《拯救大脑 》Brain Saver

 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-05-28 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14373.html





1. 《拯救大脑:大脑炎症、心理健康、脑雾、神经系统症状、多动症、焦虑、强迫症、抑郁症、重金属、EB病毒、癫痫、莱姆病、上瘾、老年痴呆症(阿尔兹海默症)、自体免疫和饮食失调的答案》

2. 《拯救大脑净化法和食谱:神经、自体免疫和心理健康的答案





• 上瘾

• 多动症

• 肌萎缩侧索硬化症(渐冻人症)

• 老年痴呆症(阿尔兹海默症)

• 焦虑

• 自闭症

• 平衡问题和头晕

• 贝尔面瘫

• 躁郁症(双相情感障碍)

• 脑雾

• 大脑炎症

• 大脑损伤

• 大脑肿瘤和囊肿

• 隆胸相关疾病

• 倦怠、精疲力尽

• 慢性愤怒症

• 颅神经问题

• 库欣综合症

• 失智症

• 人格解体

• 沮丧

• 自主神经失调

• 饮食失调

• 各类脑病变

• 纤维肌痛

• 专注力问题

• 胃轻瘫

• 格林巴利综合症

• 头痛

• 多汗症

• 失眠

• 颅内高压

• 关节和肌肉疼痛

• 学习障碍

• 新冠后遗症

• 狼疮

• 莱姆病

• 慢性疲劳综合症

• 脑膜炎

• 偏头痛

• 情绪变化

• 多发性硬化症

• 神秘恐惧

• 神秘恶心

• 神经痛

• 神经病

• 麻感和刺痛

• 强迫症

• 帕金森病

• 人格障碍

• 直立体位心动过速

• 精神病

• 创伤后应激障碍

• 重复性劳损

• 不安腿综合症

• 癫痫发作

• 抽搐和痉挛

• 耳鸣

• 抽动秽语综合症

• 颤抖

• 三叉神经痛

• 迷走神经问题

• 眩晕





• 什么叫做停滞大脑、合金大脑、病毒大脑、情绪大脑、颅神经发炎、上瘾大脑、酸性大脑,和烧坏、匮乏的大脑,所有这些意味着什么,以及你能做些什么

• 100 多种与大脑和神经系统相关的症状、疾病和失调背后的真正原因

• 深入了解导致精神、情绪和神经疾病如此普遍不为人知的原因:日常注意力不集中、情绪挣扎,甚至改变生活的诊断,诸如渐冻人症、帕金森症和新冠后遗症等。


在写书数月和数年中,内容在不断地增加。世界变化得更快。人类病得越来越重。高灵预先警告我未来 5 到 10 年及以后会发生什么。







• 威胁大脑健康的食物、补充剂和添加剂的详细信息

• 帮助疗愈的补充剂指南(300 多种症状和病症的补充剂信息和剂量)

• 为支持大脑健康而定制的 100 多种美味食物食谱

• 非常有效的大脑冥想和其他疗愈技巧

• 拯救大脑净化疗愈法和食谱、重金属排毒指南和全新大脑疗法的食谱。


以上是第8和第9本新书,安东尼威廉的第7本书《Cleanse to Heal》(2020年英文版出版),今年5月出版了繁体中文版,叫做《369排毒饮食圣经》,可以在淘宝或京东上搜索“安东尼威廉”找到(安东尼威廉所有书籍在文末列出),所有英文书籍均可在www.amazon.com亚马逊上找到。








I have a big announcement to share with you! I’m introducing not just one new Medical Medium book today, but two books! You can now pre-order my TWO new books, Book 7 and Book 8 of the Medical Medium Series:
Medical Medium Brain Saver: Answers to Brain Inflammation, Mental Health, Brain Fog, Neurological Symptoms, ADHD, Anxiety, OCD, Depression, Heavy Metals, Epstein Barr, Seizures, Lyme, Addiction, Alzheimer’s, Autoimmune & Eating Disorders
And it’s companion title:
Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes For Neurological, Autoimmune and Mental Health
Pre-order your copies at the link in profile or in insta stories.
It goes without saying that our brains are central to our health and wellbeing. We all know that we need our brains to function properly. But it often isn’t until we develop a neurological symptom, a mental or emotional health challenge, or another brain-related condition, that we really connect with just how important our brains are. It’s only then that someone might realize how very little is known about the brain in medical and health communities, both conventional and alternative. When someone has suffered, and can’t find real answers, this unfortunate truth becomes clear. Medical research and science simply do not yet have the answers people need to get out of neurological, autoimmune and mental health suffering.
I wrote these two Brain Saver books because the human race has never been in such a dire state as we are right now with our health. Answers are desperately needed, and that will become even more clear in the years to come as neurological, autoimmune, and mental health conditions exponentially increase. Already, the number of people suffering with these conditions is staggering. There is a way out for you, and I’m so honored to offer you the answers you have been seeking inside the pages of these companion books.
Best of all, Brain Saver offers a way forward with specialized healing techniques. In addition to fresh perspective on how to nourish your brain and reduce your exposure to everyday toxins and contaminants, you’ll find cleanse protocols, heavy metal detox guidelines, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy—quick hits of medicinals in liquid form, designed to bring instant relief when the brain is under particular stress. Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses and Recipes (more on this companion volume below) goes even deeper into the healing foods, recipes, and tools available to you.
The Brain Saver companion books address:
• Addiction
• Alzheimer’s
• Anxiety
• Autism
• Balance Issues & Dizziness
• Bell’s Palsy
• Bipolar
• Brain Fog
• Brain Inflammation
• Brain Lesions
• Brain Tumors & Cysts
• Breast Implant Illness
• Burnout
• Chronic Anger Disorder
• Cranial Nerve Issues
• Cushing’s Syndrome
• Dementia
• Depersonalization
• Depression
• Dysautonomia
• Eating Disorders
• Encephalopathy
• Fibromyalgia
• Focus & Concentration Issues
• Gastroparesis
• Guillain-Barr
• Headaches
• Hyperhidrosis
• Insomnia
• Intracranial Hypertension
• Joint & Muscle Pain
• Learning Disabilities
• Long-Haul COVID
• Lupus
• Lyme Disease
• Meningitis
• Migraines
• Mood Changes
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Mystery Fears
• Mystery Nausea
• Neuralgia
• Neuropathy
• Numbness & Tingling
• OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Personality Disorders
• Psychosis
• PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
• Repetitive Strain Injury
• Restless Legs Syndrome
• Seizures
• Tics & Spasms
• Tinnitus
• Tourette’s Syndrome
• Tremors
• Trigeminal Neuralgia
• Vagus Nerve Issues
• Vertigo, and much more 
If you’ve been searching for direction about brain, neurological, or mental health, the Brain Saver books give you the real answers. Whether you’re just starting out or your journey has taken you to multiple neurologists, internists, and functional medicine doctors, your time has come to discover the true cause of your suffering, move forward, and heal.
Brain Saver reveals:
• What it means to have a static brain, an alloy brain, a viral brain, an emotional brain, inflamed cranial nerves, an addicted brain, an acid brain, and a burnt out, deficient brain—and what you can do about it
• The true causes of over 100 brain and nervous system–related symptoms, diseases, and disorders
• In-depth insight into the unknown reasons for the epidemic of mental, emotional, and neurological suffering—from everyday struggles with focus, concentration, and mood to life-altering diagnoses such as ALS, Parkinson’s, and long-haul COVID
Brain Saver was always meant to be one book. But over the months and years of working on this book, the material just kept coming. The world was changing faster. People were getting sicker. And Spirit of Compassion was forewarning me of what’s to come in the next 5 to 10 years and beyond.
Not long after I handed the book in, my publisher called me to tell me there was no way it could all fit into one book, that it would be over 1000 pages. My choices were to either remove a significant amount of content or split the information into two companion books. I wrestled with taking parts of the book out, but the information is just too important, especially in this time on Planet Earth when we are up against so much, and increasingly so every year that passes. Every bit of Brain Saver is needed, and as a result, two companion volumes were born. The books are designed to stand alone, each volume filled to the brim with information you can put to use now, but you’ll get the most protection out of reading both.
With the advanced state of brain research today, it’s easy to think that we’re arming ourselves with knowledge about how best to care for our precious minds and brains. Are we? Or is the prevalence of Alzheimer’s, dementia, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, addiction, strokes, seizures, brain fog, fatigue, and more a sign that even with the headlines about mindfulness, neuroscience, and hacking the brain, we’re still all too vulnerable?
Burnout, deficiencies, panic attacks, vagus nerve problems, mental health struggles, neurological symptoms, and beyond—as you search for lasting relief, it’s easy to become lost and blame yourself, wondering what you did wrong. Answer: you’re not the problem.
Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes provides compassionate, life-altering guidance to help you heal from the vast range of brain and neurological symptoms, diseases, and disorders listed above that are covered in Brain Saver. With practical steps that you can customize to your unique needs, you will discover:
• Details on everyday foods, supplements, and additives that are putting your brain at risk
• A guide to the supplements that will support your healing—and how to use them for over 300 symptoms and conditions, with dosages included
• More than 100 recipes for delicious foods custom-created to support brain health
• Profoundly effective brain meditations and other healing techniques
• Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, like Brain Saver, also includes cleanse protocols, heavy metal detox guidelines, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapy.
You didn’t bring your suffering upon yourself. Whether your mission is recovery or prevention, you’ve found the answers you won’t find anywhere else about how to save your brain before it’s too late.
Pre-order your copies of Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes at the link in profile or in insta stories and join the millions who have found relief with Medical Medium information so you can finally live your best, most purposeful life.
Below  is AW's youtube live about his new book
YouTube live
Brain saver, neurological symptoms, mental health and more
1/2 May 2022
When you get these books your mind is going to be blown
Before the Medical Medium Books, there was just "Eat better" books
Medical Medium Books broke the mold
These books are going to change what is out there
I want people to have answers to why they're sick so they can heal
I talk about why the soul is entwined with depression
Every line in the book is advanced, mind blowing, and informative
Everyone is going mental out there
Everyone is struggling with mental health
Both books are important, they work off each other
Excessive sweating is in these books
Ringing in the ears is in here
Packed with information on foods for the brain
The anxiety chapter is like no other I have ever done
I have a chapter on why do people suffer from the unexplainable depression?
The industry is trying to funnel every single mental health disorder into OCD
I talk about what happens in the brain to create OCD
The bipolar chapter is an incredible chapter 
Dementia and Alzheimer's is going to be one of the big boys in the future
People are not going to be dying of cancer or heart disease they are going to be dying of Alzheimer's
In the next 10 to 15 years so many people will have Alzheimer's or dementia
 ALS is another big one for people around the corner
Nobody knew that these symptoms were neurological years ago
The old neurologist would say you have asthma, they wouldn't know that you had neurological asthma
The Neurologist would just tell you to go to see a psychiatrist
Schizophrenia is in these books
Spirit of compassion makes sure that these books were at a level like never before
They are going to prepare you what is going to happen in the future
People walk around with mild encephalitis and don't even know itPeople walk around with brain lesions
The new MRIs coming out will be even more sensitive
So many people have spots, I talk about spots in the book. Brain mass loss is definitely in here
It covers speech delay in children
People get mild strokes and don't even know it
It covers chronic anger disorders
It covers mental health in teenagers
 It covers chronic mystery guilt
It covers Cushing's disease
People suffer from depersonalization stuff and it goes in to guilt and depression
Grief happens to the brain
It has a whole thing on dyslexia
When you read and learn about eating disorders, woah!
People are losing their brains right now
They are seeing changes around the world
Peoples brains are dissolving
Excessive sweating, we don't need to get radical surgery and cut thingd out
Fibromyalgia big time
Focus and concentration issues are in here too
Neurological is not just a brain, it is the central nervous system
Neurological fatigue is Medical Medium information
I talked about EBV causing MS years ago they're only just discovering it now
Neurological gastroparesis is in here
People are getting Gilliam barre syndrome so fast
Mysterious itching and burning
Long-haul "Beep" and long-haul flu, 
Memory loss and forgetfulness
I was the only one that Said meniers disease is not caused by Crystal in the ears
I go into depth about  mood changes
Mystery fears and worries
This is not just about protecting your brain, it is about protecting your life
There is a brain shot therapy in this book
Activated charcoal literally tears your guts up
People don't know medical medium but they do the celery juice, and it's actually keeping them from getting Worse
That is what happens when you don't know where the sorce is from
I talk about every day brain health protocol
I love it when I see people come back from Alzheimer's disease and they start talking
There is an Ayahuasca recovery
So many people get brain damage from Ayahuasca 
That is in the Microdosing chapter 
When we have alcohol and get tipsy we don't know what happens to the brain
I go into detail about alcohol
People are  getting blood clots like crazy
There is a blood draw protocol before and after you get your blood drawn
Because of medical medium information, many people are going to get diagnosed with brain inflammation
Hold off on any type of Microdosing until you read the chapter
So you can make an educated decision
There is a Protocol for brain atrophy
There is a caffeine withdrawal protocol
There  are protocols for over 300 symptoms and conditions
They are 7 1/2 books worth of information
There is a chocolate and cacao withdrawal protocol
I am only just scratching the surface with the books
I have to learn the information given to me myself
People are different because of what has poisoned them, like viruses and heavy metals


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
