
 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-05-18 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/14235.html

























健康误区(37)- 健康油脂和脂肪的迷思






Pork Products 

Pork puts a heavy load on the pancreas, heart, and liver. If someone is eating pork—whether in the form of bacon, sausage, ham, pork chops, barbecue ribs, pulled pork, canned pork product, pork rinds, or lard—their blood becomes very thick. This is a different level of blood thickness than if someone were eating an avocado or a handful of nuts or a piece of salmon. 


The variety of fat in pork products, the consistency and heavy nature of it, saturates the blood like nothing else. Even if you think most of the fat in the pork you’re eating is gone—for example, if you cut the fatty part off a pork chop—you’re still getting a large amount of fat, more than the body can handle, because there’s fat intertwined throughout the meat. Blood thickened by pork fat is so hard on the pancreas, pushing the gland to labor so much by spilling many months’ worth of its reserves of insulin and enzymes to prevent calamity. Why? Because most everyone ends up eating a sugar pretty close on the timeline to eating pork, if not right alongside it, whether that sugar comes in the form of barbecue sauce, bread, or dessert. So while the high level of fat from the pork is still in our bloodstream, the pancreas is releasing insulin to handle the high level of sugar—and it’s that fat getting in the way of the sugar that puts the pancreas on overload to save us with months’ worth of insulin and enzyme reserves in one day. The pancreas can finally reach a point of exhaustion in this process. It has often landed people in the hospital overnight with cases of pancreatitis without anyone knowing that’s the real cause. 

Then there’s the part where pork fat gets in the way of detoxing and cleansing. When blood is this thick with fat, it can’t remove pathogens and toxins from certain organs such as the liver. The liver exhausts itself producing large quantities of bile to try to break down the fat in order to keep the blood thin enough that the heart doesn’t have to labor so much in the process of pumping blood through veins that are crowded with fat. When the bloodstream is this laden, it means virtually no cleansing whatsoever in the brain. We frequently talk about purifying the mind. When we’re eating pork, we work against that because we’re not cleansing the brain. Blood vessels filled with higher levels of fat because you’ve consumed any variety of pork means less oxygen getting to brain cells. It means fewer healing phytochemical compounds from the nutritious foods you’re eating (including celery juice) getting to brain cells too. Thick blood causes the heart to pump harder, and that means increased pressure in the blood vessels when blood finally enters the brain. While that pressure is in the mildest form, it’s pressure nonetheless—which ends up putting pressure on brain tissue. It’s pressure that pushes toxins deeper into brain cells rather than letting them leave, so that toxins end up accumulating in the brain. 

As I mentioned earlier in the book, you’ll find that any cleanse in this book focuses on lowering fats. One reason is to thin out the blood. When you thin the blood, poisons readily surface in cells and tissue and enter the bloodstream freely so they can finally exit your body. Avoiding pork products is a big part of giving yourself the chance to let go of toxins so your body and mind can heal. 


The reasoning behind keeping lamb out of a cleanse is similar to why you want to keep pork out of a cleanse: like pork, lamb is high in fat. Too much fat in the bloodstream slows down a cleanse or detox. Lamb isn’t generally quite as high in fat as pork is; that’s why it’s lower on my list of foods to avoid. It’s still higher in fat than most other animal proteins, though, and the goal in a cleanse is to make sure you’re not consuming too many varieties of fat, lamb being one of them.


Part of why a cleanse needs to be low-fat to no-fat is because when we’re detoxing, the heart has enough to keep up with as poisons exit the organs. As poisons and toxins leave our organs and enter the bloodstream, the goal is to keep our blood as thin as possible so these toxins can leave the bloodstream as quickly as possible through elimination such as perspiration from the armpits, bowel movements, and urination. Those poisons and toxins moving through the system already increase our heart rate mildly because nerve cell receptors in the brain detect that the blood is becoming toxic. This signals the brain to then send a direct message to the heart to accelerate its rate of pumping to flush toxins out of the bloodstream more quickly. That doesn’t have a negative effect on the heart if we keep the blood thin. 


If the blood becomes too thick from someone eating lamb (or pork, soy, or industrial food oils) while trying to cleanse, it’s like sucking jelly through a straw, and that becomes a burden on the heart. Now the heart must pump harder because the blood has become thick; it’s difficult to draw blood through the veins when it’s filled with fat. When you keep foods such as lamb out while cleansing, the blood can remain thin and more toxins and poisons can freely leave through the bloodstream. Heart rate can elevate slightly and safely as those troublemakers exit quickly, with no stress on the body. 


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