原创 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2022-11-18 原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/16674.html
我已经治愈了葡萄膜炎(这是由带状疱疹病毒引起的),以及其他五种带状疱疹变体和 50 多种 EB病毒引起的症状/状况。
葡萄膜炎是在 2014 年 10 月上旬因酒店房间的霉菌引发的,三天的大雷暴雨和大风期间,空调机组进水。由于大学橄榄球比赛,镇上的每个酒店房间都被预订了,所以我不能换房间。当然,那时我并没有意识到是霉菌引发了带状疱疹。第一天早上,我两只眼睛都有血丝。后来变成了一只眼睛。
我现在回想,带状疱疹已经进入我的喉咙并造成了这种可怕的疼痛。在葡萄膜炎的第一个迹象出现七周后,我的脖子侧面出现了三个大肿块。第二天,我做了活检,后来手术切除一个。当然,由于感恩节假期,手术被推迟了。最终发现没有癌变。之后葡萄膜炎在 1 月初以一只眼睛的形式卷土重来。那是我去看眼科医生的时候。
2016 年,我发现了安东尼威廉的第一本书,并开始实施 EB病毒和带状疱疹治疗方法。
在 2018 年我从穆妮萨(muneeza)那里了解到,随着时间的推移,你的视力将恢复正常,因此不再需要戴眼镜,方法是使用每日重金属排毒去除眼睛/身体中的重金属。
在 2018 年的同一次净化期间,我发现葡萄膜炎是由带状疱疹引起的。我的眼科医生不同意带状疱疹引起葡萄膜炎的说法。她还继续告诉我,我可能必须在余生中每天使用强的松类固醇眼药水。
葡萄膜炎来自非皮疹型的带状疱疹。我出现过一个轻微的爆发,我认为这是一种疗愈反应,但它没有进一步发展,当我感觉到它开始时,我把它掐死于萌芽中。我已经 4 年没有发作过了。
手术后我的眼睛发生了变化。手术后我的双眼都有 21/20。我的远距离视力不那么敏锐,尤其是我的一只眼睛有散光。手术一年后,我的视力是 20/20。由于加州大火增加了我的重金属,我的视力完全康复需要六年以上的时间。
您遵循安东尼威廉方法多久了?在 2016 年发现第一本书,在此之前我有葡萄膜炎问题一年半时间,我在大约三年内疗愈了我的葡萄膜炎。在我的安东尼威廉旅程开始1年后,我才加入西芹汁。第一本书没有强调西芹汁的重要性。此外,我还有颞下颌关节综合症、磨牙和扳机拇指,这些都是在我的葡萄膜炎时间范围内由带状疱疹导致的。在安东尼威廉生活方式的前 1.5 年治愈了我的 EB病毒问题后,一种新的带状疱疹皮疹立即出现,其中一种被疗愈,另一种出现在身体的另一个部位。这种情况一直持续到 2020 年 4 月,我终于完全痊愈了。
来自Alecia Umbereger的分享:
我整天都吃蒸土豆,每顿大餐都是蒸土豆(单独吃土豆,或者配生菜或其他蒸蔬菜,或者加入橙汁和蜂蜜)。除了土豆,我只吃富含碳水化合物的小米,通常搭配香蕉、肉桂或浆果。上个月我疯狂地吃,我总是很饿,每 2 小时我吃一顿蒸土豆或小米,因为我的肝脏需要额外的葡萄糖支持,因为我恢复得如此之快。
我坚持无脂肪和无盐饮食(过渡到无盐很困难,但只有几天艰难,然后你就不会回头了)。我每天吃 4 到 5 个苹果,也吃其他水果,大多是现在市场上出售的夏季水果。我每天吃一大份绿色生菜或菠菜。我从不错过肾上腺零食,永远包括水果。我每天喝 3升水(包括早上的 柠檬水),我的房间里一直有一个水罐来提醒我。每隔一天我也会喝 500毫升的百里香茶(相应减少500毫升水量)。
早上,我每天喝1升柠檬水 和一汤匙蜂蜜,和750毫升的西芹汁,我每隔一天喝重金属排毒果昔(一半剂量)。我还摄入维生素 C、锌、甲基叶酸和 B12,我准备加入猫爪草(我真的需要更多的抗病毒草本)。虽然我现在只摄入2粒维生素C和1吸管B12,似乎剂量不大, 但依然很有效(更多信息,请见:关于草本和营养补充剂)
我有严重的慢性疲劳,但过去几周我感觉很好,精力充沛。所有的辛勤工作终于得到了回报,我从 去年11 月才开始执行安东尼威廉方法。如果我感觉糟糕(我真的能感觉到毒素),我会立即喝500毫升的水或柠檬水,通常在 10-15 分钟内就能改善。如果我觉得自己很糟糕而且没有动力,我就会动起来去做一些事情(还是要小心),或者和朋友一起闲逛,或者只是坐在附近的公园里看手机、玩游戏或其他什么,我会感觉好多了。
我尽量光着膀子出去晒太阳。我的口袋里携带有水晶。我每天睡前冥想 15 分钟。我看着镜子,告诉自己我有多健康和强壮,一切都很好,很快就会比以往任何时候都好。我做这一切是因为我年轻,我想痊愈,重新过上正常的生活。我希望我以此激励其他人。
Below is the sharing from MM community regarding healing UVeitis
I have healed from Anterior Uveitis along with five other Shingles’ varieties and 50 plus EBV caused symptoms/conditions. The Uveitis was triggered in early October of 2014 by the mold in a hotel room because water was getting in by the air conditioning unit during a major thunderstorm with serious rain and wind for three days. Every hotel room in town was booked due to a University football game so I couldn’t change rooms. Of course, back then I didn’t realize that it was the mold that triggered the Shingles. I had blood shot eyes the first morning in both eyes. It later changed to just one eye. After eight or nine days the Uveitis disappeared so I didn’t make an eye doctor’s appointment when I had returned home from my trip. I didn’t know that I should have gone to an eye doctor during those initial days of infection. Six days later I was in the ER with the worst sore throat of my life. My test results came back negative for Strep throat. They prescribed a nasal steroid spray for the pain at bedtime that caused my eyes to see white streaks when I closed them.
I think now that the Shingles moved down into my throat and caused this horrible pain. Seven weeks after the first sign of Uveitis, I had three large lumps at the side of my neck. The next day, I had a biopsy done. Then later surgery to remove one. Of course, surgery was delayed due to the Thanksgiving holiday. In the end, it was not cancerous. As an added bonus, the Uveitis came back with a vengeance in early January in one eye. That’s when I went to an eye doctor.
The Prednisone eye drops caused cataracts in my Uveitis eye years later. So I now understand what Double Vision means! And later caused cataracts in my other eye. I had eye surgery to remove the first cataracts. I was not aware that they would put in a lens to correct my vision. I was clearly in shock with the Double vision for so many, many months. Also, the doctor did not have me sign a paper agreeing to the lens being surgically placed during cataract surgery. I was surprised to wake up the next morning and have perfect vision in that eye. Nearly a year later cataracts grew on my second eye, which required surgery and a lens. They made sure to have me sign the paperwork for the lens to surgically be done on the second eye.
In 2016, I discovered the first MM book and started implementing the EBV and Shingles healing protocols.
Of course, in 2018 during a Muneeza Cleanse I learned that over time your vision will return to normal so that you don’t require glasses anymore by removing the heavy metals in my eyes/body with the daily HMDS.
Ironically, since I have a lens in both eyes now my vision is worsening because of the heavy metals being removed, specifically the mercury for eyes. In the future, I will need to wear glasses because of the lens in my eyes that will not be the right lens anymore once my vision has return to normal vision.
I share this story in the hopes that when or if you require cataract surgery due to the steroid eye drops, I would recommend to refuse the lens that they surgically put in place when they do cataract surgery.
During that same Cleanse in 2018, I discovered that Uveitis was caused by Shingles. My eye doctor disagreed with the Shingles cause for Uveitis. She also continued to tell me that I may have to use the Prednisone steroid eye drops for the rest of my life at one drop a day.
Of course, she was wrong. I eventually healed my Uveitus.
Uveitis is from non rashing shingles. So work on that protocol from Cleanse to Heal. It's not listed specifically just find other diagnoses that list shingles as a cause. I had one mild flare that I think was really a healing reaction, and it did not progress, I nipped it on the bud as I felt it coming on. I have been flare free for 4 years now. If yours has been constant you will likely have to be quite strict with everything. And these pathogens are rarely in isolation. Good luck.
To Tina Crescent: I’m so sorry for your long term battle with Uveitis. My eye doctor had prepared me for possibly having to use the Prednisone eye drops of one drop for the rest of my life. Of course, she didn’t agree that Shingles caused the Uveitis. I think I was the first patient of hers to completely heal from Uveitis. She was rather shocked and stunned when she told me that I am completely healed.
Muneeza Ahmed reported that it took her six years of the daily HMDS before her eyes were healed vision wise. Also another Practitioner mentioned the same thing about the vision healing with HMDS.
My eyes are changing since my surgery. I had 21/20 in both eyes after the surgery. My long distance vision is not as sharp especially with my Stigmatism in one eye. A year after surgery my vision was 20/20. It will take me longer than six years for my vision to completely heal due to California fires increasing my heavy metals.
Yes, the doctors goofed. I recall them asking me if I wanted bi-focal lenses prior to the surgery. And I replied no. I can’t even handle reader glasses for long periods of time. They didn’t explain that they would be putting in corrective lenses. Could they have put a lens with no vision correction in the surgery? Probably not, as most doctors do not understand the healing aspects of removing the heavy metals from the body. It was blatantly obvious how they made a big deal for me to sign the paperwork about having the lens put in for my second cataract surgery that they needed the paperwork for my file.
I’ve worn glasses for distance since 4th grade. The cataract surgeon did not explain about the possibility of developing a secondary cataract. In one eye they were unable to remove the cataract completely. So my surgeon said that my eye doctor could handle it. She was the best student in her graduating class, but doesn’t do as many surgeries anymore due to family needs of a child.
How long have you been following the MM Protocols? I had healed my Uveitis in about three years after discovering the first MM book in 2016 and dealing with Uveitis for 1 1/2 years before MM. I did not bring in the celery juice until a year later in my MM journey. The first book didn’t emphasize the importance of celery juice. Also, I was dealing with TMJ, teeth grinding and trigger thumb, which are all caused by Shingles during my Uveitis timeframe. After healing my EBV in the first 1.5 years of MM lifestyle, a new Shingles rash variety appeared immediately with one variety healed and another one appearing in another body part. This continued until April 2020 when I was finally completely healed.
Do you have a MM Practitioner who does Emotion Code/Body Code to clear the blocked emotions to expedite your healing? It has made a big difference for me in my healing journey.
I eat steamed potato ALL DAY, every big meal is steamed potatos (potatoes alone or with lettuce or other steamed veggies, or just with the dressing - orange juice and honey). Besides potatos I only eat millet from the good carbs usually with banana and cinnamon or with berries. Last month im eating like crazy, im always hungry, like every 2h I eat a big steamed potato meal or millet, that means my liver needs extra glucose cause im healing so much. Im fat-free and salt-free (the salt-free transition was hard but only for a few days and then you dont even miss it anymore). I eat 4, 5 apples EVERYDAY, and ofcourse other fruit too mostly watery summer type fruit thats available on the market now. I eat one big portion of green lettuce or spinach everyday. I NEVER miss out on adrenal snacks - its not always the perfect combination but its glucose every time. I drink 100oz of water EVERYDAY (morning LW included), I have a pitcher in my room to remind me. Every other day I also drink 16oz of thyme tea (those days I drink 16oz less water).
In the morning I drink 32oz of LW with a tbsp of honey, 24oz of CJ, HMDS every other day with half dosages. Vit C, zink, 5-MTHF and B12. I only take 2 capsules of vit C and 1 dropperful of B12 because of my budget. I will buy and add cats claw next month (I really need more antivirals). I told you the dosages just to see its not even that much but it works greatly. All Vimergy of course.
I have a bad case of CFS, but last few weeks im feeling sooo good, so much energy. All the hard work is finally paying off and im on MM only since November. If I feel sluggish or crappy (I can literally feel those toxins) I immediately drink 16oz of water or lemonade and its usually better within 10-15min. If I feel shitty and unmotivated I just move and go do something (with caution of course) or hang with someone or just sit in the nearby park and scroll my phone, play games or whatever and I feel better. I try to get out in the sun shirtless as much as I can. I have crystals in my pocket all the time. I meditate 15min EVERYDAY before bed. I look in the mirror and tell myself how healthy and strong I am and that everything is OK and that soon its gonna be so much better than ever.
I do all this cause Im young and I wanna heal so bad and live my life normally again.
I hope I motivated someone with this. ️
Be strict, live the MM lifestyle and get your life back!! ?
Much love, Jakob ️
第三本书 关于甲状腺
第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源
第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。
疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!