西芹汁如何帮助改善掉发、头发减少、斑秃、秃顶等问题 How Celery Juice Helps Heal Hair Pb

原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-05-05原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4333.html





How Celery Juice Helps Heal Hair Thinning and Loss

Adrenal hormone deficiencies are commonly behind mystery hair thinning and loss. Now, the adrenal glands are complex. Medical research and science don’t yet study most of the hormones they produce; medicine is still in its infancy of understanding the adrenals. In truth, they produce 56 different blends of adrenaline for different situations in life, which you can read about in Medical Medium. They also produce more than just adrenaline and cortisol; they produce an abundance of hormones, including reproductive ones. Celery juice is suited to help them, because it’s almost as complex as the adrenal glands. Our diets are not fortified with everything our adrenals require, so the glands can sometimes starve of essential nutrients. As you read earlier, even celery grown in poor soil will possess critical sodium cluster salts, so no matter what crop of celery it’s made from, celery juice swoops in with its sodium cluster salts that specifically feed adrenal gland tissue. Once the adrenals receive celery juice’s cluster salts, balance can return to the glands and they can start to produce more of their specialized plant hormones, allowing critical areas of the body such as hair follicles to receive the “messages they need. The return of the hormones acts almost like plant food for the follicles, stimulating them to allow for hair growth. People will often notice that when they’re under less intense stress and in a happier place in life for long enough, they eventually experience less hair loss and maybe even new hair growth. That’s because the adrenals are in a more stable place, allowing them to support the hair follicles. When we’re under great stress, it’s the opposite: adrenaline and cortisol can saturate hair follicles, causing bouts of hair loss for many people in this position. We can’t always control what’s coming at us in life. Celery juice offers the adrenals and, by extension, the hair follicles support through both harder and happier times.




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