夏枯草 Self Heal


原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-11-21 08:08文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/5021.html


夏枯草是一种神奇的药用花卉和草药,其英文名字叫做self heal(自我疗愈),顾名思义意味着具有巨大的疗愈功效,经常被用作茶或者酊剂治疗喉咙痛、发烧、腹泻、炎症以及心脏和肝脏问题。夏枯草含有强大的抗氧化物,以及天然抗生素功效,因其对免疫系统、心血管系统和淋巴系统的疗效出名。




Self heal (or heal-all) is a wonderful medicinal flower and herb which as the name suggests has tremendous healing properties. It is often taken as a tea or a tincture for sore throats, fevers, diarrhea, inflammation, and heart and liver problems. Self-heal contains powerful antioxidant and antibiotic properties which has given it a reputation for being excellent for the immune, cardiovascular, and lymphatic system.

It can help provide relief from tension headaches, edema, bronchitis, infections, viral conditions, vertigo, sensitivity to light, and high blood pressure. It also contains detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic, and astringent properties. Self heal has the unique ability to help pull heavy metals out of the body and is particularly beneficial for the liver.

Originally called “Heart of the Earth”, self-heal is a member of the mint family and has been given great reverence for hundreds of years due to its incredibly vast healing abilities. Self-heal is also excellent as a gargle for sore throats and as a mouthwash for canker sores and bleeding gums. Topically, it can be used as a poultice, salve, or cream to help aid in the healing of cuts, wounds, bee stings, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, goiters, lipomas, and varicose veins.

For women, self-heal is especially beneficial for lymphatic issues such as swollen breasts, fibrocystic cysts, and sore nipples, apply nightly for best results. Self-heal herb, tea, cream, or salve can be found online or at your local health food store. Self-heal is a small, but powerful herb worthy of a spot in your home medicine cabinet.


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