疗愈故事(43)- 白癜风的疗愈 Healing Story(43) – Vitiligo



原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-06-11原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4648.html


English Text is further down.












我是来自尼泊尔加德满都的Vinod Agarwal。

我有甲状腺疾病和白癜风。2009年甲状腺问题开始,2011年白癜风开始。我的一位医生朋友Nischal karki向我介绍了安东尼·威廉和他的书。










白癜风的原因和疗愈净化疗愈法基础系列(三) - 重金属排毒净化疗愈法





I am vinod Agarwal from Kathmandu, Nepal.

My story is that I have thyroid problems and Vitiligo too. Thyroid since  2009 and Vitiligo since 2011. One of my doctor friend Dr. Nischal karki told me about MM Anthony william and his books.

Since October 29th 2019, I started 16 ounce #celery juice in daily basis morning empty stomach. Since November 29th 2019 started smoothie HM detox smoothie. I am pure vegetarian. No eggs also right from birth. After listening to MM I have left milk and dairy products and also wheat and maida (white flour). No fried items so no bad fats.

3.5 months into my healing journey, my Vitiligo has improved : The brown spots has come , previously it was full white. I was so happy that this is improving.  In the above picture everyone can see the difference. This all was possible only because of @medicalmedium. The celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie is working brilliantly. I have lost 4 kg weight. I am becoming healthier. I like to mention a song here written by Richard Mekdeci " it's getting better every minute. Getting better every day". I am reading liver rescue book. It's just awesome book with full of information. It's unbelievable how we can transform ourselves.

1.5 years into my healing journey , I have a strong feeling of satisfaction.  I will not be wrong if I say I am floating on cloud nine. Celery juice and heavy metal detox smoothie is working tremendously on me. Also strictly following his advice on what to eat and not to eat. I AM RECOVERING FROM VITILIGO. My skin is brighter, I noticed black hair growth, bowel is getting better...but amazingly not to forget the intangible recovery like calmness, consistency, building more harmonious relationship with nature and many more. It is helping me a lot in meditation too. It seems that everything is settling in life.

See my white stops recovering from my both ears. It is so amazing that Vitiligo can be healed, it was unbelievable before I started to follow @anthonywilliam .Hat's off to @medicalmedium . If anyone is just considering to start celery juice it is NOW, immediately, this moment, right away !

It can be felt, it can be lived, but it cannot be understood, because understanding is a very small thing and the experience is a very big thing. The understanding cannot hold it, it cannot contain it. But experience can hold it.

A man has many doors to his being but ordinarily people get fixed, obsessed with one door. They become efficient in that. Somebody is an engineer and somebody is a doctor and somebody is an advocate; they get fixed. They become so efficient that they never bother to explore other doors of their being. This becomes their chief entrance -- from this they come in, from this they go out. By and by they become oblivious that the house has many rooms and many doors in it, many chambers and many hidden treasures. To be really enriched one needs to find different ways to enter one's own being. Mr. Anthony william is there to show us our way to the health door.

Now 2.5 years into healing journey, I thank you from my bottom of my heart@anthony william  for raising hopes, for healing all chronic illness. I also am filled with gratitude towards spirit for his guidance.

I wish to heartily thanks @anthonywilliam for his diligent work. He never leaves any stone unturned. He uses all the opportunities to enlighten people through Fb, Insta, sound cloud, interviews, YouTube, books and what not. I thank from my inner core to Anthony william and his spirit to show me the light towards health care.

I wish everyone on this planet must do @celeryjuice . It is our luck that we are associated with @medicalmedium.




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