维生素C Healing Benefits of Vitamin C


Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2019-10-27原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3515.html

vitamin C 2.png文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/3515.html






vitamin C liver.png





三. 维生素C疗法

如果有以下任何病症,可以尝试锌疗法和维生素疗法:感冒、流感、尿路感染、麦粒肿、唇疱疹(单纯疱疹病毒1型)、单纯疱疹 2型、带状疱疹、皮疹、咳嗽、喉咙痛、鼻窦感染、肺部感染、口腔溃疡,或单核细胞增多症。细节请见维生素C疗法




Healing Benefits of Vitamin C

Many people are aware that vitamin C can help them recover from a cold or flu, but there’s much more to understand about how vitamin C supports our health. Vitamin C is essential to good health year round, not just when we are ill. In fact, it’s critical for our overall health and survival. Unfortunately, vitamin C deficiencies are rife today and lacking enough of this important vitamin can contribute to almost any disease.

Why Is Vitamin C So Important?

Vitamin Cis anti-inflammatory, helps increase our blood’s white count by strengthening our neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and macrophages; and generally boosts the immune system against viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold, and other unwanted fungus. This makes getting an adequate amount of vitamin C essential if you are battling a chronic illness or symptom.

The right kind of vitamin C also helps to cleanse the liver, blood and lymph, strengthen the adrenal glands, repair damaged neurotransmitters, and restore the central nervous system. It also helps the body to detox effectively, which is a challenge many chronically ill people face until they get the right detox-supporting nutrients.

Vitamin C also strengthens all levels of the liver’s personalized immune system. The liver uses vitamin C in all of its over 2,000 chemical functions. It not only detoxifies and cleanses the liver; it can also stop a sluggish liver, loosen and disperse fat cells stored inside the liver, and help the liver recover after bouts of stress-related adrenaline surges. Vitamin C can also help stop and repair scar tissue deep in the liver’s core. It can also help with nodules, tumors, and cysts.

The Best Sources Of Vitamin C

Different forms of vitamin Csupport our health in varying ways, so it’s important to know which high quality sources of vitamin C to turn toward. Some of the best food sources of vitamin C are rosehips, kiwi, oranges, tangerines, and tomatoes. You can read about the healing properties of these foods and their specific vitamin Cprofile in my book Life-Changing Foods. Another great source of one essential form of vitamin C (there are many) is from freshly juiced fennel. Drinking 16oz of straight fennel juice on an empty stomach daily can offer many wonderful health benefits over time. All fruits and vegetables contain some vitamin C, so focusing your diet largely on fresh produce will naturally help to boost your vitamin C intake.

Ester-C® is a supplemental form of vitamin C that can be very helpful for a wide range of people. The particular Ester-C® supplement I preferis especially effective because it contains important complementary bioflavonoids that support our health, along with the Ester-C® itself. It also contains rose hips, and the vitamin C in rose hips has the power to transform and activate  the other forms of vitamin C found in the supplement, along with any vitamin C from food sources you consume, making them stronger. Plus, the vitamin C in rose hips is the most bioidentical, bioavailable form of vitamin C in existence—that is, the most usable form for our bodies. Ester-C® is also very gentle on the system, so if someone has digestive issues or is very sensitive, this Ester-C® is a good choice.

Another great option is the liquid Liposomal C, which contains a potent and bioavailable form of vitamin C. Liposomal C rapidly enters the bloodstream so it’s quick-acting and effective. This ascorbic acid may be too potent and acidic for some sensitive people, so Ester-C may be a better choice and/or start with very small amounts of the Liposomal Cand increase a little over time. I have suggested dosages of these vitamin C supplements for different health symptoms and conditions in Liver Rescue.

Your Nutrient-Enhancing Friend

One way you or a loved one can amplify the vitamin C you absorb is to get direct sunlight on your skin when possible. The sun strengthens and enhances the absorption and function of every single nutrient, vitamin C included. Think of the sunshine as a vehicle for getting multivitamin and multimineral support to all your body systems! You don’t need to spend long in the sunshine, and sunburn should always be carefully avoided. Even five minutes in the sun early or late in the day when the sun is not full force can be very helpful. You can learn more about the sun and other critical aspects of healing in my free educational resource, The Healing Path.

As you can see, vitamin C is a critical mineral for our health and it deserves consideration as part of a health protocol.



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