疗愈故事(33)- 医生们的分享 Healing Story (33) Sharing from Doctors



原创 Anjani 蜂鸟健康TheHummingBird 2021-03-19原文文章源自安疗网https://www.anliao.life/安疗网-https://www.anliao.life/4252.html

English Text is further down



从 @karimas_inspirations 转帖


我为我的丈夫感到骄傲。作为传统医学背景的牙医,他能够探索新的疗愈可能。 饮食从未在他的生活中扮演过重要的角色。我记得他过去急着吃饭,甚至不吃饭。有时他会整天呆在牙科诊所,就靠几杯咖啡度日,甚至会忘记喝水。 几年前,他开始出现睡眠困难,并伴有关节疼痛,尤其是颞下颌疼痛、神秘的耳痛,却没有任何耳部感染的痕迹。脚后跟也会有莫名其妙的疼痛。他的运动表现开始受到影响,这让他很难过。他做了所有可能的检查,但却没有任何疾病的迹象。看似他身体非常健康,但他自己感觉并不是很好。这让他感到困惑,因为他不了解是什么原因导致了他的症状。他的确受到病症的影响,这让他以为自己陷入中年危机。 与此同时,我深深地被安东尼威廉的书籍所吸引,了解各类慢性疾病背后的真相,我为能找到这种疗愈方法而感到非常兴奋,我也意识到这将会极大地帮助到我丈夫。我希望可以启发他。我会大声朗读安东尼威廉的书。令我惊讶的是,他表现出了极大的兴趣和好奇心。他和我一起喝柠檬水、西芹汁、喝重金属排毒果昔;他白天开始多餐,饮食中加入了很多水果。他甚至在春天时进行了369净化疗愈法。他从一个不关心吃什么的人,转变为关注食物,而且食物开始对他具有完全不同的含义。他开始关注,并对来自于完全不同于传统医学的另一个源头的信息完全敞开,安东尼威廉关于食物、病毒、病原体和毒素的信息对他来说完全是有道理的。 今天,他完全摆脱了所有症状,恢复了活力,在运动中表现出色。他也在很高兴地与他的朋友和患者分享他的体验。



各类慢性疾病背后的真凶(一)- EB病毒(上)(下)




来自Dr. Nguyen Phan医生的转贴 当你走进我的诊室时,你会看到一系列安东尼威廉的书籍和他推荐的补充剂。这些补充剂是为了向来看诊的病人展示要购买的品牌是什么。我并不为了赚钱所以推荐安东尼威廉净化疗愈法。实际上,如果我是个“聪明”人,我会闭嘴、开处方,这一切只需要花5-10分钟,而不需要花更多的时间向别人解释安东尼威廉书籍中提供的真正疗愈信息。有些人不愿意聆听这些能让他们痛苦终止的信息,而宁愿以一如既往的方式过着自己的生活,这都没有问题。 现实有时让人沮丧,但更让人沮丧的是许多人每天依然在忍受各种痛苦的病症。我向那些人致敬。我向那些在安东尼方法疗愈道路上虽然前进3步,后退2步,但依然还是选择继续前进的人致敬。也许你是其中的一元。 说实话,在当今世界,我不想做女性,因为她们更容易受到病毒、肾上腺疾病和所谓的“自身免疫性疾病”的影响,并且更容易在身心层面受到评判,甚至这个世界让许多女性感觉自己造成了自己的疾病。深深感谢安东尼威廉在这个世界所做的工作。愿天下人都能疗愈。 注:女性之所以似乎罹患疾病率高于男性和例假周期和生育高度相关。因为女性在此期间许多免疫系统能量一直在分配给生殖系统,而男性免疫系统则不会有这样的波动。 例假期间:80%的免疫系统能量用于生殖系统排卵期间:40%的免疫系统能量用于生殖系统怀孕期间: 50%的免疫系统能量用于保护孩子分娩期间:90%的免疫系统能量用于保护孩子 同时孕期和分娩涉及大量肾上激素的分泌,如果不知道正确的饮食和如何保护自己,会让女性很容易受到疾病的侵袭。 更多女性健康信息,请见:




Repost from @karimas_inspirations  I am so proud of my husband. As a dentist with a traditional medical background, he was able to open up to new possibilities of healing.


Food had never played an important role in his life. I remember him rushing to eat, or he was skipping meals. Sometimes he would stay at the dental office the whole day surviving on a few coffees. He would even forget to drink water.


A few years ago, he started having difficulties with sleep accompanied by joint pains, especially the one in the jaws (TMG), he would get mysterious ear pain without any trace of ear infection. He also had inexplicable pain in his heels. His sporting performance started to suffer, which was very difficult for him to experience. He had every possible check-up, went through all the diagnosis and there were no signs of any disease. He was perfectly healthy, yet he didn't feel at his best. It confused him as he could not understand what could be causing his symptoms. He was really affected, and he started to believe he was in a middle-aged crisis.


At the same time, I was totally intrigued by @medicalmedium books, understanding the truth behind mysterious illnesses. I was so excited to find new possibilities for my healing, realizing that this could greatly help my husband too. I was hoping I could inspire him; I would read the paragraphs from the books out loud. To my huge surprise, he showed so much interest & curiosity. He joined me on drinking lemon water, celery juice, HMDS; he started to implement more meals during the day; he added lots of fruit in between. He even did the original 369 Liver Cleanse this spring. He shifted from not caring what to eat, to someone whose world around food took on a completely different meaning. He started to care & and he was willing to open up to new information that was coming from a totally different source to the one that he was used to relying on. The @medicalmedium information about food, viruses, pathogens & toxicity made complete sense to him.

Today he is free from his symptoms. He has his energy back. He can perform well in sports. He is happy to share his experience with his friends and patients.


Repost from Dr. Nguyen Phan, MD @drwithspirit When you walk into my exam room you'll see an array of Medical Medium books and supplements he recommends. The bottles are there to show people which exact brands to buy. I do not promote this way of healing because it makes me a lot of money. In fact, if I was 'smart' I'd just shut my yap, write a prescription, and charge people for a quick 5-10 minute visit without hitting on true-healing information found in the @medicalmedium books. Some don't want to hear information that could stop their suffering, preferring to go about their life the way they have always done, and that's ok, too.  It's frustrating. But not as frustrating as the brave women (and men) who just bear their debilitating symptoms on a daily basis. I honor those people. I honor those who despite the 2 steps back while on the MM healing path, the soldier on. maybe you're one of them. Honestly, I don't have the huevos to be a woman in today's world. They're more vulnerable to viruses, adrenal issues, so-called 'autoimmune illness' and are still being judged physically and mentally... or even made to feel that they caused their own illness. So thank you for being here and doing what you do. To your healing.


疾病和疗愈的各方面信息,以及安友们的实践分享记录。网站内容仅供信息分享,不作为临床医疗指导,不用于任何诊断指导或治疗依据。这些信息不是为了用作病患教育,也不建立任何患者与医生的关系,请读者理性阅读理解参考,本网站及负责人不承担任何相关法律责任。急症请及时就医! ~ ~愿大家健康快乐平安哈!

