式的
在 2019 年 2 月开始实践安东尼威廉信息并不容易,那时我觉得这很难,主要是由于身体的高毒性和拒绝放弃我喜欢吃的威胁健康的食物诸如蛋奶等,因为这是唯一让我当时很开心,但身体却遭受痛苦的食物。
我从柠檬水开始,然后每天早上加入西芹汁。喝下后,我可以感觉到体内发生了某些变化。大约在同一时间,我决定放弃乳制品、蛋和所有动物制品。在看了几部纪录片并了解真相后,我对自己吃动物尸体感到厌恶。强烈推荐 你可以看下“Dominion”(可以在b站上搜纪录片“dominion”统治即可找到)。
大约 3 个月后,我开始加入重金属排毒果昔和所需补充剂,加入了B12 和锌,把食用油换成了更健康的选择,比如椰子油、牛油果油和橄榄油。
大约 1 年后,我不再吃大豆和玉米制品。随着时间的推移,我开始在午餐时间喝菠菜汤。几个月后,我在下午加入了一个水果果昔,一天中只在晚上吃熟食,这基本上是我现在的做法。我增加了补充剂。
Repost from @hemalm
I’ve always been intrigued to learn how people discovered @medicalmedium as he doesn’t have a marketing team like other businesses who spend millions on huge marketing campaigns, putting out posters and physical/digital adverts to become known.
It’s all mostly word of mouth/user created content, which I much rather prefer as it’s real life experience, as oppose to science studies and theories read from text books.
So one day, my parents were speaking with a relative, way before I had started MM, who spoke about their daughter suffering from chronic illness for many years. She had completely different health issues to me but had healed many of her debilitating symptoms, such as constant sharp nerve pain in her head.
My parents suggested I get in contact with my her and so I thought, why not as I’m not getting any better and had tried so many things by this point.
She told me all about MM and how pathogens and toxins were the root cause of my condition of severe fibromyalgia and all my other symptoms. It was fascinating to learn something I’d never heard before.
Unfortunately, as much as I believed every word she said, I somehow thought, this wouldn’t work for me as her symptoms were so different to mine. I also questioned the validity of the source of information.
So I disregarded it and continued on with my google searches to find an answer. A year later in 2019, whilst watching YouTube, a video popped up, I vaguely remember it being about someone healing on MM, so I started looking into it a bit more.
Then at my lowest point, out of desperation, I made the decision to start implementing the MM protocols by cutting out only some of the troublemaker foods at first such as dairy, eggs and gluten (which I had already cut out for many years prior due to digestive sensitives). After all, what harm could eating more fruit and veg do anyway?
Call it coincidence or divine intervention, I know why that video came to me at that very time ?
After just a couple of months, I felt changes in my body that I’d never experienced before, my symptoms felt as though they were weakening for brief moments, especially after drinking celery juice
s I continued to align my lifestyle more with MM and cut more troublemaker foods, added supplements, consumed the juices and smoothies, did the cleanses… even more subtle improvements kept occurring. I knew after the first week this was it, especially after reading the first book which I purchased later.
That’s my discovery story.
What I like about MM, is that it’s not about money and greed, but more about compassion for the chronically ill with real answers and real healing.
There are no adverts, no paid programs, no sponsorships with the supplement companies, no hidden agendas. He could choose to be a billionaire tomorrow if he started charging for it all. His information is comprised of books so everyone can access them for many years to come, even borrow from libraries.
Anthony William works tirelessly to write these books, conduct hundreds of free lives on social media, posting relevant health information to save us from suffering. He’s going against the world's biggest corporations who are trying to keep us all sick.
You only know when you’ve been through that suffering and feel permanent improvements when nothing else has ever worked. I’m truely grateful for discovering MM information as I honestly don’t know where I’d be without it ??.
Almost 3 years ago since eating clean and implementing @medicalmedium protocols, I’ve experienced gradual health improvements. It’s only due to these improvements that I believe in what I’m doing.
I was apprehensive at first, I mean most would never do it because it involves giving up the foods they love.
When you try all the drugs/treatments/tests recommended by conventional/alternative professionals for 3 years and it continues to fail you, you become more willing to try different approaches.
All I ever wanted was to find a way to heal my severe pain and all I got was false hope based on science theories and studies.
I started reading the very first MM book and like many others, they were words that finally made sense of my illness; how pathogens are the main culprit… I cried from relief.
So one day I started MM protocols, which isn’t anything unusual; it’s basically a structured and comprehensive way of consuming fruits, vegetables, herbs and high quality supplements to heal our bodies of illness and symptoms.
After a couple of months, I was noticing strange things happening with my symptoms, for the first time I had felt a subtle improvement, like a weakening of my muscle tightness for brief moments, something I had never felt before.
As the months continued, I incorporated more changes and continued to feel more improvements. Parts of my body started to release itself from the extreme tightness. That’s when I started to really believe in this, that’s why I’ve continued with it and then decided to drop everything else.
Belief in anything usually comes when you experience it yourself. It’s hard to take someone else’s word for it, hence why I share my journey to inspire, along with many other MM followers sharing their healing experiences.
Almost everyone has an illness of sorts whether they realise it or not, so it’s better to be proactive than leaving it too late and to suffer, as I did. MM information can help everyone.
There are millions who follow some aspect of an MM lifestyle, and from all that I’ve read and come across, everyone is healing their chronic illness and feeling better than they’ve ever felt in their entire lives.
When I finally decided to make a significant change to my diet and lifestyle, I had so many thoughts swirling around in my mind.
What am I going to eat? I'm always going to be hungry? How do I stop eating the foods I enjoy? I'll never be able to do it, will I?
It's innate in our upbringing, to fear something that changes, that differs from our comfort zone. It's only once we take the leap of faith, we look back in hindsight and come to the realisation that we're in a better place now than we were before.
The same applies with dietary changes. It was difficult for me to quit the unhealthy foods such as eggs, dairy, gluten, GMO foods, processed foods, animal products etc. as much as it is for anyone. I used to say, "I could never give up dairy?", "I could never give up meat?", "It's impossible to give up eggs"
In hindsight, I’ve felt significant health improvements than I ever did before, when I was trying to seek a wonder drug or treatment that could control my symptoms of extreme body tension and pain. I didn't want to let go of the foods that gave me joy and satisfaction.
This is what I learnt; we crave these unhealthy food groups because it creates an adrenaline rush. Our bodies have to produce extra adrenaline to break down these fats and as you may know, adrenaline is only supposed to be created in emergency circumstances...well according to our body, this is an emergency.
Our bodies are fighting hard to protect us from harmful foods that enter our organs and blood. Unfortunately, we aren't taught how to do that and instead, we're silently abusing our bodies every day. Why do you think almost every one you know has a symptom, illness or disease?
The pathogens that roam around our body seeking these types of foods, feed on them and produce toxins as a byproduct. These toxins are then free to go to the most vulnerable parts of your body and inflame it, which leads to symptoms, then eventually an illness.
Do you really believe 5 fruits and vegetables per day is enough to combat the abuse from the consistent intake of unhealthy foods we consume every single day?
After understanding how the body functions and how certain foods can lead to illness, it became much easier to let go of those food groups.
Some days there were cravings, this happens when a food is associated with a certain blend of adrenaline and toxins, and when it's released within your body, it signals you of that food, which pathogens want to feed on. It's temporary and it eventually passes.
Sometimes we have the urge for something sweet or salty. If sweet, then your body is asking for glucose from fruits, if salty, your body wants mineral salts from vegetables and leafy greens. That’s how it communicates with you.
This information can be quite overwhelming, but for me it took time to understand, quit the unhealthy foods (maybe a year) and experience the benefits. These experiences are what keeps me on this lifestyle, because it's working and can work for you too, with any health issue.
We all go at our own pace, so make one change at a time and you’ll realise it’s not so difficult. Try it, then you'll believe that it can work for you and improve your overall health.
It wasn’t easy starting Medical Medium protocols back in Feb 2019, to be completely honest I found it really difficult but that’s mostly due to high toxicity and refusing to give up the non-healing foods I enjoyed eating because it was the only thing that made me happy at the time, whilst in severe pain.
We all want instant results as that’s the mindset we’re all used to and the natural MM path is a slow but true healing journey.
So, I started with lemon water, then added in the celery juice every morning. I could actually feel something changing within me as a drank it. Around the same time, I decided to give up dairy, eggs and all animal products (even though I could still heal eating some meats), I felt disgusted at myself eating dead animals after watching a few documentaries and learning the truth. Highly recommend ‘Dominion’, free on YouTube.
After about 3 months, I began to incorporate the heavy metal detox smoothie and purchased the supplements required for it, one at a time. Then B12 and Zinc supplements were added. I switched my cooking oils to healthier options like coconut, avocado and olive.
Around the 1 year mark, I cut out soy and corn as they are GMO and all processed foods too. As time went on, I started drinking the spinach smoothie at lunchtime. Then a few months after that, I included another fruit smoothie mid-afternoon and only ate cooked food in the evenings, which I still mostly do now. My supplementation regime increased.
Earlier this year I decided to cut out all oils, salt, lentils and legumes. Only back in June, I went fat free everyday with some cheat days (of healthy fats) once or twice a month. I upped my supplements a bit more.
It’s been over 2.5 years now… that’s how long it’s taken me to achieve this lifestyle. As you can tell, this wasn’t an overnight thing, it takes time, the more toxic you are, the more challenging it gets.
Every change has brought upon improvements with my health, something medication nor treatments had ever achieved. That's what has kept me motivated.
It may appear on social media that myself along with many others in the Medical Medium community are living this lifestyle because it comes easy to us, but the truth is, it was and still can be incredibly mentally challenging. Because we understand it and feel the improvements, we encourage each other.
As the body cleanses and toxins are purged from the body, it becomes much easier over time as our taste buds adjust and cravings for bad foods dissipate. I still have some cravings for healthy fats but it’s way less than before. The cravings for unhealthy foods are now associated with chronic illness in my mind, as they feed the very pathogens that have caused my suffering.
Your journey will be different to mine and anyone else’s, so never compare yourself with others as it will only lead to failure in your mind. This isn’t a game to win, it’s a journey to get your life back and thrive. Make this about you and what serves your healing. If you truly want to heal, you can do it! Believe in yourself and have faith that it’s possible.
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!